68 research outputs found

    Lingue minoritarie e geografia. Una lettura territoriale dell'applicazione della Legge 482/99

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    Di seguito viene descritto il lavoro di sviluppo di un Sistema Informativo Territoriale a supporto del progetto di monitoraggio dei finanziamenti erogati utilizzando la legge 482/99 per la salvaguardia e valorizzazione delle Lingue Minoritarie. Sin dall’anno 2001 le pubbliche amministrazioni, in riferimento agli articoli 9 e 15 della Legge, possono presentare richieste di finanziamento per progetti collegati alla salvaguardia e valorizzazione delle lingue minoritarie al Dipartimento per gli Affari Regionali (d’ora in poi Dipartimento), Servizio Regioni a statuto speciale e Province Autonome per le politiche connesse alle autonomie speciali e delle minoranze della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Per l’attuazione degli interventi previsti dall’art. 4 della Legge le Scuole presentano domanda di finanziamento direttamente al Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. Tali progetti non sono ricompresi nel sistema di monitoraggio Questi progetti vengono analizzati da una apposita commissione che, in base alla coerenza con gli obiettivi della legge, delibera l’ammissibilità degli stessi ed i relativi finanziamenti. Per ogni progetto viene redatta in sede istruttoria una scheda cartacea sintetica che contiene, oltre alle indicazioni anagrafiche dell’ente presentante, gli obiettivi del progetto, la classificazione dello stesso, l’importo richiesto, l’importo ammissibile ed eventuali note. Nell’ambito di una azione attuata in accordo tra il Dipartimento, l’Associazione Nazionale Consorzi universitari (ANCUN) e l’ISAL (Istituto Studi Amministrazione Locale di Udine) si è deciso di informatizzare le schede progettuali sintetiche. Oltre al semplice caricamento delle schede cartacee su una base dati relazionale, si è ritenuto fosse utile, per le successive analisi, poter rappresentare le informazioni sulla cartografia per poter predisporre delle cartografie tematiche utilizzando anche dati socioeconomici, ed è quindi stato implementato un Sistema Informativo Territoriale. Un Sistema informativo Territoriale (SIT) o Geografic Information System (GIS) è un sistema in grado di rappresentare sulla cartografia banche dati alfanumeriche e di effettuare delle analisi predisponendo mappe tematiche

    Il paesaggio che cambia

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    Convegno: Paesaggio Rurale \u2013 Paesaggio Cultural

    T.E.A. Study: three-day ertapenem versus three-day Ampicillin-Sulbactam.

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    Background: Intra-abdominal infections are one of the most common infections encountered by a general surgeon. However, despite this prevalence, standardized guidelines outlining the proper use of antibiotic therapy are poorly defined due to a lack of clinical trials investigating the ideal duration of antibiotic treatment. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and safety of a three-day treatment regimen of Ampicillin-Sulbactam to that of a three-day regimen of Ertapenem in patients with localized peritonitis ranging from mild to moderate severity. Methods: This study is a prospective, multi-center, randomized investigation performed in the Department of General, Emergency, and Transplant Surgery of St. Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital in Bologna, Italy. Discrete data were analyzed using the Chi-squared and Fisher exact tests. Differences between the two study groups were considered statistically significant for p-values less than 0.05. Results: 71 patients were treated with Ertapenem and 71 patients were treated with Ampicillin-Sulbactam. The two groups were comparable in terms of age and gender as well as the site of abdominal infection. Post-operative infection was identified in 12 patients: 10 with wound infections and 2 with intra-abdominal infections. In the Ertapenem group, 69 of the 71 patients (97%) were treated successfully, while the therapy failed in 2 cases (3%). Therapy failures were more frequent in the Unasyn group, amounting to 10 of 71 cases (p = 0.03). Conclusion: According to these preliminary findings, the authors conclude that a three-day Ertapenem treatment regimen is the most effective antibiotic therapy for patients with localized intra-abdominal infections ranging from mild to moderate severity

    Assessing the positional accuracy of perceptual landscape data: A study from Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

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    Online GIS-based applications that combine mapping and public participation to collect citizens' voices on their surrounding environment are a way to collect original spatial data that do not already figure in authoritative data sets. However, these applications, relying on non-expert users, might produce spatial data of insufficient quality for the purpose for which they are collected. This article presents an approach for assessing the positional accuracy of vague landscape features, using the results from a map-based survey completed by a group of volunteers in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy. The spatial section of the survey, gathering both georeferenced data and textual information on the mapping activity, allows the assessment of whether there is a correspondence between the mapped features and the intended map locations. The findings reveal a greater accuracy among participants in completing the mapping activity relating to degraded sites than to those of beauty

    Morphology and composition of oxidized InAs nanowires studied by combined Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy

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    importance for semiconductor nanowires because of the high surface-to-volume ratio and only little is known about the consequences of oxidation for these systems. Here, we study the properties of indium arsenide nanowires which were locally oxidized using a focused laser beam. Polarization dependent micro-Raman measurements confirmed the presence of crystalline arsenic, and transmission electron microscopy diffraction showed the presence of indium oxide. The surface dependence of the oxidation was investigated in branched nanowires grown along the [0001] and [01 (1) over bar0] wurtzite crystal directions exhibiting different surface facets. The oxidation did not occur at the [ 011 (1) over bar 0] direction. The origin of this selectivity is discussed in terms transition state kinetics of the free surfaces of the different crystal families of the facets and numerical simulations of the laser induced heating