1,063 research outputs found

    Magdalena arriba avanza el picudo del algodonero.

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    Contiene datos importantes acerca de cómo se ha desplazado el picudo del algodonero a lo largo del río Magdalena, desde 1951, fecha en que se detectó en cultivos de algodón del corregimiento de Ternera, cerca a Cartagena (Bolívar). Señala las medidas que ha tomado el ICA para asesorar a sistentes técnicos y cultivadores en el manejo racional de la plaga, destacando la conformación de un comité permanente para el manejo del picudo, con sede en El Espinal (Tolima)Algodón-Gossypium herbaceu

    Control integrado de plagas del algodonero en Colombia.

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    Los insectos plagas constituyen uno de los factores limitantes del cultivo del algodonero en nuestro país, y pueden atacar todas las partes de l,1 pl,inta du rante el tiempo que ell,1 permanezca en el c:impo, e inclusive IJ semilla éllmélcenada.Algodón-Gossypium herbaceu

    La malva silvestre (Malachra alceifolia Jacq) como hospedantes del Alabama argillacea Hubner.

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    Se determinó si la malva silvestre es planta hospedera del gusano de la hoja del algodonero, una de las plagas más importantes en este cultivo. En Codazzi (Magdalena) se recolectaron muestras de larvas de lepidópteros a partir de llantas de malva silvestre, y se llevaron al laboratorio. Allí se separaron las larvas en 2 grupos: uno se alimentó con hojas de algodonero, y el otro con hojas de malva, hasta que se obtuvieron adultos. En Palmira (Valle del Cauca) se realizó algo similar, pero las larvas se alimentaron unicamente de algodonero. Se determino la supervivencia de larvas de Alabama argillacea, en diferentes estados de desarrollo, alimentadas con una dieta a base de hojas de malva. Se dedujo que los especímenes que sobrevivieron en la dieta alimenticia a base de hojas de malva silvestre, no pertenecen al género Alabama sino al de Anomis. Las larvas recolectadas a partir de plantas de dicha maleza y alimentadas con hojas de algodonero, no se alimentaron de ellas. Lo anterior prueba que no es posible encontrar especímenes de Alabama alimentándose de hojas de malva y que las larvas del género Anomis, que comúnmente atacan la malva, no son plaga del algodoner

    Changes in health behaviors, mental and physical health among older adults under severe lockdown restrictions during the covid-19 pandemic in spain

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    We used data from 3041 participants in four cohorts of community-dwelling individuals aged =65 years in Spain collected through a pre-pandemic face-to-face interview and a telephone interview conducted between weeks 7 to 15 after the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown. On average, the confinement was not associated with a deterioration in lifestyle risk factors (smoking, alcohol intake, diet, or weight), except for a decreased physical activity and increased sedentary time, which reversed with the end of confinement. However, chronic pain worsened, and moderate declines in mental health, that did not seem to reverse after restrictions were lifted, were observed. Males, older adults with greater social isolation or greater feelings of loneliness, those with poorer housing conditions, as well as those with a higher prevalence of chronic morbidities were at increased risk of developing unhealthier lifestyles or mental health declines with confinement. On the other hand, previously having a greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet and doing more physical activity protected older adults from developing unhealthier lifestyles with confinement. If an-other lockdown were imposed during this or future pandemics, public health programs should spe-cially address the needs of older individuals with male sex, greater social isolation, sub-optimal housing conditions, and chronic morbidities because of their greater vulnerability to the enacted movement restrictions. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Topo-Iberia Project: CGPS crustal velocity field in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco

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    A new continuous GPS network was installed under the umbrella of a research project called 'Geociencias en Iberia: Estudios integrados de topografı´a y evolución 4D (Topo-Iberia)', to improve understanding of kinematic behavior of the Iberian Peninsula region. Here we present a velocity field based on the analysis of the 4 years of data from 25 stations constituting the network, which were analyzed by three different analysis groups contributing to the project. Different geodetic software packages (GIPSY-OASIS, Bernese and GAMIT) as well as different approaches were used to estimate rates of present day crustal deformation in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco. In order to ensure the consistency of the velocity fields determined by the three groups, the velocities obtained by each analysis center were transformed into a common Eurasia Reference Frame. After that, the strain rate field was calculated. The results put in evidence more prominent residual motions in Morocco and southernmost part of the Iberian Peninsula. In particular, the dilatation and shear strain rates reach their maximum values in the Central Betics and northern Alboran Sea. A small region of high shear strain rate is observed in the east-central part of the peninsula and another deformation focus is located around the Strait of Gibraltar and the Gulf of Cadiz