129 research outputs found

    On the performance analysis of full-duplex networks

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    Abstract In this thesis we study Full-Duplex (FD) cooperative networks from different perspectives, using concepts of information theory, communication theory and applied statistics. We provide a comprehensive performance analysis of cooperative communications systems operating with FD relays. We demonstrate that FD relaying is feasible even when experiencing strong self-interference, and we show its application under different scenarios. More importantly, the results attained through this work serve as a benchmark for design as well as deployment of current and future wireless communications technologies. Our first contribution is a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art on FD communications, more specifically on FD relaying, and we revisit some of the main properties of cooperative schemes. Another contribution comes from an extensive analysis of outage probability, throughput and energy efficiency of FD relaying over Rayleigh fading channels. Besides the mathematical framework introduced herein, we also show that in some cases cooperative Half-Duplex (HD) schemes achieve better performance than FD relaying with self-interference. Therefore, we draw a discussion on the trade-offs between HD and FD schemes as well as between throughput and energy efficiency. Then, we investigate the performance of FD relaying protocols under general fading settings, namely Nakagami-m fading. Our findings allow a better understanding of effects of the residual self-interference and line-of-sight on a FD relaying setup. Our final contribution lies on the performance analysis of secure cooperative networks relying on information theoretical metrics to provide enhanced privacy and confidentiality to wireless networks. Thus, we provide a comprehensive mathematical framework for composite fading channels. Even though experiencing strong self-interference, we demonstrate that FD relaying is feasible also under secrecy constraints, thus perfect secrecy can be achieved.Tiivistelmä Tässä työssä tutkitaan kaksisuuntaisia (Full-Duplex, FD) yhteistoiminnallisia verkkoja informaatioteorian, tietoliikenneteorian ja sovelletun tilastotieteen näkökulmista. Työssä suoritetaan kattava suorityskykyarviointi yhteistoiminnallisten FD-välittimien muodostamassa tietoliikenneverkossa. FD-releointi osoitetaan toimintakelpoiseksi useissa toimintaympäristöissä ja sovelluksissa jopa voimakkaan omahäiriön vallitessa. Mikä tärkeintä, työssä saavutetut tulokset muodostavat vertailukohdan sekä nykyisten että tulevien langattomien verkkoteknologioiden suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen. Aluksi esitetään perusteellinen katsaus uusimpiin FD-tiedonsiirtomenetelmiin, etenkin FD-välitykseen, sekä kerrataan yhteistoiminnallisten tekniikoiden pääpiirteet. Seuraavaksi analysoidaan laajasti FD-välitinyhteyden luotettavuutta sekä spektrinkäyttö- ja energiatehokkuutta Rayleigh-häipyvissä radiokanavissa. Matemaattisen viitekehyksen lisäksi osoitetaan myös, että joissain tapauksissa yhteistoiminnalliset vuorosuuntaiset (Half-Duplex, HD) menetelmät ovat parempia kuin FD-releointi omahäiriön vallitessa. Niinpä työssä käydään keskustelua kaupankäynnistä HD- ja FD -menetelmien kesken kuten myös spektrinkäyttö- ja energiatehokkuuden kesken. Seuraavaksi tutkitaan FD-releoinnin suorityskykyä yleistetymmässä häipymäympäristössä eli Nakagami-m -kanavassa. Saavutetut tulokset auttavat ymmärtämään paremmin jäljelle jäävän omahäiriön ja näköyhteyslinkkien vuorovaikutussuhteet FD-välitinjärjestelmän suunnittelussa. Lopuksi käsitellään tietoturvattuja yhteistoiminnallisia verkkoja informaatioteoreettisin mittarein, joilla pyritään tarjoamaan langattomien verkkojen käyttäjille parempaa yksityisyyden suojaa ja luottamuksellisuutta. Tätä varten työssä esitetään perusteelliset matemaattiset puitteet yhdistettyjen häipyvien kanavien tutkimiseen. Tuloksena osoitetaan, että myös salassapitokriteerien kannalta on mahdollista käyttää voimakkaan omahäiriön kokemaa FD-releointia vahvan salauksen saavuttamiseen

    Dynamic multi-connectivity activation for ultra-reliable and low-latency communication

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    Abstract Multi-connectivity (MC) with packet duplication, where the same data packet is duplicated and transmitted from multiple transmitters, is proposed in 5G New Radio as a reliability enhancement feature. However, it is found to be resource inefficient, since radio resources from more than one transmitters are required to serve a single user. Improving the performance enhancement vs. resource utilization tradeoff with MC is therefore a key design challenge. This work proposes a heuristic resource efficient latency-aware dynamic MC algorithm which activates MC selectively such that its benefits are harnessed for critical users, while minimizing the corresponding resource usage. Numerical results indicate that the proposed algorithm can deliver the outage performance gains of legacy MC schemes while requiring up to 45% less resources

    Meta-learning based few pilots demodulation and interference cancellation for NOMA uplink

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    Abstract Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) is at the heart of a paradigm shift towards non-orthogonal communication due to its potential to scale well in massive deployments. Nevertheless, the overhead of channel estimation remains a key challenge in such scenarios. This paper introduces a data-driven, meta-learning-aided NOMA uplink model that minimizes the channel estimation overhead and does not require perfect channel knowledge. Unlike conventional deep learning successive interference cancellation (SICNet), Meta-Learning aided SIC (meta-SICNet) is able to share experience across different devices, facilitating learning for new incoming devices while reducing training overhead. Our results confirm that meta-SICNet outperforms classical SIC and conventional SICNet as it can achieve a lower symbol error rate with fewer pilots

    A learning-based fast uplink grant for massive IoT via support vector machines and long short-term memory

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    Abstract The current random access (RA) allocation techniques suffer from congestion and high signaling overhead while serving massive machine type communication (mMTC) applications. To this end, 3GPP introduced the need to use fast uplink grant (FUG) allocation in order to reduce latency and increase reliability for smart internet-of-things (IoT) applications with strict QoS constraints. We propose a novel FUG allocation based on support vector machine (SVM), First, MTC devices are prioritized using SVM classifier. Second, LSTM architecture is used for traffic prediction and correction techniques to overcome prediction errors. Both results are used to achieve an efficient resource scheduler in terms of the average latency and total throughput. A Coupled Markov Modulated Poisson Process (CMMPP) traffic model with mixed alarm and regular traffic is applied to compare the proposed FUG allocation to other existing allocation techniques. In addition, an extended traffic model based CMMPP is used to evaluate the proposed algorithm in a more dense network. We test the proposed scheme using real-time measurement data collected from the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark (NAB) database. Our simulation results show the proposed model outperforms the existing RA allocation schemes by achieving the highest throughput and the lowest access delay of the order of 1 ms by achieving prediction accuracy of 98 % when serving the target massive and critical MTC applications with a limited number of resources

    Ultra reliable communication via opportunistic ARQ transmission in cognitive networks

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    Abstract This paper presents a novel opportunistic spectrum sharing scheme that applies ARQ protocol to achieve ultra reliability in the finite blocklength regime. A primary user shares its licensed spectrum to a secondary user, where both communicate to the same base station. The base station applies ARQ with the secondary user, which possess a limited number of trials to transmit each packet. We resort to the interweave model in which the secondary user senses the primary user activity and accesses the channel with access probabilities which depend on the primary user arrival rate and the number of available trials. We characterize the secondary user access probabilities and transmit power in order to achieve target error constraints for both users. Furthermore, we analyze the primary user performance in terms of outage probability and delay. The results show that our proposed scheme outperforms the open loop and non-opportunistic scenarios in terms of secondary user transmit power saving and primary user reliability