34 research outputs found

    Rearranged T Cell Receptor Sequences in the Germline Genome of Channel Catfish Are Preferentially Expressed in Response to Infection

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    Rearranged V(D)J genes coding for T cell receptor α and β chains are integrated into the germline genome of channel catfish. Previous analysis of expressed TCR Vβ2 repertoires demonstrated that channel catfish express multiple public clonotypes, which were shared among all the fish, following infection with a common protozoan parasite. In each case a single DNA sequence was predominately used to code for a public clonotype. We show here that the rearranged VDJ genes coding for these expressed public Vβ2 clonotypes can be amplified by PCR from germline DNA isolated from oocytes and erythrocytes. Sequencing of the Vβ2 PCR products confirmed that these expressed public Vβ2 clonotypes are integrated into the germline. Moreover, sequencing of PCR products confirmed that all five Vβ gene families and Vα1 have rearranged V(D)J genes with diverse CDR3 sequences integrated into the germline. Germline rearranged Vβ2 and Vβ4 genes retain the intron between the leader and Vβ sequence. This suggests that the germline rearranged TCR Vβ genes arose through VDJ rearrangement in T cells, and subsequently moved into the germline through DNA transposon mediated transposition. These results reveal a new dimension to the adaptive immune system of vertebrates, namely: the expression of evolutionarily conserved, rearranged V(D)J genes from the germline

    Pathology, microbiology, and genetic diversity associated with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and novel Erysipelothrix spp. infections in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)

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    Erysipelothrix spp., including E. rhusiopathiae, are zoonotic bacterial pathogens that can cause morbidity and mortality in mammals, fish, reptiles, birds, and humans. The southern sea otter (SSO; Enhydra lutris nereis) is a federally-listed threatened species for which infectious disease is a major cause of mortality. We estimated the frequency of detection of these opportunistic pathogens in dead SSOs, described pathology associated with Erysipelothrix infections in SSOs, characterized the genetic diversity and antimicrobial susceptibility of SSO isolates, and evaluated the virulence of two novel Erysipelothrix isolates from SSOs using an in vivo fish model. From 1998 to 2021 Erysipelothrix spp. were isolated from six of >500 necropsied SSOs. Erysipelothrix spp. were isolated in pure culture from three cases, while the other three were mixed cultures. Bacterial septicemia was a primary or contributing cause of death in five of the six cases. Other pathology observed included suppurative lymphadenopathy, fibrinosuppurative arteritis with thrombosis and infarction, bilateral uveitis and endophthalmitis, hypopyon, petechia and ecchymoses, mucosal infarction, and suppurative meningoencephalitis and ventriculitis. Short to long slender Gram-positive or Gram-variable bacterial rods were identified within lesions, alone or with other opportunistic bacteria. All six SSO isolates had the spaA genotype–four isolates clustered with spaA E. rhusiopathiae strains from various terrestrial and marine animal hosts. Two isolates did not cluster with any known Erysipelothrix spp.; whole genome sequencing revealed a novel Erysipelothrix species and a novel E. rhusiopathiae subspecies. We propose the names Erysipelothrix enhydrae sp. nov. and Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae ohloneorum ssp. nov. respectively. The type strains are E. enhydrae UCD-4322-04 and E. rhusiopathiae ohloneorum UCD-4724-06, respectively. Experimental injection of tiger barbs (Puntigrus tetrazona) resulted in infection and mortality from the two novel Erysipelothrix spp. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Erysipelothrix isolates from SSOs shows similar susceptibility profiles to isolates from other terrestrial and aquatic animals. This is the first description of the pathology, microbial characteristics, and genetic diversity of Erysipelothrix isolates recovered from diseased SSOs. Methods presented here can facilitate case recognition, aid characterization of Erysipelothrix isolates, and illustrate assessment of virulence using fish models

    Proteomic characterization of the acute-phase response of yellow stingrays Urobatis jamaicensis after injection with a Vibrio anguillarum-ordalii bacterin

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    Systemic inflammatory responses of mammals and bony fish are primarily driven by coordinated up-regulation and down-regulation of plasma acute-phase proteins. Although this general principle is believed to be universal among vertebrates, it remains relatively unexplored in elasmobranchs. The objective of this study was to characterize acute changes in the plasma proteome of three yellow stingrays Urobatis jamaicensis following intraperitoneal injection with a commercial Vibrio bacterin. Changes in plasma protein levels were analyzed immediately prior to vaccination (time 0) and at 24 and 72 h post-injection by isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ 4-plex) using shotgun-based nano liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis and de novo peptide sequencing. Pooled 2D-LC-MS/MS and de novo sequencing data revealed differential expression of 156 distinct plasma proteins between time 0 and at least one post-vaccination time point. Using 1.5-fold change in expression as physiologically significant, 14/156 (9.0%) proteins were upregulated in at least one stingray through at least one experimental timepoint. Upregulated proteins included complement factors, Mx-protein, hemopexin, factor X and prothrombin. Seventy-six of 156 (48.7%) proteins were downregulated in the acute-phase response, including transferrin, apolipoprotein B, heparin cofactor 2, alpha2-macroglobulin, and various growth factors. Other differentially upregulated or downregulated proteins included intracellular, cell binding and structural proteins, proteins involved in physiologic processes, and unknown/hypothetical proteins. Selected bioactive factors are discussed for their putative roles in the elasmobranchs acute-phase response. These findings contribute to our understanding of disease processes in elasmobranchs, immunologic phylogeny in vertebrates, and begin the search for potential biomarkers of disease in these ecologically important fish

    Microscopic and Molecular Evidence of the First Elasmobranch Adomavirus, the Cause of Skin Disease in a Giant Guitarfish, Rhynchobatus djiddensis

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    Only eight families of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses are known to infect vertebrate animals. During an investigation of papillomatous skin disease in an elasmobranch species, the giant guitarfish (Rhynchobatus djiddensis), a novel virus, distinct from all known viral families in regard to particle size, morphology, genome organization, and helicase phylogeny was discovered. Large inclusion bodies containing 75-nm icosahedral viral particles were present within epithelial cell nuclei in the proliferative skin lesions. Deep metagenomic sequencing revealed a 22-kb circular dsDNA viral genome, tentatively named guitarfish “adomavirus” (GAdoV), with only distant homology to two other fish viruses, Japanese eel endothelial cell-infecting virus (JEECV) and a recently reported marbled eel virus. Phylogenetic analysis of the helicase domain places the guitarfish virus in a novel clade that is equidistant between members of the Papillomaviridae and Polyomaviridae families. Specific PCR, quantitative PCR, and in situ hybridization were used to detect, quantify, and confirm that GAdoV DNA was localized to affected epithelial cell nuclei. Changes in the viral titer, as well as the presence of a hybridization signal, coincided with the progression and then final resolution of gross and microscopic lesions. The results indicate that GAdoV is the causative agent of the proliferative skin lesions.Cartilaginous fish, including the sharks and rays, evolved from ancestral fish species at least 400 million years ago. Even though they are the descendants of one of the most ancient vertebrate lineages, reports of viral diseases in these species are rare and poorly documented. Deep sequencing revealed a highly divergent virus, tentatively named guitarfish adomavirus, that is distantly related to known papillomaviruses and polyomaviruses. Out of the eight predicted viral genes, only the helicase could be identified as viral by sequence homology searches (BLAST), exemplifying the difficulties of discovering novel viruses within seas of unidentifiable “dark matter” associated with deep sequencing data. The novel adomavirus represents the first viral genome shown to cause clinical disease in a cartilaginous fish species, the giant guitarfish. Our findings demonstrate that emerging fish viruses are fertile ground to expand our understanding of viral evolution in vertebrates

    Pathology in Practice

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    Effects of temperature on Veronaea botryosa infections in white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus and fungal induced cytotoxicity of fish cell lines

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    Abstract Veronaea botryosa is a melanized mold and cause of systemic fungal infections in cultured sturgeon (Acipenser spp.). Mortality in adult female sturgeon caused by this emergent pathogen results in significant economic losses for the caviar industry. Little is known regarding environmental conditions conducive to V. botryosa infection. This study evaluated the effect of temperature on V. botryosa infectivity and dissemination following intramuscular injection challenge of white sturgeon maintained at 13 or 18 °C for 40 days. Daily mortality was recorded and persistence of the fungus in the livers of moribund and surviving fish was investigated using culture and histopathological analysis. Fish maintained at 18 °C developed systemic phaeohyphomycosis and had significantly greater mortality than controls and fish maintained at 13 °C (p < 0.05). Challenged fish, regardless of temperature, exhibited lesions in multiple organs. However, muscle lesions, angioinvasion, and systemic dissemination were more severe and widespread in fish challenged at the higher temperature. In vitro cytotoxicity of V. botryosa was evaluated in white sturgeon skin (WSSK-1) and epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cell lines inoculated at spore:cell ratios of 1:10, 1:1 and 10:1, then incubated 15, 20 and 25 °C. Cytotoxicity, as indicated by quantifying the release of lactate dehydrogenase into culture supernatants, increased with increasing spore dose and incubation temperature in both fish cell lines. Findings suggest that temperature significantly influences the development of systemic V. botryosa infection in white sturgeon and that WSSK-1 and EPC cells are suitable in vitro models for the study of host–pathogen interactions between V. botryosa and fish epithelial cells