98 research outputs found

    Similarities and differences of chemical compositions and physical and functional properties of adjuvant system 01 and army liposome formulation with QS21

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    A vaccine adjuvant known as Adjuvant System 01 (AS01) consists of liposomes containing a mixture of natural congeners of monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL®) obtained from bacterial lipopolysaccharide, and a tree saponin known as QS21. Two vaccines containing AS01 as the adjuvant have been licensed, including a malaria vaccine (Mosquirix®) approved by World Health. Organization and European Medicines Agency for use in sub-Saharan Africa, and a shingles vaccine (Shingrix®) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The success of the AS01 vaccine adjuvant has led to the development of another liposomal vaccine adjuvant, referred to as Army Liposome Formulation with QS21 (ALFQ). Like AS01, ALFQ consists of liposomes containing monophosphoryl lipid A (as a synthetic molecule known as 3D-PHAD®) and QS21 as adjuvant constituents, and the polar headgroups of the liposomes of AS01 and ALFQ are similar. We compare here AS01 with ALFQ with respect to their similar and different liposomal chemical structures and physical characteristics with a goal of projecting some of the likely mechanisms of safety, side effects, and mechanisms of adjuvanticity. We hypothesize that some of the side effects exhibited in humans after injection of liposome-based vaccines might be caused by free fatty acid and lysophospholipid released by enzymatic attack of liposomal phospholipid by phospholipase A2 at the injection site or systemically after injection

    Human Erythrocytes Selectively Bind and Enrich Infectious HIV-1 Virions

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    Although CD4(+) cells represent the major target for HIV infection in blood, claims of complement-independent binding of HIV-1 to erythrocytes and the possible role of Duffy blood group antigen, have generated controversy. To examine the question of binding to erythrocytes, HIV-1 was incubated in vitro with erythrocytes from 30 healthy leukapheresis donors, and binding was determined by p24 analysis and adsorption of HIV-1 with reduction of infectivity for CD4(+) target cells. All of the cells, regardless of blood group type, bound HIV-1 p24. A typical preparation of erythrocytes bound <2.4% of the added p24, but erythrocytes selectively removed essentially all of the viral infectivity as determined by decreased infection of CD4(+) target cells; however, cell-associated HIV-1 was approximately 100-fold more efficient, via trans infection, than unadsorbed virus for infection of CD4(+) cells. All of the bound HIV-1 p24 was released by treatment of the cells with EDTA, and binding was optimized by adding Ca2+ and Mg2+ during the washing of erythrocytes containing bound HIV-1. Although the small number of contaminating leukocytes in the erythrocyte preparation also bound HIV-1 p24, there was no significant binding to CD4, and it thus appears that the binding occurred on leukocytes at non-CD4 sites. Furthermore, binding occurred to erythrocyte ghosts from which contaminating leukocytes had been previously removed. The results demonstrate that erythrocytes incubated in vitro with HIV-1 differentially adsorb all of the infectious HIV-1 virions (as opposed to non-infectious or degraded virions) in the absence of complement and independent of blood group, and binding is dependent on divalent cations. By analogy with HIV-1 bound to DC-SIGN on dendritic cells, erythrocyte-bound HIV-1 might comprise an important surface reservoir for trans infection of permissive cells

    Characterization and optimization of heroin hapten-BSA conjugates: method development for the synthesis of reproducible hapten-based vaccines

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    A potential new treatment for drug addiction is immunization with vaccines that induce antibodies that can abrogate the addictive effects of the drug of abuse. One of the challenges in the development of a vaccine against drugs of abuse is the availability of an optimum procedure that gives reproducible and high yielding hapten-protein conjugates. In this study, a heroin/morphine surrogate hapten (MorHap) was coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) using maleimide-thiol chemistry. MorHap-BSA conjugates with 3, 5, 10, 15, 22, 28, and 34 haptens were obtained using different linker and hapten ratios. Using this optimized procedure, MorHap-BSA conjugates were synthesized with highly reproducible results and in high yields. The number of haptens attached to BSA was compared by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) assay, modified Ellman’s test and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Among the three methods, MALDI-TOF MS discriminated subtle differences in hapten density. The effect of hapten density on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) performance was evaluated with seven MorHap-BSA conjugates of varying hapten densities, which were used as coating antigens. The highest antibody binding was obtained with MorHap-BSA conjugates containing 3–5 haptens. This is the first report that rigorously analyzes, optimizes and characterizes the conjugation of haptens to proteins that can be used for vaccines against drugs of abuse. The effect of hapten density on the ELISA detection of antibodies against haptens demonstrates the importance of careful characterization of the hapten density by the analytical techniques described. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00216-014-8035-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Antibodies to squalene in US Navy Persian Gulf War veterans with chronic multisymptom illness. Vaccine

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    a b s t r a c t Since the end of the 1991 Gulf War, there have been reports of unexplained, multisymptom illnesses afflicting veterans who consistently report more symptoms than do nondeployed veterans. One of the many possible exposures suspected of causing chronic multisymptom illnesses Gulf War veterans is squalene, thought to be present in anthrax vaccine. We examined the relationship between squalene antibodies and chronic symptoms reported by Navy construction workers (Seabees), n = 579. 30.2% were deployers, 7.4% were defined as ill, and 43.5% were positive for squalene antibodies. We found no association between squalene antibody status and chronic multisymptom illness (p = 0.465). The etiology of Gulf War syndrome remains unknown, but should not include squalene antibody status. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Causative factors behind poloxamer 188 (Pluronic F68, Flocor™)-induced complement activation in human sera A protective role against poloxamer-mediated complement activation by elevated serum lipoprotein levels

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    AbstractPoloxamer 188 is a complex polydisperse mixture of non-ionic macromolecules. Adverse non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions occur in some individuals following intravenous injection of poloxamer 188-based pharmaceuticals, presumably via complement activation. Here we have delineated potential causal chemical and biological interactive factors behind poloxamer 188-induced complement activation in human serum specimens. We identified the molecular constituents inherent in poloxamer 188 preparations and studied their effect on generation of the two complement split products, SC5b-9 and Bb. Poloxamer 188 activated complement at sub-micellar concentrations and the results indicated the potential involvement of all three known complement activation pathways. The poloxamer-induced rise of SC5b-9 in human sera was abolished in the presence of a recombinant truncated soluble form of complement receptor type 1, thus confirming the role of C3/C5 convertases in the activation process. Poloxamer 188-mediated complement activation is an intrinsic property of these macromolecules and was independent of the degree of sample polydispersity, as opposed to other non-polymeric constituents. Poloxamer 188 preparations also contained unsaturated chains of diblock copolymers capable of generating SC5b-9 in human sera; this effect was terminated following the removal of double bonds by catalytic hydrogenation. By quasi-elastic light scattering, we established interaction between poloxamer and lipoproteins; interestingly, poloxamer-induced rise in SC5b-9 was significantly suppressed when serum HDL and LDL cholesterol levels were increased above normal to mimic two relevant clinical situations. This observation was consistent with previously reported data from patients with abnormal or elevated lipid profiles where no or poor complement activation by poloxamer 188 occurred. Our findings could provide the basis of novel approaches to the prevention of poloxamer-mediated complement activation

    Natural antibodies against phospholipids and liposomes in humans

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    QS21-Initiated Fusion of Liposomal Small Unilamellar Vesicles to Form ALFQ Results in Concentration of Most of the Monophosphoryl Lipid A, QS21, and Cholesterol in Giant Unilamellar Vesicles

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    Army Liposome Formulation with QS21 (ALFQ), a vaccine adjuvant preparation, comprises liposomes containing saturated phospholipids, with 55 mol% cholesterol relative to the phospholipids, and two adjuvants, monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) and QS21 saponin. A unique feature of ALFQ is the formation of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) having diameters >1.0 µm, due to a remarkable fusion event initiated during the addition of QS21 to nanoliposomes containing MPLA and 55 mol% cholesterol relative to the total phospholipids. This results in a polydisperse size distribution of ALFQ particles, with diameters ranging from ~50 nm to ~30,000 nm. The purpose of this work was to gain insights into the unique fusion reaction of nanovesicles leading to GUVs induced by QS21. This fusion reaction was probed by comparing the lipid compositions and structures of vesicles purified from ALFQ, which were >1 µm (i.e., GUVs) and the smaller vesicles with diameter <1 µm. Here, we demonstrate that after differential centrifugation, cholesterol, MPLA, and QS21 in the liposomal phospholipid bilayers were present mainly in GUVs (in the pellet). Presumably, this occurred by rapid lateral diffusion during the transition from nanosize to microsize particles. While liposomal phospholipid recoveries by weight in the pellet and supernatant were 44% and 36%, respectively, higher percentages by weight of the cholesterol (~88%), MPLA (94%), and QS21 (96%) were recovered in the pellet containing GUVs, and ≤10% of these individual liposomal constituents were recovered in the supernatant. Despite the polydispersity of ALFQ, most of the cholesterol, and almost all of the adjuvant molecules, were present in the GUVs. We hypothesize that the binding of QS21 to cholesterol caused new structural nanodomains, and subsequent interleaflet coupling in the lipid bilayer might have initiated the fusion process, leading to creation of GUVs. However, the polar regions of MPLA and QS21 together have a “sugar lawn” of ten sugars, the hydrophilicity of which might have provided a driving force for rapid lateral diffusion and concentration of the MPLA and QS21 in the GUVs
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