22 research outputs found

    Management Production Systems and Timing Strategies for Cull Cows

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    Randomized complete block design with repeated measures was used to determine management production systems and timing strategies of cull cows, by comparing average daily gain, net returns, at feed cost per gain of grass and dry lot over 42, 78, 111, 134, and 164 days. Two management systems and five timing alternatives for cull cows were compared. Data were measured at intervals for cull cows on grass vs. in dry lot from October 2007 to April 2008. Cows in both treatments gained weight initially (42 days) but average daily gain declined following the first 42 days and cost of gain generally increased for longer feeding periods (78, 111, 134, and 164 days). Overall, net returns for grass-fed cows exceeded those for dry lot cows for each period. Regression results revealed average daily gain positively affected net returns while beginning weight and feed cost per gain were inversely related to net returns. Sensitivity analysis for grass fed cows indicated that net returns would be positive even at high feeding costs as long as prices adjusted to seasonal patterns. Net returns would be more positive when market prices were seasonally high and feed costs were low. Sensitivity analysis for dry lot showed that net returns would be positive when market price was unseasonally high, but net returns would be negative for nearly all others combinations of prices and feed costs.Department of Agricultural Economic

    Value enhancement marketing strategies for cull beef cows

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    This study compares alternative marketing strategies with the traditional practice of marketing spring-calving cull cows in the fall immediately after weaning. Specifically, this dissertation investigates value-added marketing strategies for cull cows, with particular attention on how alternative feeding systems, beginning body condition scores and marketing cull cows as bred cows instead of as slaughter cows improve the salvage value. First, this work examines the profitability of delayed marketing of cull cows held in two different retention feeding systems. In each of three culling years, net returns based on physical performance data and financial data were measured at five approximately monthly intervals for cull cows retained on stockpiled native pasture versus a low-cost dry lot setting. Results favor the lower-cost, forage-based feeding program with spring marketing over fall marketing. Low-cost weight gain coupled with seasonal increases in slaughter cow prices combined to increase net returns for retaining and feeding cows on lower-cost forage for about four months. The impact of beginning body condition scores on net returns from marketing cull cows at culling or retaining cull cows for delayed marketing is also investigated. Net returns are examined across marketing periods relative to the use of body condition score at culling as a sorting trigger. While a pasture system was generally more profitable than a low-input dry lot system, cows with lower beginning BCS were more profitable than cows with higher beginning BCS, regardless of the feeding system. Finally, this study examines whether the salvage value of cull cows can be improved by retaining cows with a bull and marketing them as bred cows instead of as slaughter cows. Results reveal that marketing cull cows as bred cows was more profitable than marketing them as slaughter cows, regardless of retention systems or retention period length, assuming the producer has the resources to do so. Additionally, while results indicate that retaining cull cows in the dry lot system was not profitable if cows were marketed as slaughter cows, the retention system becomes profitable if cull cows can be marketed as bred cows

    Analyse économétrique des déterminants de la consommation des produits alimentaires dans la commune de Tahoua au Niger

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    The non-diversification and poor quality diets have been identified as the main causes of disease in developing countries. The promotion of a balanced and varied diet offers promising alternatives for ensuring sustainable food and nutrition security. The objective of this study is to determine the perception of urban consumers on food products. Data was collected using an experimental setup while the best and worst method was used to analyze the data. Results suggest that value of plant based products is significantly higher than that animal based products. In addition, the results indicate that regardless of socioeconomic characteristics, grains, meat, spices, dairy products and vegetables are the food products most appreciated by consumers. However, men appreciate the more important category, while women prefer the less important. Young people opt for the choice of the most important and while the old go for the less important. For marital status, the choice of the least important among the married dominates, while the choice of the most important among the unmarried dominates. In education, the uneducated and the educated are indifferent between choosing the least important and the most important. When income is low, the choice of the least important outweighs that of the most important, while in the middle income category, the most important outweighs that of the least. Results of this study will make it possible to develop strategies aimed at promoting a healthy, balanced and diversified diet in order to significantly reduce hidden hunger, especially among children and pregnant women. Keywords: Determinants, food and nutrition security, food products, consumersLa non diversification et la pauvre qualité des régimes alimentaires ont été identifiées comme les principales causes des maladies dans les pays en voie développement. La promotion d’un régime alimentaire équilibré et varié offre des alternatives prometteuses pour assurer une sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle durable. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la perception des consommateurs urbains sur les produits alimentaires. Les données ont été collectées à l’aide d’un dispositif expérimental tandis que la méthode du meilleur et du pire a permis d’analyser les données auprès de 160 consommateurs aléatoirement choisis. Les résultats suggèrent que la valeur des produits d’origine végétale est nettement supérieure à celle des produits d’origine animale. En plus, les résultats indiquent que quelles que soient les caractéristiques socioéconomiques, les céréales, la viande, les épices, les produits laitiers et les légumes sont les produits alimentaires les plus appréciés par les consommateurs. Les résultats de cette étude permettront de développer des stratégies visant à promouvoir une alimentation saine, équilibrée et diversifiée afin de réduire significativement la faim cachée surtout chez les enfants et les femmes enceintes. Mots clés: Déterminants, sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, produits alimentaires, consommateur

    Influence of Beginning Body Condition Scores on Net Returns From Feeding Cull Cows

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    The impact of beginning body condition scores on returns from feeding cull cows was investigated in a two year experiment. In each of two culling years, physical performance data and financial data were measured at approximately monthly intervals for culls on pasture versus dry lot. Specifically, data was collected for cows culled in October 2007 and held through April 2008 and for cows culled in October 2008 and held through March 2009. We examine the sensitivity of net returns relative to the choice of body condition score as a sorting trigger for heavy versus thin cows. In this two year study, while a pasture system was generally more profitable than a drylot system, thin cows were typically more profitable than cows with higher BCS, regardless of the feeding system. The importance of the sorting criteria is highlighted in year two. Using the lower BCS criteria for sorting is the only scenario that generates positive net returns, albeit small. Thus, decisions regarding cull cow retention and feeding should consider body condition scores.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Perception Paysanne des Techniques de Conservation des Eaux et des Sols et de Défense et Restauration des sols (CES/DRS) en Afrique de l’Ouest : cas du Burkina Faso et du Niger

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    L’Afrique sahélienne connait une baisse de la capacité productive de la ressource sol depuis les années 1970. Pour y faire face, des ouvrages de conservation des eaux et des sols et de défense et restauration des sols (CES/DRS), sont diffusés auprès des producteurs. Cette étude vise à déterminer les ouvrages les plus importants en matière de production agricole selon la perception des producteurs. La méthode a consisté à une collecte de données auprès de 194 exploitations agricoles (EA) dont 134 EA au Niger et 60 EA au Burkina Faso, à travers des questionnaires et des entretiens. Les variables collectées ont porté sur les caractéristiques socio-démographiques des EA et sur les 6 ouvrages les plus importants et les 6 ouvrages les moins importants, sur un total de 18 ouvrages CES/DRS. Les résultats indiquent que la superficie des champs en CES/DRS est significativement corrélée (R2 = 0,66) avec la surface totale des champs de l’EA. La perception des producteurs indique 4 ouvrages CES/DRS les plus importants. Il s’agit de l’apport de fumure organique (poids = 0,16), le Zaï (poids = 0,16), les cordons pierreux (poids = 0,12) et la demi-lune conventionnelle (poids = 0,09). Les ouvrages CES/DRS les moins importants pour les producteurs, sont les digues filtrantes (poids = -0,10), les périmètres irrigués villageois (poids = -0,09), les microbarrages (poids = -0,08) et le reboisement (poids = -0,07). Cette étude suggère donc que les intervenants dans le domaine de la récupération des terres dégradées au sahel, doivent focaliser leurs investissements sur la mise à échelle des ouvrages traditionnels, car mieux connus par les producteurs et présentant un intérêt pour eux. Sahelian Africa has experienced a decline in the productive capacity of the soil resource since the 1970s. To address this, water and soil conservation and soil defense and restoration (WSC/SDR) techniques are disseminated to producers. The purpose of this study is to identify the most important techniques for agricultural production according to the perception of farmers. The method consisted of collecting data from 194 farms (134 farms in Niger and 60 farms in Burkina Faso) through questionnaires and interviews. The variables collected concerned the socio-demographic characteristics of the farms and the 6 most important and 6 least important techniques, out of a total of 18 WSC/SDR techniques. The results indicate that the area of fields in WSC/SDR is significantly correlated (R2 = 0.66) with the total area of fields in the farm. Farmers' perceptions indicate 4 most important WSC/SDR techniques. These were organic manure (weight = 0.16), Zaï (weight = 0.16), stone bund (weight = 0.12), and the conventional half-moon (weight = 0.09). The least important WSC/SDR techniques for farmers were filter dikes (weight = -0.10), village irrigation perimeters (weight = -0.09), micro-dams (weight = -0.08) and reforestation (weight = -0.07). This study therefore suggests that stakeholders in the field of recovery of degraded land in the Sahel should focus their investments on the scaling up of traditional techniques, as they are better known by producers and of interest to them

    Management Production Systems and Timing Strategies for Cull Cows

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    Replaced with revised version of paper 06/04/09.Cattle, cull cows, management, marketing, production systems, timing, Farm Management, Marketing,

    Agribusiness Cluster Impact Analysis on Economics Effectiveness of Soybean Producers in Benin

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of agricultural clusters on the economic effectiveness of Benin's soybean producers. The questionnaire has been sent to a total of 360 of producers those belonging to an Agribusiness Cluster (ABC) and who do not participate. The invested producers were selected randomly. The data have been analyzed by the process of propensity scores matching (PSM), but before that the technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of these producers were estimated using the function of the stochastic borders. At the end of the analyses, the producers in the study area are average effectively at 53.64%. The results show that some of the method of estimating the ABC membership effect, the agribusiness cluster has a positive and significant positive effect on economic efficiency. So policies can be based on this tool in this perspective to make more produce producers globally. Keywords: Agribusiness Cluster (ABC); Economic efficiency; Pairing of propensity scores; Soybea

    Marketing cull beef cows: Does body condition score matter?

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Bilan D’activités De 10 Ans De Pratique D’endoscopie Urologique Au Niger : Résultats, Défis Et Perspectives

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    But: Rapporter les rĂ©sultats de la pratique d’endoscopie urologique au Niger, recenser les dĂ©fis et annoncer les perspectives. MatĂ©riels et MĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude descriptive rĂ©trospective allant du 1er janvier 2010 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2019 portant sur les dossiers des patients ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de procĂ©dures endoscopiques urologiques. L’étude s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e sur quatre sites du pays qui disposaient de matĂ©riel endoscopique urologique. Les paramètres sont : les caractĂ©ristiques sociodĂ©mographiques des patients, le type de procĂ©dure endoscopique, les indications, les rĂ©sultats. RĂ©sultat: Au total 5806 gestes chirurgicaux dont 535 procĂ©dures endoscopiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s sur la pĂ©riode d’étude. Treize (13) dossiers incomplets ont Ă©tĂ© exclus. Les activitĂ©s endoscopiques constituaient 9,21% de l’ensemble des activitĂ©s chirurgicales. L’âge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 49,60 ans avec un Ă©cart type de 18,15 et la tranche d’âge [41-60 ans] Ă©tait la plus reprĂ©sentĂ©e avec 36,21%. Le sexe ratio Ă©tait de 2,4 en faveur de l’homme. L’endoscopie Ă©tait diagnostique dans 90,04%. L’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©tait la procĂ©dure la plus pratiquĂ©e (88,70%) suivie de l’urĂ©trotomie interne endoscopique (UIE) (4,21%). La rĂ©section trans urĂ©trale de la prostate (RTUP) et la rĂ©section trans urĂ©trale de la vessie (RTUV) reprĂ©sentaient respectivement 0,96% et 1,34%. Les principales indications de l’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©taient l’hĂ©maturie avec 245 cas soit 52,91% suivie des SBAU avec 113 cas soit 24,40%. Les rĂ©sultats de l’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©taient dominĂ©s par les tumeurs de vessie (31,10%) ; l’hypertrophie prostatique (17,71 %). Conclusion : L’urĂ©trocystoscopie domine la pratique de l’endoscopie au Niger. Le vĂ©ritable problème demeure le manque de matĂ©riels d’oĂą la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’équiper les diffĂ©rents services d’urologie du pays. Aim: To report the results of the practice of urological endoscopy in Niger, identify the challenges, and to announce the prospects. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019 on the records of patients who underwent urological endoscopic procedure. The study took place at four sites across the country that had urologic endoscopic equipment. The parameters studied were: the sociodemographic characteristics of the patients, the type of endoscopic procedure, the indications, and the results. Results: A total of 5,806 surgical procedures, including 535 endoscopic procedures, were performed over the study period. Thirteen (13) incomplete files were excluded. Endoscopic activities constituted 9.21% of all surgical activities. The mean age of the patients was 49.60 years with a standard deviation of 18.15 and the age group [41-60 years] was the most represented with 36.21%. The sex ratio was 2.4 in favor of the male. Endoscopy was diagnostic in 90.04%. Urethrocystoscopy was the most frequently performed procedure (88.70%) followed by endoscopic internal urethrotomy (EIU) (4.21%). Transurethral resection of the prostate TURP and transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) accounted for 0.96% and 1.34%, respectively. The main indications for urethrocystoscopy were hematuria with 245 cases (52.91%), followed by lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) with 113 cases (24.40%). Urethrocystoscopy findings were dominated by bladder tumors (31.10%) and prostatic hypertrophy (17.71%). Conclusion: Urethrocystoscopy dominates the practice of endoscopy in Niger. The real problem remains the lack of materials. Hence, there is the need to equip the various urology services in the country

    Evaluating farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change: A case study of Kaou local government area, Tahoua State, Niger Republic

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    The study discusses local farmers’ strategies of coping with and building resilience against the negative impact of climate change. Information for the discussion was from data collected using a set of structured questionnaires from interviews scheduled with 128 farmers. The questionnaire was based on previous literature and direct reconnaissance interview with farmers, which culminated in 13 strategies used for the study being reported. For each question, respondents were asked to choose their best and worst strategies. Thus, the difference between the best and worst strategies consistent with random utility theory has been used for the modelling. Results show that semi-transhumance, various handicrafts making, rural migration, small-scale vegetable production and small-scale river exploitation were the most important strategies identified, whilst water transport and vending, shifting cultivation, gypsum mining, gathering and trading of wild fruits and edible plants as well as cattle and sheep fattening were the least appreciated strategies identified amongst the farmers facing climate change. These findings are therefore imperative for planning farmers’ capacity-building and resilience against climate change projects to ensure sustainability in the study area. Keywords: Farmers’ adaptation strategies; Climate change resilience; Kao