3 research outputs found

    Quality of life and labor inclusion of people with disabilities

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    Introduction: Disability is a generic term that includes deficits, limitations in activity and restrictions in participation indicate the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual and its contextual factors, environmental and personal factors. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the characteristics of labor inclusion and health-related quality of life of people with disabilities in a population group from the city of Neiva (Colombia). Materials and methods:  Descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study with quantitative approach and non-experimental design, in a sample of 64 people with disabilities. Demographic variables such as age, sex, marital status, education, socioeconomic status, link to the social security system in health, and type of disability were considered. The WHOQOL-BREF, 2004 quality of life scale was applied. Central tendency measures were also calculated with their dispersions and 95% confidence intervals in the continuous quantitative variables. Results: The most frequent disability was physical with 78.13%, followed by visual with 17.18%. The highest percentage of impairment of the quality of life concerning disability is given by the need to move from one place to another, to feel dissatisfaction with their sexual life and the perception of an unhealthy environment. Conclusions: The main factors for the labor inclusion of a person with a disability are subject to sex, the type of disability, access to decent employment, and remuneration according to their potentialities

    Quality of life and labor inclusion of people with disabilities

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    Introduction: Disability is a generic term that includes deficits, limitations in activity and restrictions in participation indicate the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual and its contextual factors, environmental and personal factors. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the characteristics of labor inclusion and health-related quality of life of people with disabilities in a population group from the city of Neiva (Colombia). Materials and methods: Descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study with quantitative approach and non-experimental design, in a sample of 64 people with disabilities. Demographic variables such as age, sex, marital status, education, socioeconomic status, link to the social security system in health, and type of disability were considered. The WHOQOL-BREF, 2004 quality of life scale was applied. Central tendency measures were also calculated with their dispersions and 95% confidence intervals in the continuous quantitative variables. Results: The most frequent disability was physical with 78.13%, followed by visual with 17.18%. The highest percentage of impairment of the quality of life concerning disability is given by the need to move from one place to another, to feel dissatisfaction with their sexual life and the perception of an unhealthy environment. Conclusions: The main factors for the labor inclusion of a person with a disability are subject to sex, the type of disability, access to decent employment, and remuneration according to their potentialities

    Centro de Investigación y Acción Psicosocial Comunitaria: un escenario para la construcción de paz

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    Presentamos un libro compilado por tres grandes capítulos: el primero presenta los avances y reflexiones de los investigadores del centro en torno al campo de la educación, perspectivas y tendencias; el segundo, denominado Proyecciones para el Desarrollo Humano, muestra algunas reflexiones para la transformación de la sociedad, las poblaciones más necesitadas con las que trabaja el Centro de Investigación y propuestas para el desarrollo social. Por último, como un eje fundamental del Centro de Investigación, se encuentra el capítulo tres, Investigación y acción en la transformación de la región, que muestra las reflexiones en torno al quehacer investigativo en Colombia, su región y su impacto en escenarios educativos y organizativos de las comunidades. El conocimiento producto de esta compilación de experiencias y reflexiones investigativas representa un importante material para los lectores en tanto posibilita fortalecer el conocimiento y propuestas aplicativas en el campo educativo, psicológico social comunitario e investigativo. Consideramos que los capítulos presentados serán referentes para programas, proyectos e investigadores en estos campos que sumen y líen esfuerzos. Podrá fungir como texto de consulta metodológica en tanto expone estrategias de los grupos e investigadores del centro de investigación; de esta manera, circula como una guía de formación para investigadores, estudiantes de niveles de pregrado o posgrado, especialización, maestría y doctorados en educación, pedagogía, psicología, formación docente y formación investigativa