4 research outputs found


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    This study is an investigation of how exposure to different media content influences self-objectification, body image, and rape myths acceptance (RMA) in female college students. The purpose of this study was to further explore the effects of immediate media exposure on body image, self-objectification, and RMA, as well as address the gap in the literature regarding the relationship between these variables (Dakanalis et al., 2015; Fox et al., 2015). One hundred and one students that identified as female were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions using a partially blind design. The students watched a short video pertaining to the condition they were assigned (i.e. sexualized content, consent content, control content) and then completed a survey, which included measures of self-objectification, negative body image, positive body image, rape myths acceptance, and demographic variables. Results indicate here was no difference between self-objectification, body image, and RMA scores among participants that were assigned to different experimental conditions. Body image was found to be directly related to RMA, and there was a difference in RMA scores among participants that remembered the university training and those who did not. The present study’s finding expands the knowledge of body image and RMA, and supports the need for interventions targeting attitudes and beliefs regarding rape and consent in college female students. Key words: media, self-objectification, body image, rape myths acceptance, college students

    Os Efeitos de Contexto nas Representações Sociais sobre o Corpo

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    This study sought to comprehend the role context has on social representations (SR) of the body, using a semi-experimental design, with 79 participants, with context as the independent variable, SR as the dependent variable and sex and generation as control variables. Participants watched videos (manipulating context), followed by a focal group and a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate tests. Results indicate that health structures SR, however, together with other elements different SR emerge due to the context. In the health context, the body is a vehicle of existence and care. In the beauty context, the body appears as a social object, subject to aesthetic standards. These findings point to a dynamics of social thought, with theoretical and methodological implications for the studies on SR.A pesquisa objetivou compreender o papel do contexto na ativação de representações sociais (RS) sobre o corpo. No estudo quase-experimental com 79 participantes, os grupos assistiam a vídeos (manipulação do contexto), realizava-se grupo-focal e aplicava-se questionário. A análise envolveu estatística descritiva, testes de associação e multivariados. Os resultados indicam que a saúde é o eixo estruturante da RS, mas ao associar-se com os demais elementos, reflete noções diferentes de corpo, em função do contexto. No contexto de saúde o corpo é veículo da existência, do cuidado. No contexto de beleza trata-se do corpo como objeto social, sujeito a padrões.  Tais constatações apontam para a dinamicidade da cognição social, que traz implicações metodológicas aos estudos de RS


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    Sex traffickers use control and coercion strategies to maintain a system of commercial sexual exploitation, and those strategies have several adverse consequences to survivors. Identifying specific strategies used by pimps and their relationship with societal vulnerabilities can better guide prevention and intervention efforts to deter sex trafficking. The current study addresses the development of the Sex Trafficking Control Model (SCTM), an integrative data-driven model of control and coercion strategies used by traffickers. The SCTM was developed using a qualitative grounded theory approach, based on in-depth interviews with nine women survivors of sex trafficking. The SCTM consists of five structures that represent survivor’s experiences with trafficking (i.e., early vulnerabilities, pimp control, consequences for survivors, system responses, escape trafficking). The STCM addresses a gap in the literature, as it identifies trafficking as more than just a set of control strategies, but as a relational phenomenon. Traffickers appear to exploit survivor’s disorganized attachment to groom, recruit, and maintain victims in sex trafficking. Practical and research implications of the SCTM are discussed, as well as specific suggestions for first responders and providers for prevention and intervention with survivors

    Os efeitos de contexto nas representações sociais sobre o corpo

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    Objetivou-se compreender o papel do contexto nas representações sociais (RS) sobre o corpo, num estudo quase-experimental, com 79 participantes. O contexto foi variável independente, sexo e geração variáveis controle e RS sobre o corpo a variável dependente. Os participantes assistiram a vídeos (manipulação do contexto), realizou-se grupo-focal e aplicou-se questionário. A análise envolveu estatística descritiva, testes de associação e multivariados. Resultados indicam que a saúde estrutura a RS, mas junto aos demais elementos emergem RS diferentes em função do contexto. No contexto de saúde, o corpo é veículo da existência e cuidado. No contexto de beleza é um objeto social, sujeito a padrões. Aponta-se para a dinâmica do pensamento social, que traz implicações teóricas e metodológicas aos estudos de RS