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    Anagramas Rumbos y Sentidos de la Comunicación has reached maturity regarding some of its publishing processes, as well as the consolidation of its academic trajectory. Fifteen years of reflection and discussion about communication are reflected in the fact that the journal is now linked to various databases, as well as in the broadening of the international spectrum of its collaborations.A Anagramas Rumbos y Sentidos de la Comunicación chegou à maturidade de alguns dos processos editoriais, bem como à consolidação de sua trajetória acadêmica. Quinze anos de reflexão e discussão sobre a comunicação são refletidos na vinculação da revista a diferentes bases de dados e na ampliação do alcance internacional de suas colaborações.Anagramas Rumbos y Sentidos de la Comunicación ha llegado a la madurez de algunos de los procesos editoriales, así como a la consolidación de su trayectoria académica. Quince años de reflexión y discusión en torno a la comunicación se reflejan en la vinculación de la revista a diferentes bases de datos, y en la ampliación del espectro internacional de sus colaboraciones.https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/anagramas/article/view/263

    Interactions between nuclear lamins and their binding partners in EDMD fibroblasts

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    Lamins are components of the nuclear lamina and are divided In A and B-types, which Interact with proteins of the inner nuclear membrane like emerin. Mutations in emerin (X-linked) and A-type lamins (Autosomal Dominant) has been linked to the Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy (EDMD), which conduced to the hypothesis that these two proteins might interact in the nucleus. I examined the interaction between A and B-type lamins with emerin using a panel of deletion mutants of lamin Bl and full-length lamins A, C and B1 in a yeast two-hybrid assay, where emerin interacted with all lamins and the preferred region of interaction was the globular tail domain of lamin Bl. Ectopic expression of tagged proteins in human dermal fibroblasts confirmed that emerin remains attached to the inner nuclear envelope through its association with lamin 81, as aggregation of tagged A-type lamins did not miss localize endogenous emerin or lamin Bl. In addition, methanol-acetone fixation showed higher number of cells presenting characteristic morphological abnormalities called "honeycombs". A-type lamins and their associated protein emerin co- localized in these structures. Lamin Bl depletion from the honeycombs was accompanied by depletion of nuclear pore complexes. In the honeycombs, A- type lamins segregated from the B-type lamins, forming homo-filaments. On the other hand, AD-EDMD cell lines showed a characteristic pattern as a high sub-population of cells presented nesprin 1 (amino-terminal) in stress fibres co- localizing with a-S-Actin fibres, which was enhanced by growth inhibition induced by serum starvation. Re-stimulation of fibroblasts by normal serum concentrations increased the appearance of honeycombs by up to 2.5 fold in the AD-EDMD cell, lines. Late passage cultures of AD-EDMD entered a senescence state reminiscent of the induced quiescence state induced by serum starvation. Finally, differential allelic expression was evidenced using a specific set of ARMS-primers in the cell lines studied, indicative of transcript imbalance, and bioinformatics analysis demonstrated the presence of SNPs in the coding region of the wild type LMNA gene. The results of these study confirm that lamins interact with emerin and suggest that the interacting region is the tail domain of lamins; honeycomb structures might have a biological meaning in patient cells; other proteins might be involved in EDMD, like nesprins; and heterozygosis is presented with transcript imbalance, which might have a negative impact in the correct assembly of the nuclear lamina

    Interpretaciones de Historia y Memoria del Conflicto Armado Colombiano como Disputa de Hegemonía

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    Anais do XVII Congresso Internacional das Jornadas de Educaão História - teoria, pesquisa e prática - I Encontro da AIPEDH - Associação Iber-Americana de Pesquisadores em Educação História, realizado pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, entre 02, 03 e 04 de agosto de 2017.Sobre el origen del actual conflicto armado que hay en Colombia existe un debate abierto en la búsqueda de establecer su origen y sus causas o los elementos fundacionales que lo generaron. Los análisis desarrollados, que intentaron comprender el conflicto armado y su relación con la democracia, con la memoria colectiva y la historia, muestran que hay interpretaciones muy divergentes sobre el origen y causas o factores que generaron el conflicto armado. Este debate tomó fuerza nuevamente, desde el año de 2012, cuando se inició el proceso de negociación entre la guerrilla de las FARC-EP y el Gobierno de Colombia (VILLARRAGA SARMIENTO, 2015: 218), con una agenda de negociación, comprendida por seis bloques temáticos 2 . Después, a inicios de 2014, se definió la hoja de ruta del proceso de negociación del gobierno de Colombia con la segunda guerrilla más importante de ese país, el ELN 3 . Este hecho mostró que el conflicto armado colombiano es un fenómeno complejo y fortaleció la necesidad de aproximarse al debate sobre las formas de entenderlo a partir de la historia y la memoria (ESTRADA ÁLVAREZ, 2015; GUZMÁN CAMPOS, FALS BORDA, UMAÑA LUNA, 2016: 13 – 24)Programa de Pos-Graduación en Sociología Política – PPGSP; Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC e Órgano de fomento: CNP

    Cell-to-cell spread and massive vacuole formation after Cryptococcus neoformans infection of murine macrophages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The interaction between macrophages and <it>Cryptococcus neoformans </it>(Cn) is critical for containing dissemination of this pathogenic yeast. However, Cn can either lyse macrophages or escape from within them through a process known as phagosomal extrusion. Both events result in live extracellular yeasts capable of reproducing and disseminating in the extracellular milieu. Another method of exiting the intracellular confines of cells is through host cell-to-cell transfer of the pathogen, and this commonly occurs with the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) and CD4<sup>+ </sup>T cells and macrophages. In this report we have used time-lapse imaging to determine if this occurs with Cn.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Live imaging of <it>Cryptococcus neoformans </it>interactions with murine macrophages revealed cell-to-cell spread of yeast cells from infected donor cells to uninfected cells. Although this phenomenon was relatively rare its occurrence documents a new capacity for this pathogen to infect adjacent cells without exiting the intracellular space. Cell-to-cell spread appeared to be an actin-dependent process. In addition, we noted that cryptococcal phagosomal extrusion was followed by the formation of massive vacuoles suggesting that intracellular residence is accompanied by long lasting damage to host cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>C. neoformans </it>can escape the intracellular confines of macrophages in an actin dependent manner by cell-to-cell transfer of the yeast leading to infection of adjacent cells. In addition, complete extrusion of internalized Cn cells can lead to the formation of a massive vacuole which may be a sign of damage to the host macrophage. These observations document new outcomes for the interaction of <it>C. neoformans </it>with host cells that provide precedents for cell biological effects that may contribute to the pathogenesis of cryptococcal infections.</p


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    Hypothyroidism is a condition that results from thyroid hormone deficiency that can range from an asymptomatic condition to a life-threatening disease. The prevalence of hypothyroidism varies according to the population, from up to 3 to 4% in some populations and in the case of subclinical hypothyroidism up to 5–10%. Clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism are diverse, broad, and non-specific and can be related to many systems, reflecting the systemic effects of thyroid hormones. The severity of the symptoms is usually related to the severity of the thyroid hormone deficit. The most common form of hypothyroidism, primary hypothyroidism, is diagnosed when there is elevation of TSH and decrease in the level of free T4 and Subclinical hypothyroidism is diagnosed when there is an elevation of TSH with normal levels of free T4. The most frequent cause of primary hypothyroidism in populations without iodine deficiency is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. Iodine deficiency is the main cause of hypothyroidism in populations with deficiency of iodine intake. The treatment of choice for hypothyroidism is thyroxine (T4), which has shown efficacy in multiple studies to restore the euthyroid state and improve the symptoms of hypothyroidism. In subclinical hypothyroidism, the treatment depends on the age, functionality, and comorbidities of the patients. The total replacement dose of levothyroxine in adults is approximately 1.6 mcg/kg; however in elderly patients with heart disease or coronary heart disease, the starting dose should be from 0.3 to 0.4 mcg/kg/day with progressive increase of 10% of the dose monthly

    Latent Variable Multi-output Gaussian Processes for Hierarchical Datasets

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    Multi-output Gaussian processes (MOGPs) have been introduced to deal with multiple tasks by exploiting the correlations between different outputs. Generally, MOGPs models assume a flat correlation structure between the outputs. However, such a formulation does not account for more elaborate relationships, for instance, if several replicates were observed for each output (which is a typical setting in biological experiments). This paper proposes an extension of MOGPs for hierarchical datasets (i.e. datasets for which the relationships between observations can be represented within a tree structure). Our model defines a tailored kernel function accounting for hierarchical structures in the data to capture different levels of correlations while leveraging the introduction of latent variables to express the underlying dependencies between outputs through a dedicated kernel. This latter feature is expected to significantly improve scalability as the number of tasks increases. An extensive experimental study involving both synthetic and real-world data from genomics and motion capture is proposed to support our claims.Comment: 29 page