1,026 research outputs found

    Interference driven antenna selection for Massive Multi-User MIMO

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    Low-complexity linear precoders are known to be close-to-optimal for massive multi-input multi-output (M-MIMO) systems. However, the large number of antennas at the transmitter imposes high computational burdens and high hardware overloads. In line with the above, in this paper we propose a low complexity antenna selection (AS) scheme which selects the antennas that maximize constructive interference between the users. Our analyses show that the proposed AS algorithm, in combination with a simple matched filter (MF) precoder at the transmitter, is able to achieve better performances than systems equipped with a more complex channel inversion (CI) precoder and computationally expensive AS techniques. First, we give an analytical definition of constructive and destructive interference, based on the phase of the received signals from phase-shifted-keying (PSK) modulated transmissions. Then, we introduce the proposed antenna selection algorithm, which identifies the antenna subset with the highest constructive interference, maximizing the power received by the user. In our studies, we derive the computational burden of the proposed technique with a rigorous and thorough analysis and we identify a closed form expression of the upper bound received power at the user side. In addition, we evaluate in detail the power benefits of the proposed transmission scheme by defining an efficiency metric based on the achieved throughput. The results presented in this paper prove that antenna selection and green radio concepts can be jointly used for power efficient M-MIMO, as they lead to significant power savings and complexity reductions

    Constant envelope precoding by interference exploitation in phase shift keying-modulated multiuser transmission

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    We introduce a new approach to constant-envelope precoding (CEP) based on an interference-driven optimization region for generic phase-shift-keying modulations in the multi-user (MU) multiple-input-multiple-output downlink. While conventional precoding approaches aim to minimize the multi-user interference (MUI) with a total sum-power constraint at the transmitter, in the proposed scheme we consider MUI as a source of additional energy to increase the signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio at the receiver. In our studies, we focus on two different CEP approaches: a first technique, where the power at each antenna is fixed to a specific value, and a two-step approach, where we first relax the power constraints to be lower than a defined parameter and then enforce CEP transmission. The algorithms are studied in terms of computational costs, with a detailed comparison between the proposed approach and the classical interference suppression schemes from the literature. Moreover, we analytically derive a robust optimization region to counteract the effects of channel-state estimation errors. The presented schemes are evaluated in terms of achievable symbol error rate in a perfect and imperfect channel-state information scenario for different modulation orders. Our results show that the proposed techniques further extend the benefits of classical CEP by judiciously relaxing the optimization region

    Constructive Interference Based Constant Envelope Precoding

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    We present a new multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) transmission scheme for generic phase-shift-keying (PSK) modulations in the multi-user (MU) downlink channel, where Constant Envelope Precoding (CEP) is combined with concepts of interference exploitation. In the proposed approach, multi-user-interference (MUI) is treated as a resource for increasing the signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio (SINR) at the receiver side, in contrast with conventional precoding schemes from the literature which aim to minimize MUI. Two different CEP schemes are presented: a first technique, based on the application of the cross-entropy solver, and a two-step approach, based on an initial relaxation of the power constraints and a subsequent enforcement of per-antenna power constraints. The benefits of the proposed algorithms are evaluated in terms of computational costs and achievable symbol error rate (SER) in a perfect channel state information (CSI) scenario for different modulation orders. The analytical and numerical results show that interference-exploitation concepts are able to further extend the benefits of classical CEP

    A Penalty Method for the Numerical Solution of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) Equations in Finance

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    We present a simple and easy to implement method for the numerical solution of a rather general class of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations. In many cases, the considered problems have only a viscosity solution, to which, fortunately, many intuitive (e.g. finite difference based) discretisations can be shown to converge. However, especially when using fully implicit time stepping schemes with their desirable stability properties, one is still faced with the considerable task of solving the resulting nonlinear discrete system. In this paper, we introduce a penalty method which approximates the nonlinear discrete system to first order in the penalty parameter, and we show that an iterative scheme can be used to solve the penalised discrete problem in finitely many steps. We include a number of examples from mathematical finance for which the described approach yields a rigorous numerical scheme and present numerical results.Comment: 18 Pages, 4 Figures. This updated version has a slightly more detailed introduction. In the current form, the paper will appear in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysi

    Agregação e proteção física da matéria orgânica em Latossolo Vermelho sob plantas de cobertura de inverno e sistemas de preparo do solo em experimento de longa duração

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    The soil management systems cause changes to the aggregation and the stock of soil organic matter (SOM). The aim was to evaluate the influence of the winter cover crops and the tillage systems in aggregation and carbon (C) stock in soil and SOM fractions. The experiment started in 1986 at the Agronomic Institute of Paraná, in Pato Branco, in an Oxisol. The treatments are a combination of winter cover crops: black oat, rye, hairy vetch, common vetch, oilseed radish, blue lupine, wheat and fallow, and tillage systems: no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), in split plot design with three replications. Soil samples were collected in November 2012, in layers 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm. In study 1, the aggregate stability were performed through wet sieving for determination of the mean weight diameter (MWD) and the aggregate distribution in diameter classes, and also the organic carbon (OC) in the aggregate. In study 2 only samples of plots black oat, oilseed radish and fallow, under NT and CT, were used in performing the density fractionation of SOM to obtain the free particulate organic matter (free-POM) and occluded particulate organic matter (occluded-POM) was performed. The concentration of C in soil and in free- POM and occluded-POM were analyzed by dry combustion, but the C concentration in mineral-associated organic matter (min-OM) was obtained by calculating the difference. The stock of C in soil and fractions of SOM and carbon management index (CMI) were calculated. In study 1, for all layers, the soil under NT had higher amounts of large aggregates that CT, which resulted in higher MWD of aggregates. The winter cover crops had no significant influence on the MWD of aggregates. The NT showed higher OC content of aggregates for the three diameter classes in the 0-5 cm layer compared to the CT. The highest levels of OC were found in the diameter classes >2 and <0.25 mm in the three soil layers. In study 2, for the 0-5 cm layer, the NT had higher C stocks in soil, free-POM and occluded-POM compared to CT. And for winter cover crops, the soil with radish had the highest C stock for the free-POM in the surface layer. The min-OM promoted greater accumulation of C for all management systems and soil layers. The NT promotes an increase in the aggregation and soil C stock, and it enables greater action of protection mechanisms of SOM, indicating the higher quality of this system compared to CT

    An Efficient Manifold Algorithm for Constructive Interference based Constant Envelope Precoding

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    In this letter, we propose a novel manifold-based algorithm to solve the constant envelope (CE) precoding problem with interference exploitation. For a given power budget, we design the precoded symbols subject to the CE constraints, such that the constructive effect of the multiuser interference is maximized. While the objective function for the original problem is not complex differentiable, we consider the smooth approximation of its real representation, and map it onto a Riemannian manifold. By using the Riemmanian conjugate gradient algorithm, a local minimizer can be efficiently found. The complexity of the algorithm is analytically derived in terms of floating-points operations (flops) per iteration. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional methods on both symbol error rate and computational complexity

    Random Expert Distillation: Imitation Learning via Expert Policy Support Estimation

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    We consider the problem of imitation learning from a finite set of expert trajectories, without access to reinforcement signals. The classical approach of extracting the expert's reward function via inverse reinforcement learning, followed by reinforcement learning is indirect and may be computationally expensive. Recent generative adversarial methods based on matching the policy distribution between the expert and the agent could be unstable during training. We propose a new framework for imitation learning by estimating the support of the expert policy to compute a fixed reward function, which allows us to re-frame imitation learning within the standard reinforcement learning setting. We demonstrate the efficacy of our reward function on both discrete and continuous domains, achieving comparable or better performance than the state of the art under different reinforcement learning algorithms

    Estabilidade de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho sob diferentes plantas de coberturas de inverno e sistemas de preparo do solo.

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    Os sistemas de manejo agrícolas interferem nas características físicas do solo, principalmente na agregação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estabilidade de agregados do solo de um experimento de longa duração com plantas de cobertura de inverno e sistemas de preparo do solo. O experimento teve início no ano de 1986, no Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, em Pato Branco sob um Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico. Os tratamentos são uma combinação entre coberturas de solo: aveia preta, centeio, ervilhaca comum, ervilhaca peluda, nabo forrageiro, tremoço azul, trigo e pousio, e sistemas de preparo: plantio direto (PD) e plantio convencional (PC), dispostos em parcelas subdivididas com três repetições. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em 2012, nas profundidades de 0 a 5, 5 a 10 e 10 a 20 cm. A estabilidade de agregados foi determinada através de tamisamento a úmido, e posteriormente calculado o índice de diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP) dos agregados. O PD apresentou maior DMP na profundidade de 0 a 5 cm, enquanto que para o PC, o maior DMP ocorreu de 10 a 20 cm de profundidade. O pousio obteve o menor DMP diferindo das espécies de cobertura de inverno, para o PD de 0 a 5 e 5 a 10 cm de profundidade. A utilização de espécies de cobertura de inverno associada a sistemas conservacionistas de preparo do solo, com mínimo revolvimento, promove maior estabilidade da agregação do solo

    Low RF-Complexity Millimeter-Wave Beamspace-MIMO Systems by Beam Selection

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    Communications in millimeter-wave (mm-wave) spectrum (30-300 GHz) have experienced a continuous increase in relevance for short-range, high-capacity wireless links, because of the wider bandwidths they are able to provide. In this work, we introduce a new mm-wave frequency transmission scheme that exploits a combination of the concepts of beamspace multi-input multi-output (B-MIMO) communications and beam selection to provide near-optimal performances with a low hardware-complexity transceiver. While large-scale MIMO approaches in mm-wave are affected by high dimensional signal space that increases considerably both complexity and costs of the system, the proposed scheme is able to achieve near-optimal performances with a reduced radio-frequency (RF) complexity thanks to beam selection. We evaluate the advantages of the proposed scheme via capacity computations, comparisons of numbers of RF chains required and by studying the trade-off between spectral and power efficiency. Our analytical and simulation results show that the proposed scheme is capable of offering a significant reduction in RF complexity with a realistic low-cost approach, for a given performance. In particular, we show that the proposed beam selection algorithms achieve higher power efficiencies than a full system where all beams are utilized

    A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach to Interference Exploitation for Massive-MIMO

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    A novel low-complexity transmission scheme for Massive Multiuser Multi-Input Multi-Output (M-MU-MIMO) is proposed, where Transmit Antenna Selection (TAS) and beam-forming are jointly performed to exploit multiuser interference. Two separate solutions to the deriving optimization problem are proposed: a mixed-integer programming approach that can optimally solve the TAS-beamforming problem and a heuristic convex approach, based on the assumption of matched filtering beamforming. Numerical results prove that the proposed multiuser interference exploiting approaches are able to greatly outperform previous state-of-the-art schemes, where TAS and beamforming are disjointedly solved