10 research outputs found
Data file associated with Gangloff et. al 2017, "Among-individual heterogeneity in maternal behaviour and physiology affects reproductive allocation and offspring life-history traits in the garter snake Thamnophis elegans" published in Oikos (doi: 10.1111/oik.04204
Results from ANCOVA of relative limb measurements of <i>S</i>. <i>occidentalis</i> used in behavioral trials.
<p>Results from ANCOVA of relative limb measurements of <i>S</i>. <i>occidentalis</i> used in behavioral trials.</p
Model-adjusted least square means of relative limb measurements in campus and rural <i>S</i>. <i>occidentalis</i>, presented by county (SB: Santa Barbara; SLO: San Luis Obispo) and sex (Female/Male).
<p>Model-adjusted least square means of relative limb measurements in campus and rural <i>S</i>. <i>occidentalis</i>, presented by county (SB: Santa Barbara; SLO: San Luis Obispo) and sex (Female/Male).</p
Results of likelihood ratio test from logistic regression of four antipredator behaviors exhibited by <i>S</i>. <i>occidentalis</i> upon capture (biting), upon placement in a arena (confined escape behavior and response to predator stimulus), and upon release (escape latency).
<p>Confidence intervals (CI) are provided for each odds ratio.</p
Least square means of sprint behaviors on a field-portable race-track in campus and rural <i>S</i>.<i>occidentalis</i> by sex (Female/Male).
<p>Standard errors of the means are shown.</p
Proportion of individuals exhibiting different categories of antipredator behaviour in campus and rural <i>S</i>. <i>occidentalis</i>, presented by county (SB: Santa Barbara; SLO: San Luis Obispo) and sex (Female/Male).
<p>Proportion of individuals exhibiting different categories of antipredator behaviour in campus and rural <i>S</i>. <i>occidentalis</i>, presented by county (SB: Santa Barbara; SLO: San Luis Obispo) and sex (Female/Male).</p
Summary of differences between <i>S</i>.<i>occidentalis</i> living in campus and rural habitat types in Santa Barbara (SB) and San Luis Obispo (SLO) counties.
<p>Instances where no significant differences occur between campus and rural habitat types are indicated by a "~".</p
elgaria dryad
Elgaria multicarinata island dwarfism dat
coluber dryad
Coluber constrictor island dwarfism dat
pituophis dryad
Pituophis catenifer island dwarfism dat