24 research outputs found

    Kulturen i den hÄllbara staden : Slutrapport frÄn ett följeforskningsprojekt om Malmö stads kulturstrategi

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    I Malmö stads kulturstrategi 2014-2020 anges riktlinjerna för hur staden ska utveckla sitt arbete med kultur som redskap för en hĂ„llbar utveckling. För att ett strategiskt dokument som Kulturstrategin ska kunna fĂ„ effekt behöver det dock implementeras, i detta fall genom en kommunal handlingsplan. Det Ă€r genomförandet av den handlingsplanen som undersöks i denna rapport, som utgör slutrapport frĂ„n ett följeforskningsprojekt om Kulturstrategins implementering, genomfört under Ă„ren 2017-2018. Vilka positiva effekter fick implementeringsprocessen, och vilka hinder mötte den? Har Kulturstrategin lyckats stĂ€rka kulturens stĂ€llning i staden och har den medfört nya samarbeten pĂ„ kulturens omrĂ„den, inom och utanför den kommunala förvaltningsstrukturen? Dessa Ă€r exempel pĂ„ frĂ„gor som rapporten stĂ€ller. Rapporten lyfter ocksĂ„ in dessa frĂ„gor i det mer övergripande sammanhang som handlar om vilken roll kulturen kan spela för en hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling. För att reda ut denna frĂ„ga undersöker rapporten kopplingarna mellan kulturbegreppet, utifrĂ„n bĂ„de dess estetiska och antropologiska aspekter, och begreppet hĂ„llbar utveckling. HĂ„llbar utveckling brukar förknippas med tre dimensioner – en miljömĂ€ssig, en ekonomisk och en social – men hur passar kulturen in i detta sammanhang: som en aspekt av den sociala dimensionen, eller som en egen, fjĂ€rde hĂ„llbarhetsdimension

    Kulturen i den hÄllbara staden : Slutrapport frÄn ett följeforskningsprojekt om Malmö stads kulturstrategi

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    I Malmö stads kulturstrategi 2014-2020 anges riktlinjerna för hur staden ska utveckla sitt arbete med kultur som redskap för en hĂ„llbar utveckling. För att ett strategiskt dokument som Kulturstrategin ska kunna fĂ„ effekt behöver det dock implementeras, i detta fall genom en kommunal handlingsplan. Det Ă€r genomförandet av den handlingsplanen som undersöks i denna rapport, som utgör slutrapport frĂ„n ett följeforskningsprojekt om Kulturstrategins implementering, genomfört under Ă„ren 2017-2018. Vilka positiva effekter fick implementeringsprocessen, och vilka hinder mötte den? Har Kulturstrategin lyckats stĂ€rka kulturens stĂ€llning i staden och har den medfört nya samarbeten pĂ„ kulturens omrĂ„den, inom och utanför den kommunala förvaltningsstrukturen? Dessa Ă€r exempel pĂ„ frĂ„gor som rapporten stĂ€ller. Rapporten lyfter ocksĂ„ in dessa frĂ„gor i det mer övergripande sammanhang som handlar om vilken roll kulturen kan spela för en hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling. För att reda ut denna frĂ„ga undersöker rapporten kopplingarna mellan kulturbegreppet, utifrĂ„n bĂ„de dess estetiska och antropologiska aspekter, och begreppet hĂ„llbar utveckling. HĂ„llbar utveckling brukar förknippas med tre dimensioner – en miljömĂ€ssig, en ekonomisk och en social – men hur passar kulturen in i detta sammanhang: som en aspekt av den sociala dimensionen, eller som en egen, fjĂ€rde hĂ„llbarhetsdimension

    Ethical and existential perspectives : on the meaning of early Intervention

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    Kapitlet bygger pÄ erfarenheter frÄn det projekt om tidig intervention för barn med funktionshinder i Ryssland och Vitryssland som författaren deltog i och som genomfördes 2004-2009. Fokus ligger pÄ den tidiga interventionens etiska och existentiella implikationer.The chapter deals with ethical and existential implications of early intervention activites for disabled children, based on experiences from the Sida financed project Development and implementation of standard procedures of Early Intervention in Russia and Byelorussia, which was carried out between 2004 and 2009

    Religionssociologi och socialt arbete - har de nÄgot att sÀga varandra?

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    Muslim Rights and Plights. The Religious Liberty Situation of a Minority in Sweden

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    This dissertation deals with the religious liberty situation of the Muslim minority in Sweden. The Muslim minority has grown considerably in recent decades as a consequence of labour and refugee immigration of a large scale, which has caused a change in Swedish society from an etnically, culturally and religously homogeneous situation to one of a significant heterogeneity. Sweden's way from unity to multiculturalism has been bordered with difficult political considerations. The present trend towards a policy of integration is seen as a positive feature in the debate, although it is argued that to be successful, integration must be a matter of mutual adjustment, i.e., a process in which both the minorities and the majority society must take active part. During the last three centuries, Sweden has moved from religious unity to religious pluralism. This transition has been followed by shifts in religious liberty policy. From having been a country virtually void of religious liberty, Sweden shows today a far-reaching protection of religious rights. Historical processes which have been particularly conducive to this shift are immigration, religious revivalism, secularization and - as a consequence of these processes - a gradual severing of church-state ties. Today, the greatest challenges to religious liberty come from the presence of immigrant religious minorities which are new to Swedish society, and which it to some extent still finds it difficult to deal with. In the dissertation, the issue of religious liberty is discussed from the perspectives of human rights and minority rights discourse, Christian theology, political philosophy and sociology (particularly sociology of religion). In the latter context, the concept of "religious culture" is introduced as a means to analyze different opinions and attitudes regarding religious liberty. The presentation also covers Islamic perspectives on religious liberty and human rights in general, as well as accounts of Muslim religious liberty situations in five West-European countries: Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. These countries (and their respective religious liberty situations) display certain resemblances, but also significant differences. The Muslim immigrants' encounters with Swedish society have included several problems and areas of conflict. Some of the problems have concerned organizational, institutional and financial matters, matters of education and aspects of the right to religious observance. Alhough several of the perceived prolems remain, important advances in the Muslim religious liberty situation are shown to have occurred in recent years


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    Combating Inequalities through Innovative Social Practices of and for Young People in Cities across Europe : WP4 Malmö

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    This report is part of Work Package 4 of the research project entitled “Combating Inequalities through Innovative Social Practices of and for Young People in Cities across Europe” (CITISPYCE). CITISPYCE has been devised against the back drop of research which shows the disproportionate impact of the global economic crisis on young people across Europe. This includes excessively high rates of youth unemployment (particularly amongst those who face multiple social, economic and cultural disadvantages) and threats to the social provision enjoyed by previous generations. CITISPYCE partners are working on a three year multi-disciplinary, multi- sectoral programme to examine the current state of the art and ideas concerning social innovation against inequalities faced by young people, explore socially innovative practices being developed by and for young people in urban areas, and test the transferability of local models of innovative practice in order to develop new policy approaches. This report is about young people in the areas of North and South Sofielund in Malmö, their experiences and perceptions of problems of inequality and local responses to the inequalities