8,394 research outputs found

    The Hilton-Eckmann argument for cup-products

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    We present a simple extension of the classical Hilton-Eckmann argument classically used to prove that the endomorphism monoid of the unit object in a monoidal category is commutative. It allows us to recover in a uniform way well-known results on the graded-commutativity of cup products defined on the cohomology theories attached to various algebraic structures, as well as some more recent results.Comment: 6 pages, a few xy-pic diagram

    Algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology of the ring of invariants of a Weyl algebra under a finite group

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    Let AnA_n be the nn-th Weyl algebra, and let G\subset\Sp_{2n}(\C)\subset\Aut(A_n) be a finite group of linear automorphisms of AnA_n. In this paper we compute the multiplicative structure on the Hochschild cohomology \HH^*(A_n^G) of the algebra of invariants of GG. We prove that, as a graded algebra, \HH^*(A_n^G) is isomorphic to the graded algebra associated to the center of the group algebra \C G with respect to a filtration defined in terms of the defining representation of GG.Comment: 13 page

    Mathematics through chess

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    El presente proyecto es una programación didáctica o un manual docente para el desarrollo de la inteligencia matemática a través del ajedrez en las aulas de Primaria. Dado su carácter flexible y globalizado podría utilizarse, con mínimos cambios, desde primer curso de Primaria hasta sexto. Si bien es cierto que se específica que el campo a trabajar es matemáticas, no es menos cierto que las competencias transversales trabajados son desarrollo del lenguaje a través de la codificación y descodificación del código y de las relaciones inter-personales e intrapersonales.The present project is a didactic program or a teaching manual for the development of mathematical intelligence through chess in primary classrooms. Given its flexible and globalized nature could be used, with minimal changes, from the first year of Primary to sixth. While it is true that it is specified that the field to work is mathematics, it is no less true that the transversal competences worked on are language development through the codification and decoding of the code and interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships

    Implementation of a food defense plan to prevent food terrorism in an airline catering

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    El concepte de Food Defense inclou totes les activitats emprades per prevenir la contaminació intencional dels productes alimentaris per agents biològics, químics, físics o radiològics. El projecte es basa en la realització d'un pla de Food Defense per prevenir el terrorisme alimentari en un càtering d'aerolínies. Això es durà a terme a partir de les mesures de seguretat ja existents de l'empresa, amb l'objectiu de complementar-les i millorar-les amb les eines necessàries per assegurar la seguretat i protecció de la producció alimentària de l'empresa. Es tracta d'un tema de vital importància donades les brutals conseqüències que podria desencadenar la falta de prevenció contra el bioterrorisme. Per això, es farà un estudi exhaustiu de totes les instal·lacions posant especial èmfasi en les zones més crítiques i sensibles que presenten més vulnerabilitat i poden ser més fàcilment alterades, creant un pla de defensa eficient perquè el risc d'aquest tipus de successos sigui el mínim. A més, s'inclourà una valoració econòmica per analitzar i descriure el gran impacte que podria tenir un atac de bioterrorisme en una empresa alimentària.El concepto de Food Defense incluye todas las actividades empleadas para prevenir la contaminación intencional de los productos alimentarios por agentes biológicos, químicos, físicos o radiológicos. El proyecto se basa en la realización de un plan de Food Defense para prevenir el terrorismo alimentario en un catering de aerolíneas. Esto se llevará a cabo a partir de las medidas de seguridad ya existentes de la empresa, con el objetivo de complementarlas y mejorarlas con las herramientas necesarias para asegurar la seguridad y protección de la producción alimentaria de la empresa. Se trata de un tema de vital importancia dadas las brutales consecuencias que podría desencadenar la falta de prevención contra el bioterrorismo. Para ello, se hará un estudio exhaustivo de todas las instalaciones poniendo especial énfasis en las zonas más críticas y sensibles que presentan más vulnerabilidad y pueden ser más fácilmente alteradas, creando un plan de defensa eficiente para que el riesgo de este tipo de sucesos sea el mínimo. Además, se incluirá una valoración económica para analizar y describir el gran impacto que podría tener un ataque de bioterrorismo en una empresa alimentaria.The Food Defense concept includes all the activities used to prevent intentional contamination of food products by biological, chemical, physical or radiological agents. This project consists of the implementation of a Food Defense Plan to prevent food terrorism in an airline catering. The plan will be carried out based on the company's existing security measures, to complement and improve them with the necessary tools to assure the safety and protection of the company's food production. It is a vital importance aspect of food safety given the brutal consequences that could have the lack of prevention against bioterrorism. To do this, an exhaustive study of all the facilities will be done, placing special emphasis on the most critical and sensitive areas that are more vulnerable and can be more easily altered, creating an efficient defense plan to minimize the risk of food adulteration. In addition, an economical valuation will be done to analyze and describe the amount of impact that could have a bioterrorism attack in a food company

    Experiencias e intervenciones en mujeres transgénero

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    Ante la actual visibilidad del movimiento transgénero y la necesidad de optimización de recursos, este estudio pretende explorar las experiencias e intervenciones que las actuales mujeres transgénero han vivido. Se elabora un cuestionario cuantitativo-cualitativo ad hoc de 65 preguntas sobre las necesidades de movilidad, redes de apoyo, facilidad de información y conocimiento del tratamiento logopédico para feminización de voz. Contestan 14 mujeres transgénero de entre nueve y 55 años por vía telemática. Se observa que lo más frecuente es: movilidad por motivos sociofamiliares y no por género; redes de apoyo familiares, de amigos y profesionales; información recibida principalmente médico-estética y psicológica; poca información de tratamientos logopédicos y kinestésicos, aunque los consideran útiles y necesarios. Luego, es conveniente profundizar los estudios y potenciar los tratamientos logopédicos para la feminización vocal.In the face of the current visibility of the transgender movement and the need for optimization of resources, this study aims to explore the experiences and interventions that current transgender women have undergone. An ad hoc quantitative-qualitative questionnaire was prepared with 65 questions about mobility needs, support networks, ease of information and knowledge of speech therapy treatment for voice feminization. 14 transgender women between the ages of nine and 55 answered online. It is observed that the most frequent is: mobility for socio-family reasons and not for gender; family, friend and professional support networks; information received mainly medical-aesthetic and psychological; few information on speech therapy and kinesthetic treatments, although they are considered useful and necessary. Then, it is convenient to deepen the studies and promote speech therapy treatments for vocal feminization

    Determinants of Infodemics During Disease Outbreaks: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The widespread use of social media represents an unprecedented opportunity for health promotion. We have more information and evidence-based health related knowledge, for instance about healthy habits or possible risk behaviors. However, these tools also carry some disadvantages since they also open the door to new social and health risks, in particular during health emergencies. This systematic review aims to study the determinants of infodemics during disease outbreaks, drawing on both quantitative and qualitative methods. Methods: We searched research articles in PubMed, Scopus, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Sociological abstracts, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. Additional research works were included by searching bibliographies of electronically retrieved review articles. Results: Finally, 42 studies were included in the review. Five determinants of infodemics were identified: (1) information sources; (2) online communities' structure and consensus; (3) communication channels (i.e., mass media, social media, forums, and websites); (4) messages content (i.e., quality of information, sensationalism, etc.,); and (5) context (e.g., social consensus, health emergencies, public opinion, etc.). Studied selected in this systematic review identified different measures to combat misinformation during outbreaks. Conclusion: The clarity of the health promotion messages has been proven essential to prevent the spread of a particular disease and to avoid potential risks, but it is also fundamental to understand the network structure of social media platforms and the emergency context where misinformation might dynamically evolve. Therefore, in order to prevent future infodemics, special attention will need to be paid both to increase the visibility of evidence-based knowledge generated by health organizations and academia, and to detect the possible sources of mis/disinformation