8 research outputs found

    Analisis Penerapan Strategi Internasional oleh PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk.

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    International strategy is an approach used by companies to expand and sell products/services outside of their domestic market. In implementing an international strategy, companies need to consider the culture and regulations of the destination country, as well as the company's conditions to determine the right mode of entry. This study aims to analyze the application of ICBP's international strategy and mode of entry in entering the global market. This type of research is in the form of qualitative research with qualitative descriptive analysis methods. Through this research, the authors managed to find that the international strategy implemented by ICBP is a multidomestic strategy with modes of entry in the form of exports, strategic alliances, acquisitions, and the establishment of factories abroad. It is hoped that through this research, ICBP can continue to expand its presence in the international market by utilizing the company's SWO

    Analisis Risiko Investasi pada PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. Melalui Perhitungan Leverage dan Rasio Keuangan

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    Abstrak Risiko merupakan sesuatu yang tidak pernah lepas dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Risiko berkaitan erat dengan penyimpangan terhadap hasil yang diharapkan sehingga manusia akan melakukan segala upaya untuk menghindari risiko dalam berbagai keadaan yang tidak dapat diprediksi (Arifudin et al., 2020). Kegiatan penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko yang akan dihadapi oleh investor dalam melakukan investasi terhadap PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. melalui perhitungan terhadap leverage dan rasio keuangan perusahaan. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa teknik analisis dekriptif kuantitatif. Melalui penelitian ini, tim penulis telah memperhitungkan degree of operating leverage (DOL), degree of financial leverage, (DFL), debt-to-asset ratio (DAR), debt-to-equity ratio (DER), serta rasio kas dan rasio lancar perusahaan untuk membantu para investor memitigasi risiko yang mungkin terjadi selama melakukan investasi. Hasil yang diperoleh melalui perhitungan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa perusahaan berada dalam kondisi yang baik dan likuid. Investor dapat melakukan investasi terhadap PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. dengan tenang mengingat bahwa risiko yang akan dihadapi tergolong rendah dan aman.Kata Kunci: risiko; leverage; rasio keuangan; investasi AbstractRisk is something that presents in various aspects of life. Risk is closely related to deviations from the expected results so humans will make every effort to avoid risks in various unpredictable circumstances(Arifudin et al., 2020) This research activity aims to determine the level of risk that will be faced by investors in investing PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. through calculations of leverage and the company's financial ratio.  The data analysis technique used in this study is in the form of quantitative descriptive analysis techniques.  Through this study, the writing team has taken into account the degree of operating leverage (DOL), degree of financial leverage (DFL), debt-to-asset ratio (DAR), debt-to-equity ratio (DER), as well as the company's cash ratio and current ratio to help investors mitigate the risks that may occur during investment. The results obtained through these calculations indicate that the company is in good condition and liquid.  Investors can invest in PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. with peace of mind considering that the risks to be faced are relatively low and safe.Keywords: risk; leverage; financial ratios; investment 

    Prospective associations of depression with survival: a population-based cohort study in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer

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    Psychological factors may influence survival in breast cancer patients but results of previous research are inconclusive. This prospective population-based study tested whether depression predicts mortality in breast cancer patients. Routinely collected depression screening data were merged with electronically archived provincial cancer registry data and censored data from British Columbia Vital Statistics (extracted in December 2012). Cox proportional-hazards regression analyses were conducted to predict all-cause and breast cancer-specific mortality as a function of depression after controlling for biomedical confounders. Of 1,646 patients, 1,604 had breast cancer stages I–III and 42 had stage IV breast cancer. 176 (11.0 %) versus 28 (66.7 %) were deceased after a median follow-up of 76 months. In patients with curable breast cancer, depression predicted all-cause (HR = 1.54 (95 % CI 1.06–2.25); p = 0.024), but not breast cancer-specific mortality (HR = 1.51 (95 % CI 0.95–2.41); p = 0.084). No association was shown for metastatic disease. Stage-specific analyses demonstrated a 2–2.5-fold increase in breast cancer-specific and all-cause mortality in patients with stage I and II disease, but not in patients with stage III or IV breast cancer. In stage I breast cancer patients, age moderated effects of depression such that depressed younger patients diagnosed at age 45 (i.e., mean age −1SD) showed a ninefold (HR = 9.82 (95 % CI 2.26–42.68); p = 0.002) increase in all-cause mortality and depressed patients at 57 a 3.7-fold (HR = 3.69 (95 % CI 1.44–9.48); p = 0.007) increase, while no association was evident in older patients at age 69 (mean age +1SD). Depression is strongly associated with mortality in younger patients with early stage breast cancer

    WAR AND PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION exhibition documentation, 2016

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    During the American Civil War (1861-1865), the photographic book emerged as a dynamic space for the exploration of the meaning of warfare, the meaning of photographic documentation of war, and how photographs shape and inform the memory of war. This fall, students in Makeda Best’s (Visual Studies) seminar “War and Photography,” created visual responses to the extraordinary collection of photographic books in the CCA Library on war-related topics ranging from the Bosnian War to the experiences of medical personnel and war refugees. Students chose books of interest to them, and produced new book covers that represented their visual response to the themes and content of the book

    Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutics for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2

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