977 research outputs found

    Guía de manejo para pacientes con disrupción de la vía biliar posterior a colecistectomía laparoscópica.

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    Más del 80% de todas las complicaciones relativas a la disrupción de los conductos biliares ocurren durante la colecistectomía, y pueden ocurrir tanto en el abordaje abierto como por la vía laparoscópica. La inflamación vía biliar o vesícula propiamente, la anatomía biliar variable, la exposición inadecuada, los intentos agresivos de hemostasia y la inexperiencia del cirujano comúnmente se citan como factores de riesgo (Ruiz Gómez et al., 2010). Aunque los primeros informes sugieren que la inexperiencia quirúrgica (con menos de 20 colecistectomías laparoscópicas) estaba altamente correlacionada con la lesión del conducto biliar, la evidencia ha sugerido que la percepción errónea visual representa el 97% de las lesiones biliares iatrogénicas y la habilidad técnica o el conocimiento representa solo el 3% (Nuzzo, 2005). Esto hace imperativo tener un concepto muy claro sobre su presentación clínica, su diagnóstico, clasificación, complejidad y su tratamiento adecuado. La naturaleza multifactorial de la disrupción de vía biliar ha generado múltiples niveles de protección por parte del cirujano para evitar este tipo de complicaciones, entre las que se destacan: el conocimiento de la anatomía biliar y la anatomía aberrante, las garantías para obtener una visión laparoscopia adecuada, la tracción y la contracción apropiada y dirigida en el abordaje de la vesícula biliar, la sospecha suficiente de hallazgos y enfoque de riesgo y consigo un umbral bajo para la conversión a una operación abierta. Lamentablemente solo una tercera parte de las complicaciones relativas a la disrupción de la vía biliar son diagnosticadas en el trans-operatorio (Waage, 2006) y cuando ocurren, en la mayoría de los casos el cirujano actuante no está capacitado para repararlas. Las disrupciones que tienen lugar durante la cirugía laparoscópica suelen ser más devastadoras que aquellas que ocurren durante la cirugía abierta acompañándose en muchas ocasiones de lesiones vasculares añadidas que requieren re intervenciones complejas y que además deben ser realizadas por personal con experiencia en cirugía hepatobiliar (Waage, 2006), (Tantia et al., 2008).Teniendo en cuenta la gravedad del problema que entrañan las complicaciones relativas a la disrupción de la vía biliar, se propone la realización del presente trabajo con el fin de plantear el manejo más adecuado ante la presencia de una disrupción biliar tanto presenciadas en el transquirurgico como en el diagnóstico de las mismas en el post operatorio y su tratamiento idóneo

    Validation of a new portable metabolic system during an incremental running test

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    We tested a new portable metabolic system, the Jaeger Oxycon Mobile (OM) at a range of running speeds. Six subjects carried out, in random order, two incremental tests on a treadmill, one of them using the OM, and the other using the Jaeger Oxycon Pro (OP). There are systematic errors in the measurements of oxygen consumption (VO2) and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) with the OM. Production of CO2 (VCO2) tends to be overestimated by the OM, although the differences are not significant. Ventilation (VE) showed very similar values in both analyzers. Data of VO2 and RER were corrected with a regression equation which minimised the differences among the devices. The portable metabolic system OM makes systematic errors in measurements of VO2 and RER which can be adjusted with a regression analysis to obtain data comparable to those obtained by fixed system

    Obtaining Enzymatic Extract from Pleurotus spp. Associated with an Integrated Process for Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Bioproducts

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    The pretreatment of biomass has been integrated with enzyme production through the recycling of aqueous fractions. A process integrated with Pleurotus cystidiosus was grown, and enzymatic hydrolysis was realized. Samples of every liquid fraction from the fungal growing medium were analyzed to determine the chemical oxygen demand (OCD), glucose (Glu), xylose (Xyl), and total reducing sugars (RS). Separately, to obtain valuable polymers from this integration process, solid hemicellulose and lignin were isolated from the remaining liquid fractions through pH variation. The composition of the samples was determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical stereoscopic microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and was compared with commercial homologs. The maximum conversion of cellulose to glucose by the obtained liquid fraction of the fungal medium was 61.3 ± 0.9% of the theoretical conversion yield of the commercial enzyme. Similarly, the conversion of hemicelluloses to xylose was 69.5 ± 1.5%. Finally, in this work, an integrated platform for cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, enzymatic extract, and sugars production, which also significantly reduces water consumption, was proposed

    Growth of silver on ZnO and SnO2 thin films intended for low emissivity applications

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    In the present work we have investigated the relationships existing between the optical properties and the growth mechanism, microstructure and surface roughness of SnO2 and ZnO oxide films prepared by magnetron sputtering under conditions resembling those utilized in industry. Thin films of these oxides with different thicknesses were characterized by atomic force microscopy, glancing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), X-ray reflectometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry. The roughness evolution of the film properties (density, surface roughness and refraction index) as a function of their thickness has been evaluated within the concepts of the Dynamic Scaling Theory of thin film growth. Zinc oxide films were rougher than tin oxide films of similar thickness, indicating a different growing mechanism for the two materials. Silver was evaporated onto the surface of the two oxide thin films and its earlier stages of nucleation studied by background analysis of the X-ray photoemission spectra. A different nucleation mechanism was found depending on the nature of the oxide acting as substrate. The superior performance of the zinc oxide based low emissive coatings is related with a better wetting of silver on the surface of this oxide despite the comparatively lower roughness of the tin oxide layers.Junta de Andalucía P09-CTS- 5189 TEP5283 FQM-6900España Ministerio de Competitividad CONSOLIDER CSD2008-00023 MAT2010-21228 MAT2010-1844

    Caracterización del sistema de innovación para la ganadería familiar en la región de la Sierras del Este de Uruguay

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    En el proyecto “Co-innovación para el desarrollo de la ganadería familiar en la región de Sierra del Este”, se caracterizó el sistema de innovación regional. Se realizaron entrevistas a informantes calificados y mapeos de actores con las tres organizaciones de productores (OP) integradas al proyecto. Los principales actores del sistema de innovación son el INIA Treinta y Tres, el Instituto Plan Agropecuario y las OP involucradas, la SFR&amp;I de Maldonado, la SR Garzón y la AFR Las Cañas. Los agentes de la investigación (INIA y Fagro-UdelaR) presentan poco vínculo con las OP. Los dispositivos para captar demandas desde los productores no funcionan adecuadamente. Desde la producción no aparece claro la presencia de interlocutores organizados, que interactúen con el sistema. Es necesario mejorar los niveles de capital social de las OP y su capacidad de participación en estructuras de decisión. La Mesa de Desarrollo Rural puede jugar un papel importante.</p

    Evaluation of a stratified prechamber ignition concept for vehicular applications in real world and standardized driving cycles

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to evaluate the potential of a prechamber ignition system to reduce the exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of commercial vehicles in the conditions proposed by the standardized and real-world driving cycles. For this purpose, a multi-cylinder engine was mapped in stationary conditions using two different combustion modes. First, the engine was tested under the baseline stoichiometric combustion with a spark plug ignition system. Second, the engine map was obtained using a stratified prechamber ignition system under lean conditions. Later, the experimental data was used as input for a computer model that simulates the vehicle operation with both concepts under different driving cycles. To run the model under real-world driving conditions, experimental data was acquired in a specific region in southern Brazil in conditions of heavy and free flow. Moreover, the conditions of the study were extended including two homologation cycles, the FTP-75 and WLTC. The results for the different cycles show similar average exhaust emissions and fuel consumption between WLTC and the real conditions of free flow traffic, and also between the FTP-75 and the real conditions of heavy flow traffic. The results also point out the potential of the prechamber ignition system to achieve a reduction of the engine-out CO and NOx emissions greater than 50% and 85%, respectively, as compared to the baseline stoichiometric combustion with a spark plug ignition, without penalizing the fuel consumption.The authors would like to thank the Post-Graduation Program in Mechanical Engineering at UFMG, the CTM -Centro de Tecnologia da Mobilidade at UFMG, the CMT - Motores Termicos at UPV and research supporting agencies by CAPES and FAPEMIG for the support provided.Roso, VR.; Santos, NDSA.; Valle, RM.; Castilla Alvarez, CE.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; García Martínez, A. (2019). Evaluation of a stratified prechamber ignition concept for vehicular applications in real world and standardized driving cycles. Applied Energy. 254:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113691S11325

    Medio de cultivo y reguladores de crecimiento en la multiplicación in vitro Psidium guajava L.

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    Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cultivar `Dwarf Cuban Red 18-40 EEA' has high yields. For large-scale propagation, micropropagation is a possible solution. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of two culture media, two cytokinins and an analog brasinoesteoides (DI-31) in the in vitro multiplication of this cultivar. Two culture media (MS and WPM), three concentrations of benzylaminopurine (BAP) (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mg l-1), three of kinetin (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mg l-1) and two DI-31 (0.01 and 0.02 mg l-1) were evaluated. The variables evaluated were: number of shoots, number of leaves, shoot length and multiplication coefficient. It was found that the type of culture medium influenced the shoot multiplication of guava. The number of shoots, shoot length and multiplication coefficient were determined by the type and concentration of cytokinin added to the culture medium. With the use of WPM culture medium with 1 mg l-1 BAP It was obtained the highest values of the variables evaluated. The use of DI-31 promoted the shoot growth without affecting the multiplication coefficient. Key words: benzylaminopurine, DI-31, kinetin, guava, micropropagation, multiplication phaseEl guayabo (Psidium guajava L.) cultivar `Enana Roja Cubana EEA 18-40' tiene altos rendimientos. Para su propagación a gran escala, la micropropagación es una posible solución. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto de dos medios de cultivo, dos citoquininas y un análogo de brasinoesteoides (DI-31), en la multiplicación in vitro de este cultivar. Se evaluaron dos medios de cultivo (MS y WPM), tres concentraciones de bencilaminopurina (BAP) (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mg l-1), tres de Kinetina (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mg l-1) y dos de DI-31 (0.01 y 0.02 mg l-1). Las variables evaluadas fueron: número de brotes, número de nudos, longitud del brote y coeficiente de multiplicación. Se comprobó que el tipo de medio de cultivo influyó en la multiplicación de brotes de guayabo. El número de brotes, la longitud de los brotes y el coeficiente de multiplicación estuvieron determinados por el tipo de citoquinina y la concentración de esta añadida al medio de cultivo. Con el empleo del medio de cultivo WPM con 1 mg l-1 de BAP se obtuvieron los mayores valores de las variables evaluadas. El uso de DI-31 promovió el crecimiento de los brotes sin afectar el coeficiente de multiplicación. Palabras clave: bencilaminopurina, DI-31, fase de multiplicación, guayabo, kinetina, micropropagació