6,964 research outputs found

    Assessing Redistribution in the Uruguayan Social Security System

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    We assess redistribution in the Uruguayan main pension and unemployment insurance programs on a lifetime basis. Using administrative records from social security, we simulate lifetime declared labor income and flows of contributions and benefits of affiliates to the programs. Expected present values of income and net flows are also computed. Equipped with these estimations we construct standard measures of distribution and redistribution of lifetime labor income through the social security system. Our findings suggest that these programs reduce income inequality. In particular, social Security reduces the Gini coefficient of expected lifetime formal labor income by almost 2 percentage points.Redistribution; Social Security; Uruguay

    Campus Update: June 1994 v. 6, no. 5

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    Monthly newsletter of the BU Medical Campu

    Le ro^le du devoir illusoire dans sept pie`ces de Henry de Montherlant

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the role duty plays in the following seven plays of Henry de Montherlant: L'Exil, La Reine morte, Fils de personne, Le Mattre de Santiago, Demaln il fera jour. La Ville dont le prince est un enfant, and Le Cardinal d'Espagne. We will try to justify in what manner the various characters find themselves involved in illusory and misleading acts of duty. The heroes will fool not only themselves but those around them, and as a result will become blind individuals obsessed by what they see as their own convictions. At the conclusion of each analysis we will demonstrate that this "illusory duty" is not always incoherent or without reason. There will always be an external or internal force transforming this sense of duty into something logical for each of the characters. Duty will always entail a certain degree of obligation and responsibility. According to Montherlant, duty is a man-made chore. To his definition we would add that duty is the sum total of those material and spiritual circumstances arising out of such external forces as God and/or Destiny. Most of the characters in the plays which we shall examine try to feign a stance of superiority, which is only a mask to hide the weaknesses and defects which lie underneath. These characters try to run away from reality and find refuge in their own imaginary worlds

    North-South Diffusion of a General Purpose Technology

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    This paper studies the effects of the diffusion of a General Purpose Technology (GPT), that spreads first within the developed country of its origin (North), and then to a developing country (South). We use a general equilibrium model of growth, where each final good is produced by one of two available technologies. Each technology is characterized by a specific set of intermediate goods complemented by specific labor. The quality of intermediate goods is enhanced periodically by Schumpeterian R&D. When quality reaches a threshold level, a GPT arises in one of the technologies and spreads first to the other one, within the North. Then, it propagates to the South, following a similar sequence. Since diffusion is not even, neither intra nor inter-country, the GPT produces successive changes in the direction of technological knowledge and in inter and intra-country wage inequality.North-South, General Purpose Technology, Direction of technological knowledge, Wage inequality

    Spartan Daily, March 4, 1970

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    Volume 57, Issue 77https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/5367/thumbnail.jp

    Information about petroleum in America prior to the nineteenth Century

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    The petroleum substances have been used a lot of centuries ago: bitumen has been used in Neolithic Period to fix head's hammer of stone and to set beads. The authors of this paper want to show the knowledge of bitumen and asphalt in South America until the 19t h century through documents of Spaniards conquerors. Besides, we have done a comparative study between different words to design these petroleum product