318 research outputs found

    Simulation of Target Particles Emission for Neutrino Factory using FLUKA

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    The goal of the Neutrino factory project [1] is to design an intense neutrino source. The first stage of the neutrino production is the production of pions by hitting a mercury target with a 4 MW proton beam. This papers presents target simulations performed with FLUKA, a hadronic cascade code. The main objective of theses simulations is to optimize the target parameters (geometry, incident protons energy) considering particle production efficiency and radioprotection issues

    Giant spin-dependent photo-conductivity in GaAsN dilute nitride semiconductor

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    A theoretical and experimental study of the spin-dependent photoconductivity in dilute Nitride GaAsN is presented. The non linear transport model we develop here is based on the rate equations for electrons, holes, deep paramagnetic and non paramagnetic centers both under CW and pulsed optical excitation. Emphasis is given to the effect of the competition between paramagnetic centers and non paramagnetic centers which allows us to reproduce the measured characteristics of the spin-dependent recombination power dependence. Particular attention is paid to the role of an external magnetic field in Voigt geometry. The photoconductivity exhibits a Hanle-type curve whereas the spin polarization of electrons shows two superimposed Lorentzian curves with different widths, respectively related to the recombination of free and trapped electrons. The model is capable of reproducing qualitatively and quantitatively the most important features of photoluminescence and photocurrent experiments and is helpful in providing insight on the various mechanisms involved in the electron spin polarization and filtering in GaAsN semiconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Neutron Irradiation Tests of Calibrated Cryogenic Sensors at Low Temperatures

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    This paper presents the advancement of a program being carried out in view of selecting the cryogenic temperature sensors to be used in the LHC accelerator. About 10,000 sensors will be installed around the 26.6 km LHC ring, and most of them will be exposed to high radiation doses during the accelerator lifetime. The following thermometric sensors : carbon resistors, thin films, and platinum resistors, have been exposed to high neutron fluences (>1015^15 n/cm2^2) at the ISN (Grenoble, France) Cryogenic Irradiation Test Facility. A cryostat is placed in a shielded irradiation vault where a 20 MeV deuteron beam hits a Be target, resulting in a well collimated and intense neutron beam. The cryostat, the on-line acquisition system, the temperature references and the main characteristics of the irradiation facility are described. The main interest of this set-up is its ability to monitor online the evolution of the sensors by comparing its readout with temperature references that are in principle insensitive to the neutron radiation (i.e. Argon gas bulbs when working at about 84 K, and below 4.5 K, either helium gas bulbs or the saturation pressure of the superfluid helium bath). The resistance shifts of the different sensors at liquid helium temperatures are presented

    Neutron Irradiation Tests in Superfluid Helium of LHC Cryogenic Thermometers

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    For control and monitoring purposes, about 10,000 individually calibrated cryogenic temperature sensors will be installed along the 26.7 km LHC. In order to reduce maintenance constraints these sensor s should be as immune as possible to the high neutron fluence environment. For selecting the sensor to be used, a radiation hardness evaluation program at cryogenic conditions is being performed in an irradiation vault of the ISN SARA Cyclotron (Grenoble, France). The set-up is capable of simulating the whole life of a LHC thermometer: same total neutron dose (1015 n.cm-2), irradiation at low tempe rature (1.8 K) and thermal cycles. Bath temperature and sensor resistance are monitored on-line. This paper presents the latest results of this program

    Room temperature Giant Spin-dependent Photoconductivity in dilute nitride semiconductors

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    By combining optical spin injection techniques with transport spectroscopy tools, we demonstrate a spin-photodetector allowing for the electrical measurement and active filtering of conduction band electron spin at room temperature in a non-magnetic GaAsN semiconductor structure. By switching the polarization of the incident light from linear to circular, we observe a Giant Spin-dependent Photoconductivity (GSP) reaching up to 40 % without the need of an external magnetic field. We show that the GSP is due to a very efficient spin filtering effect of conduction band electrons on Nitrogen-induced Ga self-interstitial deep paramagnetic centers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Effective Lagrangian approach to nuclear mu-e conversion and the role of vector mesons

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    We study nuclear mu-e conversion in the general framework of an effective Lagrangian approach without referring to any specific realization of the physics beyond the standard model (SM) responsible for lepton flavor violation (LFV). We examine the impact of a specific hadronization prescription on the analysis of new physics in nuclear mu-e conversion and stress the importance of vector meson exchange between lepton and nucleon currents. A new issue of this mechanism is the presence of the strange quark vector current contribution induced by the phi meson. This allows us to extract new limits on the LFV lepton-quark effective couplings from the existing experimental data.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys Rev

    Relationship between seismicity and geologic structure in the Southern California region

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    Data from 10,126 earthquakes that occurred in the southern California region between 1934 and 1963 have been synthesized in the attempt to understand better their relationship to regional geologic structure, which is here dominated by a system of faults related mainly to the San Andreas system. Most of these faults have been considered “active” from physiographic evidence, but both geologic and short-term seismic criteria for “active” versus “inactive” faults are generally inadequate. Of the large historic earthquakes that have been associated with surficial fault displacements, most and perhaps all were on major throughgoing faults having a previous history of extensive Quaternary displacements. The same relationship holds for most earthquakes down to magnitude 6.0, but smaller shocks are much more randomly spread throughout the region, and most are not clearly associated with any mappable surficial faults. Virtually all areas of high seismicity in this region fall within areas having numerous Quaternary fault scarps, but not all intensely faulted areas have been active during this particular 29-year period. Strain-release maps show high activity in the Salton trough, the Agua Blanca-San Miguel fault region of Baja California, most of the Transverse Ranges, the central Mojave Desert, and the Owens Valley-southern Sierra Nevada region. Areas of low activity include the San Diego region, the western and easternmost Mojave Desert, and the southern San Joaquin Valley. Because these areas also generally lack Quaternary faults, they probably represent truly stable blocks. In contrast, regions of low seismicity during this period that show widespread Quaternary faulting include the San Andreas fault within and north of the Transverse Ranges, the Garlock fault, and several quiescent zones along major faults within otherwise very active regions. We suspect that seismic quiescence in large areas may be temporary and that they represent likely candidates for future large earthquakes. Without more adequate geodetic control, however, it is not known that strain is necessarily accumulating in all of these areas. Even in areas of demonstrated regional shearing, the relative importance of elastic strain accumulation versus fault slippage is unknown, although slippage is clearly not taking place everywhere along major “active” faults of the region. Recurrence curves of earthquake magnitude versus frequency are presented for six tectonically distinct 8500-km^2 areas within the region. They suggest either that an area of this small size or that a sample period of only 29 years is insufficient for establishing valid recurrence expectancies; on this basis the San Andreas fault would be the least hazardous zone of the region, because only a few small earthquakes have occurred here during this particular period. Although recurrence expectancies apparently break down for these smaller areas, historic records suggest that the calculated recurrence rate of 52 years for M = 8.0 earthquakes for the entire region may well be valid. Neither a fault map nor the 29-year seismic record provides sufficient information for detailed seismic zoning maps; not only are many other geologic factors important in determining seismic risk, but the strain-release or epicenter map by itself may give a partially reversed picture of future seismic expectance. Seismic and structural relationships suggest that the fault theory still provides the most satisfactory explanation of earthquakes in this region

    Nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double-beta decay and double-electron capture

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    A new generation of neutrinoless double beta decay experiments with improved sensitivity is currently under design and construction. They will probe inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass pattern. There is also a revived interest to the resonant neutrinoless double-electron capture, which has also a potential to probe lepton number conservation and to investigate the neutrino nature and mass scale. The primary concern are the nuclear matrix elements. Clearly, the accuracy of the determination of the effective Majorana neutrino mass from the measured 0\nu\beta\beta-decay half-life is mainly determined by our knowledge of the nuclear matrix elements. We review recent progress achieved in the calculation of 0\nu\beta\beta and 0\nu ECEC nuclear matrix elements within the quasiparticle random phase approximation. A considered self-consistent approach allow to derive the pairing, residual interactions and the two-nucleon short-range correlations from the same modern realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials. The effect of nuclear deformation is taken into account. A possibility to evaluate 0\nu\beta\beta-decay matrix elements phenomenologically is discussed.Comment: 24 pages; 80 references. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1101.214

    Updated analysis of meson-nucleon sigma terms in the perturbative chiral quark model

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    We present an updated analysis of meson-baryon sigma terms in the perturbative chiral quark model, which is based on effective chiral Lagrangian. The new feature concerns the inclusion of excited states in the quark propagator. Its influence on meson loops is shown to lead in particular for the pion-nucleon sigma term to an enhancement relevant for the current evaluation of this quantity. We also determine various flavor combinations of the scalar nucleon form factors and their respective low-momentum transfer limits.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Phys Rev
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