17 research outputs found

    Hepatitis C virus attenuates mitochondrial lipid β-oxidation by downregulating mitochondrial trifunctional-protein expression

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    The course of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and disease progression involves alterations in lipid metabolism, leading to symptoms such as hypocholesterolemia and steatosis. Steatosis can be induced by multiple mechanisms, including increases in lipid biosynthesis and uptake, impaired lipoprotein secretion, and/or attenuation of lipid β-oxidation. However, little is known about the effects of HCV on lipid β-oxidation. A previous proteomics study revealed that HCV interacted with both the α- and β-subunits of the mitochondrial trifunctional protein (MTP), an enzyme complex which catalyzes the last 3 steps of mitochondrial lipid β-oxidation for cellular energy production. Here we show that in HCV-infected Huh7.5 cells, lipid β-oxidation was significantly attenuated. Consistently with this, MTP protein and mRNA levels were suppressed by HCV infection. A loss-offunction study showed that MTP depletion rendered cells less responsive to alpha interferon (IFN-α) treatment by impairing IFN-stimulated gene expression. These aspects of host-virus interaction explain how HCV alters host energy homeostasis and how it may also contribute to the establishment of persistent infection in the liver

    Conversion of Sox2-dependent Merkel cell carcinoma to a differentiated neuron-like phenotype by T antigen inhibition

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    Viral cancers show oncogene addiction to viral oncoproteins, which are required for survival and proliferation of the dedifferentiated cancer cell. Human Merkel cell carcinomas (MCCs) that harbor a clonally integrated Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV) genome have low mutation burden and require viral T antigen expression for tumor growth. Here, we showed that MCV+ MCC cells cocultured with keratinocytes undergo neuron-like differentiation with neurite outgrowth, secretory vesicle accumulation, and the generation of sodium-dependent action potentials, hallmarks of a neuronal cell lineage. Cocultured keratinocytes are essential for induction of the neuronal phenotype. Keratinocyte-conditioned medium was insufficient to induce this phenotype. Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed that T antigen knockdown inhibited cell cycle gene expression and reduced expression of key Merkel cell lineage/MCC marker genes, including HES6, SOX2, ATOH1, and KRT20. Of these, T antigen knockdown directly inhibited Sox2 and Atoh1 expression. MCV large T up-regulated Sox2 through its retinoblastoma protein-inhibition domain, which in turn activated Atoh1 expression. The knockdown of Sox2 in MCV+ MCCs mimicked T antigen knockdown by inducing MCC cell growth arrest and neuron-like differentiation. These results show Sox2-dependent conversion of an undifferentiated, aggressive cancer cell to a differentiated neuron-like phenotype and suggest that the ontology of MCC arises from a neuronal cell precursor

    Characterization of a Merkel Cell Polyomavirus-Positive Merkel Cell Carcinoma Cell Line CVG-1

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    Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV) plays a causal role in ∼80% of Merkel cell carcinomas (MCC). MCV is clonally integrated into the MCC tumor genome, which results in persistent expression of large T (LT) and small T (sT) antigen oncoproteins encoded by the early locus. In MCV-positive MCC tumors, LT is truncated by premature stop codons or deletions that lead to loss of the C-terminal origin binding (OBD) and helicase domains important for replication. The N-terminal Rb binding domain remains intact. MCV-positive cell lines derived from MCC explants have been valuable tools to study the molecular mechanism of MCV-induced Merkel cell carcinogenesis. Although all cell lines have integrated MCV and express truncated LT antigens, the molecular sizes of the LT proteins differ between cell lines. The copy number of integrated viral genome also varies across cell lines, leading to significantly different levels of viral protein expression. Nevertheless, these cell lines share phenotypic similarities in cell morphology, growth characteristics, and neuroendocrine marker expression. Several low-passage MCV-positive MCC cell lines have been established since the identification of MCV. We describe a new MCV-positive MCV cell line, CVG-1, with features distinct from previously reported cell lines. CVG-1 tumor cells grow in more discohesive clusters in loose round cell suspension, and individual cells show dramatic size heterogeneity. It is the first cell line to encode an MCV sT polymorphism resulting in a unique leucine (L) to proline (P) substitution mutation at amino acid 144. CVG-1 possesses a LT truncation pattern near identical to that of MKL-1 cells differing by the last two C-terminal amino acids and also shows an LT protein expression level similar to MKL-1. Viral T antigen knockdown reveals that, like other MCV-positive MCC cell lines, CVG-1 requires T antigen expression for cell proliferation

    Role of Oxysterol Binding Protein in Hepatitis C Virus infection▿ †

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA genome replicates within the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex in the modified membranous structures extended from endoplasmic reticulum. A proteomic analysis of HCV RNP complexes revealed the association of oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) as one of the components of these complexes. OSBP interacted with the N-terminal domain I of the HCV NS5A protein and colocalized to the Golgi compartment with NS5A. An OSBP-specific short hairpin RNA that partially downregulated OSBP expression resulted in a decrease of the HCV particle release in culture supernatant with little effect on viral RNA replication. The pleckstrin homology (PH) domain located in the N-terminal region of OSBP targeted this protein to the Golgi apparatus. OSBP deletion mutation in the PH (ΔPH) domain failed to localize to the Golgi apparatus and inhibited the HCV particle release. These studies suggest a possible functional role of OSBP in the HCV maturation process

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    Epidemiological patterns of traumatic musculoskeletal injuries and non-traumatic disorders in Japan Self-Defense Forces

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    Abstract Background The epidemiological patterns of musculoskeletal injuries or disorders in military personnel have not been well documented and a better understanding is required for proper preventative measures and treatment. Here, we investigated musculoskeletal injuries or disorders among members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. Methods All orthopedic patients (n = 22,340) who consulted to Japan Self-Defense Forces Hospitals were investigated for their type of injury or disorder, the injured body part, the mechanism, and the cause of injuries. Results Thirty-nine percent of the cases were classified as traumatic injuries, and 61% were classified as non-traumatic disorders. Of the traumatic injury patients, the injured body part was the upper extremity in 32%, the trunk in 23%, and the lower extremities in 45% of the cases. The most common injured body location was the knee followed by the hand/finger and ankle. Exercise was the most common cause of injury, followed by traffic accident and military training. Contusions were the most common traumatic injuries, followed by sprains and fractures. Of non-traumatic disorders, the lower extremities were reported as the injured part in 43% of the disorders. Lumbar spine disorders were the most common non-traumatic disorders, followed by tendon and joint disorders. Conclusions Over one-third of orthopedic cases among members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces are traumatic injuries, with the knee being the body part most commonly injured and exercise being the leading cause of injury