772 research outputs found

    The application of BIM tools to explore the dynamic characteristics of smart materials in a contemporary Shanashil building design element

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    Traditional architecture is known for its crafted facade features that respond to environmental, social and cultural requirements. Contemporary architecture produced façade features that attempted to enhance local design identity and local culture. Despite the advantages of modern technology, architectural elements have difficulties in fulfilling the idea of sustainable elegance that once traditional elements provided. This problem calls for an interdisciplinary design approach to deliver sustainable design solutions that positively adapt to the surrounding environment as well as maintain the state of elegance in design. With this in mind, the research aims to explore the role of new glass technologies to improve the performance and at the same time maintain the design value of traditional façade element “shanashil” in Baghdadi buildings. This research utilises BIM tools and uses smart materials to restore the lost value in design, which mimics the dynamic characteristics observed in nature, inspired by biomimetics strategies. Such qualities are found in the characteristics of smart dynamic glazing material particularly in the switchable, reversible properties of transparency and coloration efficiency. The material characteristics are attached to a 3D digital prototype to visualise the difference between dynamic and static properties through the use of technology tools Revit plugin and smart glazing virtual reality prototype. This research concludes that the dynamic characteristics of smart glazing materials are effective in delivering a multifunctional design quality to collectively blend in harmony with the surrounding environment

    Non-Bayes, Bayes and Empirical Bayes Estimators for the Shape Parameter of Lomax Distribution

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    Point estimation is one of the core topics in mathematical statistics. In this paper we consider the most common methods of point estimation: non-Bayes, Bayes and empirical Bayes methods to estimate the shape parameter of Lomax distribution based on complete data. The maximum likelihood, moment and uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators are obtained as non-Bayes estimators. Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators are obtained corresponding to three informative priors "gamma, chi-square and inverted Levy" based on symmetric "squared error" and asymmetric "LINEX and general entropy" loss functions. The estimates of the shape parameter were compared empirically via Monte Carlo simulation study based upon the mean squared error. Among the set of conclusions that have been reached, it is observed that, for all sample sizes and different cases, the performance of uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator is better than other non-Bayes estimators. Further that, Monte Carlo simulation results indicate that the performance of Bayes and empirical Bayes estimator in some cases are better than non-Bayes for some appropriate of prior distribution, loss function, values of parameters and sample size. Keywords: Lomax distribution; maximum likelihood estimator; moment estimator; uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator; Bayes estimator; empirical Bayes estimator; informative prior; squared error loss function; LINEX  loss  function;  general  entropy  loss  function;  mean  squared  error

    The role of Znic in alleviating B-toxicity in plants differing in their sensitivity to boron in terms of rooting response of cuttings.

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    The role of Znic in alleviating B-toxicity in terms of adventitious root formation (ART) in cutting of plants differing in their sensitivity to boron such as Mung bean (sensitive ) ,Cucumber (Moderately tolerant ) and Tomato (tolerant ) has been carried out . The toxic level of B  in addition ,to the promontory  conc. Of Zn-salt was determined for each of the  above spp. Three of Zn-salts were tested ( sulphate ,nitrate and chloride ) and the best promontory salt is Znic sulfate in developing the higher number. of roots in addition to the best conc. of the same salt was 15,10,15 pmm for Mung bean , Cucumber and Tomato respectively ,comparing to other Zn-salt & their concentration . The toxic levels of boron was 200,300 and 400 µg/ml for Mung bean , Cucumber and Tomato respectively . These levels reduced growth parameters in terms of  rooting response to 50% or beyond (55.16% ,50.83% and 53.49% )for Mung bean , Cucumber and Tomato compared to control in addition ,to the localized toxic symptoms like necrotic spots at leaves edges of the a above 3- spp. respectively . Boron detoxification was occurred completely by supplying Znic  sulphate prior to toxic–B treatment (pre-treatment )in all spp. compared to its supply as post- treatment or simultaneously with    toxic –B . The protective role of Znic – sulphate was significantly enhances the average of root number /cutting to its levels in control treatment  ( in absence of toxic – B)in all spp. under study . Toxic levels of B for the above spp. were caused  significant damage for plasma- membrane of leaf tissues via permeability perturbation in terms of EC% with increasing 111.05%, 50.015%  and30.65 in cutting  of Mung bean , Cucumber and Tomato respectively . Whereas ,in seedling (in presence of root system ) the % of damage was declined to 83.74%,42.59% and 9.91% when exposed to B-toxicity .These results confirms the sequostration mechanism of boron in roots exclusively ,rather than its transport to leaves . Key woreds: Boron-toxicity, Boron-detoxification,Cucumber,Mung bean,rooting response ,Tomato and Znic

    Empirical analysis of rough set categorical clustering techniques based on rough purity and value set

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    Clustering a set of objects into homogeneous groups is a fundamental operation in data mining. Recently, attention has been put on categorical data clustering, where data objects are made up of non-numerical attributes. The implementation of several existing categorical clustering techniques is challenging as some are unable to handle uncertainty and others have stability issues. In the process of dealing with categorical data and handling uncertainty, the rough set theory has become well-established mechanism in a wide variety of applications including databases. The recent techniques such as Information-Theoretic Dependency Roughness (ITDR), Maximum Dependency Attribute (MDA) and Maximum Significance Attribute (MSA) outperformed their predecessor approaches like Bi-Clustering (BC), Total Roughness (TR), Min-Min Roughness (MMR), and standard-deviation roughness (SDR). This work explores the limitations and issues of ITDR, MDA and MSA techniques on data sets where these techniques fails to select or faces difficulty in selecting their best clustering attribute. Accordingly, two alternative techniques named Rough Purity Approach (RPA) and Maximum Value Attribute (MVA) are proposed. The novelty of both proposed approaches is that, the RPA presents a new uncertainty definition based on purity of rough relational data base whereas, the MVA unlike other rough set theory techniques uses the domain knowledge such as value set combined with number of clusters (NoC). To show the significance, mathematical and theoretical basis for proposed approaches, several propositions are illustrated. Moreover, the recent rough categorical techniques like MDA, MSA, ITDR and classical clustering technique like simple K-mean are used for comparison and the results are presented in tabular and graphical forms. For experiments, data sets from previously utilized research cases, a real supply base management (SBM) data set and UCI repository are utilized. The results reveal significant improvement by proposed techniques for categorical clustering in terms of purity (21%), entropy (9%), accuracy (16%), rough accuracy (11%), iterations (99%) and time (93%). vi

    Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of MWCNTS/ Epoxy and SWCNTS/ Epoxy Composites

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    تم دمج انابيب كاربونية نانوية احادية الطبقة وانابيب كاربونية نانوية متعددة الطبقات مع الايبوكسي وبتراكيز وزنية مختلفة تتراوح بحدود (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1 wt. %) وقد تم تصنيع هذه المادة النانوية بطريقة السباكة. من اهم التطبيقات لهذه المادة النانوية المركبة هي في المتحسسات, المشغلات والرادار  ولهذه الدراسة اجريت العديد من الاختبارات الميكانيكية مثل: اختبار الشد ، اختبار الانحناء والصلادة. كذلك تم استخدام العديد من الفحوصات لتحسين البنية المجهرية مثل الفحص بالمجهر الالكتروني الماسح ،  الفحص بحيود الاشعة السينية والفحص بمطياف رامان. وقد اظهرت نتائج هذا العمل ان هناك تحسن واضح في الخواص الميكانيكية للمادة النانوية المركبة مثل معامل يونك ، مقاومة الشد القصوى ، مقاومة الانحناء وصلادة شور. وقد اظهرت الصور المجهرية المؤخوذة بالمجهر الالكتروني الماسح ان الانابيب الكاربونية احادية الطبقة والمتعددة الطبقات قد تم تشتيتها بشكل متجانس في الاليبوكسي. من ناحية اخرى اظهرت نتائج الفحص بمطياف رامان وحيود الاشعة السينية نفس النتائج المجهر الالكتروني الماسح. اخيرا قد اظهرت جميع نتائج الخواص الميكانيكية والبنية المجهرية بأن الانابيب الكاربونية احادية الطبقة تعطي نتائج افضل من نظيرتها ذات الانابيب الكاربونية المتعددة الطبقات. The single – walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multi – walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) embedded into resin matrix with different weight concentrations ranging about (0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1 wt. %), the nanocomposites are synthesized by casting method. The main applications of this nanocomposites are in the sensors, actuators, radar. Mechanical tests were done for this study such as: tensile test, bending test and hardness test. Also many examinations were utilized to define the microstructure like scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The results of this work showed that obviously an improvement in mechanical properties of the processed nanocomposites such as young’s modulus, ultimate tensile strength, bending strength and Shore hardness. Also the micrographs of SEM demonstrated that SWCNTs and MWCNTs homogeneously dispersed into epoxy. On the other hand Raman spectra and XRD revealed that same results for SEM. Finally all the results for mechanical properties and microstructure evaluation show that SWCNTs give extremely higher values and properties than MWCNTs

    Deformation behavior of flexible pavements by finite element simulation

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    Flexible pavement is usually designed based on certain axle load limits and climatic conditions. The Iraqi code has specified certain load limits per each axle type that should not be exceeded. However, many trucks violate these limits by carrying additional weights to decrease the transportation cost. These overweight trucks cause severe deterioration to the pavement and thus reduce its life. The Iraqi authorities generally charges the violating trucks a penalty based on their weights. This penalty could be very small compared to the damage occurring to the pavement based on these over weights. Also, some trucks may carry huge weights that the pavement may not support, so unloading such trucks could be a suitable solution rather than paying few amounts of money and deteriorating the pavement. The study aims at studying the effect of axle load increase, and the variation in pavement moduli, on the overall pavement life. It also aims to estimate the overweight truck limits that could be penalized or unloaded. The research uses the ABAQUS software conditions to estimate the tensile strains occurring under the asphalt concrete (AC) layer and the compressive strains above the subgrade surface. These computed strains are incorporated in the fatigue cracking and rutting models to estimate the pavement life for different axle weights. Results showed that violating trucks should be unloaded when their weights exceed certain limits

    Iraqi Women’s Leadership and State-Building

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    After 2003, Iraq witnessed radical changes in its political system. These changes occurred after many wars, multiple sanctions, and an external occupation during which its infrastructure and institutions were destroyed until it became one of the failed states from which the most serious problems that affect international security and stability emanate. It has also become an environment of conflict and multiple renewed crises, the most important of which is a crisis of leadership and state-building, which has become a necessity to discuss. This research focuses on the topic of the leadership crisis in Iraq and we look to women as a possible leaders in resolving crises and peacemaking in the stage of building the Iraqi state, and on the possibility of applying the relationship between women leadership and nation-building and what this relationship means in the context of continued insecurity and stability. Our research looks at a set of important points: 1- The possibility of exploring the role of women leaders in the process of building the Iraqi state; 2- The political behavior of Iraqi women and their role in the process of state-building; 3- The possibility of women’s participation in conflict resolution and reconstruction after a series of internal political conflicts; 4- The possibility of determining the status of Iraqi women as leaders in the context of political transitions and clarifying the roles they have already played in the transitional phase. Are Iraqi women considered essential actors in the processes of achieving peace and building the state

    Hepatic Cryotherapy and Subsequent Hepatic Arterial Chemotherapy for Colorectal Metastases to the Liver

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    This paper presents an experience of thirty consecutive patients with hepatic colorectal metastases who were treated with hepatic cryotherapy and subsequent hepatic arterial infusion (HAI) chemotherapy using 5FU

    Density functional theory study of molecular structure, Electronic properties, UV–Vis spectra on coumarin102.

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    The various properties of the ground and excited electronic states of coumarins 102 using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) was calculated by the B3LYP density functional model with 6-31G(d,p) basis set by Gaussian 09 W program. Spectral characteristics of coumarin102 have been probed into by methods of experimental UV-visible, and quantum chemistry. The UV spectrum was measured in methanol. The optimized structures, total energies, electronic states (HOMO- LUMO), energy gap, ionization potentials, electron affinities, chemical potential, global hardness, softness, global electrophilictity, and dipole moment were measured. We find good agreement between experimental data of UV spectrum and TDDFT excitationenergies