10 research outputs found

    Osteochondroma of the First Phalanx in Tbourida Horses

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    This study aimed at describing anatomo-histopathological and imaging features, using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging on six ex vivo forelimbs of Tbourida horses, that presented a particular bone exostosis on the dorsal and proximal part of the first phalanx, diagnosed by X-ray. Gross anatomy of the bone exostosis revealed an irregular surface with poly-lobulated tissue masses showing a cauliflower shape. The diameter/depth varied from 0.5 to 5.1 cm with a mean of 3.9 ± 0.9 cm. The capsule of the metacarpophalangeal joint was hypertrophic and showed many invaginations in the inner part, in contact with the bone exostosis. Computed tomography revealed cortical and medullary continuity of the bone exostosis, with the underlying bone, and remodeling of the cortical surface of the dorsal and proximal part of the first phalanx. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an increased signal intensity of the bone exostosis on the T1- and T2*-weighted gradient fast echo. Histological examination of the bone exostosis revealed a cap of hyaline cartilage, including large foci of endochondral ossification with a base of cancellous bone surrounding marrow spaces, which confirmed the diagnosis of osteochondroma. The capsule of the metacarpophalangeal joint showed a large amount of recently formed connective tissue fibers in its inner part, interspersed with mature connective tissue. The hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joint during a Tbourida show, which occurs on a hard ground surface, and the use of hobbles in horse stabling are most likely responsible for the outgrowth of an osteochondroma of different shapes and sizes, and fracture complications in some cases

    Analyse génétique et relations phylogénétiques du cheval Barbe par l’utilisation des microsatellites

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    The aim of this study was to compare genetically Moroccan (MA) and Tunisian (TN) Barb horses and toe stablish the phylogenic relation between Barb horse and other horse breeds in Morocco by using microsatellites. First, 100 Moroccan barb and 100 Tunisian Barb horses were used. Genetic variability index between and inside the populations were estimated. 133 alleles were detected in the Moroccan population and 125 in the Tunisian. The mean number of alleles was 7.29 and 7.82 respectively for the Tunisian and Moroccan barb horse. The heterozygosity was almost similar in the two groups of Barb horses (TN = 0.716 and MA = 0.714). Fst was estimated at 0.0454 and 0.0780 respectively for TN and MA Barb horses. The Gst was also estimated at 0.012 and the Nei genetic distance at 0.05. The two populations are almost genetically similar and heterogeneous. Finally, 86,5 % of horses were correctly affected to their likelihood population. Secondly, 50 Arabian horses, 50 Arabian-Barb and 50 thoroughbreds and the 200 Barb horses previously studied were used to establish the phylogenic relationships. The use of 17 microsatellites showed that the Barb horses had specific alleles and the highest heterozygosity and the highest genetic distances were obtained with thoroughbred. The two Barb horse populations were highly combined in one side of the phylogenic tree. Key words: horse, barb, genetic analysis, microsatellites, genetic index, phylogenic treeCe travail s’est intéressé à la comparaison génétique entre les chevaux Barbes du Maroc et de Tunisie et à l’établissement des relations phylogénétiques entre le cheval Barbe et les autres races de chevaux existantes au Maroc par l’utilisation des microsatellites. Premièrement, 100 chevaux barbes marocains et 100 tunisiens ont été utilisés et les indices de la variabilité intra et inter-population ont été évalués. 133 allèles ont été détectés pour le Barbe marocain contre 125 pour le tunisien. Le NMA était de 7,29 et 7,82 respectivement chez le Barbe tunisien et marocain. Les taux d’hétérozygotie moyens étaient presque similaires chez les deux populations. Le Fst était de 0,0454 et 0,0780 respectivement chez le Barbe de Tunisie et du Maroc. Le Gst était très faible et la distance génétique de Nei était de 0,05. Les deux populations sont donc hétérogènes et pratiquement identiques. 86,5% des individus étudiés ont été affecté convenablement à leur population d’origine. Deuxièmement, 50 chevaux Arabe, 50 Arabe-Barbe et 50 Pur-Sang, en plus des 200 chevaux Barbes préalablement étudiés ont été utilisés. Le cheval barbe a présenté des allèles spécifiques et une forte hétérozygotie avec une distance génétique maximale avec le Pur-Sang. L’arbre phylogénétique a montré, un regroupement très significatif entre les deux populations Barbes d’un côté et les trois autres races de l’autre. Mots clés : cheval, Barbe, analyse génétique, microsatellites, indices de variabilité génétique, arbre phylogénétiqu

    Genetic analysis and phylogenetic relationships of the Barb horse through the use of microsatellites

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    The aim of this study was to compare genetically Moroccan (MA) and Tunisian (TN) Barb horses and toe stablish the phylogenic relation between Barb horse and other horse breeds in Morocco by using microsatellites. First, 100 Moroccan barb and 100 Tunisian Barb horses were used. Genetic variability index between and inside the populations were estimated. 133 alleles were detected in the Moroccan population and 125 in the Tunisian. The mean number of alleles was 7.29 and 7.82 respectively for the Tunisian and Moroccan barb horse. The heterozygosity was almost similar in the two groups of Barb horses (TN = 0.716 and MA = 0.714). Fst was estimated at 0.0454 and 0.0780 respectively for TN and MA Barb horses. The Gst was also estimated at 0.012 and the Nei genetic distance at 0.05. The two populations are almost genetically similar and heterogeneous. Finally, 86,5 % of horses were correctly affected to their likelihood population. Secondly, 50 Arabian horses, 50 Arabian-Barb and 50 thoroughbreds and the 200 Barb horses previously studied were used to establish the phylogenic relationships. The use of 17 microsatellites showed that the Barb horses had specific alleles and the highest heterozygosity and the highest genetic distances were obtained with thoroughbred. The two Barb horse populations were highly combined in one side of the phylogenic tree

    Seroprevalence of Equine Herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and Equine Herpesvirus 4 (EHV-4) in the Northern Moroccan Horse Populations

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    This study reports the first equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) and equine herpesvirus-4 (EHV-4) seroprevalence investigation in horse populations of Morocco in 24 years. It also aims to determine antibody titers in horses vaccinated under field conditions with a monovalent EHV-1 vaccine. Blood samples were collected from 405 horses, including 163 unvaccinated and 242 vaccinated animals. They were tested using a commercial type-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a virus neutralization test (VNT). Overall, 12.8% unvaccinated, and 21.8% vaccinated horses were positive for EHV-1. All samples were positive for EHV-4 when tested with the type-specific ELISA. In the vaccinated group, the VNT revealed a mean antibody titer of 1:49 for EHV-1 and 1:45 for EHV-4. The present study demonstrates that EHV-1 and EHV-4 are endemic in the horse populations in the north of Morocco, with prevalence differences between regions. Furthermore, horses vaccinated with a monovalent EHV-1 vaccine had low antibodies titers. This study highlights the necessity to establish and/or support efficient biosecurity strategies based on sound management of horses and characterize further and potentially improve the efficiency of the EHV vaccines and vaccination protocol used in the field

    Seroprevalence of Equine Herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and Equine Herpesvirus 4 (EHV-4) in the Northern Moroccan Horse Populations

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    This study reports the first equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) and equine herpesvirus-4 (EHV-4) seroprevalence investigation in horse populations of Morocco in 24 years. It also aims to determine antibody titers in horses vaccinated under field conditions with a monovalent EHV-1 vaccine. Blood samples were collected from 405 horses, including 163 unvaccinated and 242 vaccinated animals. They were tested using a commercial type-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a virus neutralization test (VNT). Overall, 12.8% unvaccinated, and 21.8% vaccinated horses were positive for EHV-1. All samples were positive for EHV-4 when tested with the type-specific ELISA. In the vaccinated group, the VNT revealed a mean antibody titer of 1:49 for EHV-1 and 1:45 for EHV-4. The present study demonstrates that EHV-1 and EHV-4 are endemic in the horse populations in the north of Morocco, with prevalence differences between regions. Furthermore, horses vaccinated with a monovalent EHV-1 vaccine had low antibodies titers. This study highlights the necessity to establish and/or support efficient biosecurity strategies based on sound management of horses and characterize further and potentially improve the efficiency of the EHV vaccines and vaccination protocol used in the field