105 research outputs found

    Current trends in the development of a green finance system: methodology and practice

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    The concept of green growth and sustainable development is turning into a global ideology guiding the transformation of national economies. The focus is shifting from quantitative assessments of performance to rational choice conditions. Rationality is becoming the decisive factor behind sustainable green growth, and a change in the financial model that supports such growth may be needed. Therefore, the most urgent problems relating to sustainable growth are the transformation of the finance system, on the one hand, and the creation of a new financial paradigm based on the principles of responsible investment and corporate social responsibility, on the other. This study aims to consider the theoretical and practical aspects of creating a national green finance model ensuring sustainable growth in the Russian Federation. The development of a green finance mechanism and a green bond market in the Baltic Sea countries is analysed to determine national features and explore the possibility of translating the Baltic experience into practices usable in Russia. The research uses economic observations, economic description, structural and logical analysis, and systems analysis. Perhaps the most significant finding is the description of a methodological framework for sustainable development theory, as seen by major schools of economic thought. Studying the experience of the Baltic Sea countries in creating a new finance model of responsible investment helped detect national features and development priorities that can be used in Russia in devising the ideology, principles, and mechanism of green growth and sustainable growth financing

    The Role of Reservoir Microflora in the Process of Oil Displacement with Combined Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Method

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    A combined physico-chemical and microbiological method has been developed to enhance oil recovery. The method has been developed taking into account both oil properties and microbiological characteristics of the formation waters in White Tiger oil field. Total number of microflora in the formation water exceeded 2·107 cell/cm3. The solution of IKhN-KA system applied as a stimulating substrate increased the number of microflora by 5-6 orders. Due to active enzyme system microorganisms were capable to affect oil fixed on the porous rock. The contact of microorganisms with oil was accompanied with hydrocarbon destruction and with the accumulation of metabolism products. As a result rheological properties of oil were changed. During 10 days of microflora cultivation in contact with oil total biodestruction of n-alkanes in oil recovered from White Tiger oil field ranged from 76 to 81%. Filtration properties and oil-displacing capacity were studied using core reservoir models at 120 °C and at a pressure of 4 MPa under the conditions simulating those observed in White Tiger oil field. Porous volume of the model was 108.2 cm3, gas permeability averaged 0.712 D, core length - 26 cm. Oil displacement efficiency amounted to 57.4%. Using a combined physico-chemical and microbiological method one increased oil displacement efficiency by 14.2%

    A Case of Long COVID-19 Myocarditis with Asymptomatic Manifestation in a Young Male

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    Background. Myocarditis is one of the most dangerous complications of both the acute phase of COVID-19 and long COVID-19, with a rather heterogeneous clinical presentation that ranges from asymptomatic to life-threatening. The diverse clinical presentation with a high risk of further complications, on the one hand, and a good prognosis in case of appropriate treatment, on the other hand, demand great attention from doctors. Case Report. We report a case of a 27-year-old male presented to a cardiologist with complaints of dyspnea, chest pain, palpitation occurred eight months after a mild COVID-19 episode. The diagnostic search commenced with a detailed questioning and physical examination with further laboratory testing and instrumental procedures, including resting electrocardiography, resting two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography, and stress echocardiography. Gadolinium-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance was the final step in diagnosis establishment. Half-a-year follow-up period of the patient with asymptomatic manifestation of COVID-19 myocarditis demonstrated the normalization of the condition after prescribed pathogenetic treatment. Conclusions. This case report raises awareness of the need for prolonged follow-up of patients after an episode of COVID-19 and proposes a comprehensive approach to a possible differential diagnostic search for precise diagnosis and treatment in a young male with rationale based on the relevant literature

    Делеговані функції і повноваження органів місцевого самоврядування: сутність, особливості та види

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    Алтуніна, О. М. Делеговані функції і повноваження органів місцевого самоврядування: сутність, особливості та види / О. М. Алтуніна // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2007. - Вип. 37. - С. 182-189.Висвітлено делеговані функції і повноваження органів місцевого самоврядування. Розкрито їх сутність, особливості та види. Освещены делегированные функции и полномочия органов местного самоуправления. Раскрыта их сущность, особенности и виды. The delegated functions and powers of local self-government bodies are highlighted. Their essence, features and types are revealed

    EOR Technologies: Physico-Chemical Aspects

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    The application of self-regulating oil-displacing systems is considered to be a promising trend in the development of physico-chemical EOR methods. Technologies intended to increase conformance predominate. EOR technologies, where heat energy of the formation is used to generate alkaline buffer systems, CO2 and gels increasing oil displacement and conformance, have wide potentialities. Such methods have been realized in the technologies developed at the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS (IPC). Hydrolysis, hydrolytic polycondensation and coagulation in the system carbamide – aluminum salt – surfactant – water is the physico-chemical base for the technologies involving alkaline buffer systems, CO2 and inorganic gels. To prepare thermoreversible polymer gels one uses change of phase from solution to gel in the system: cellulose ether with a lower critical dissolution point – water. Presented are the results obtained on the application of physico-chemical EOR methods and technologies developed at IPC in oil fields of Russia. The technologies proved to be economically effective and environmentally safe. The period of payback is 5-12 months

    Biodegradation of Oil Hydrocarbons by Soil Microflora Activated with Photoluminescence Films

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    Stimulating effect of polyethylene photoluminescence films on the growth of autochthonous microflora population in oil-polluted soils has been determined under the laboratory conditions, where oil concentration in the soil was 50 g/kg. The increase in number of basic groups of microflora was accompanied with the increased activity of the enzymes, which catalyzed oxidizing processes. At the end of the experiment, on the 45-th day, oil content decreased to 15 g/kg. The analysis of the residual hydrocarbons by IR-spectroscopy has revealed absorption bands in the regions of 1710 cm–1 and 1600 cm–1. At the same time spectral coefficients С1, С2, А1 and А2 increased 1.5-3 times, while С3 and А3 decreased 1.5-2.5 times indicating oxidation processes of oil hydrocarbons. Chromatographic analysis proved the intensity of hydrocarbon biodegradation. Hydrocarbons С11-С14 completely eliminated in the test samples and the concentration of hydrocarbons with a high molecular weight decreased by 70-80%. At the same time hydrocarbon biodegradation index, determined as the ratio of the sum of isoprenoids (pristine + phytane) to the sum of n-alkanes (С17 + С18), increased 5-6 times due to the use of photoluminescence films

    Optimal size ratio of a passe-partout and a watercolor

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    Scientific explanation of the "golden section" from historical to modern research is considered. The definition of the most harmonious ratio of sizes of a passe-partout and a watercolor is given with help of the Shannon's formula. In practice, the most harmonious ratio of the size of the passe-partout to the size of the "blank" image and the size of the passe-partout to the size of the picture is reveale

    Biodestruction of Petroleum Hydrocarbons

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    Biodegradation of light and high-viscosity oils by hydrocarbon-oxidizing microflora has been studied. Microflora was isolated from the formation waters recovered from West Siberian and “White Tiger”  (Vietnam) oil fields. To activate microorganisms one used the solution of IKhN-KA system containing a multi-component nitrogenous nutrient substrate. Under the condition of active development of microorganisms during 5 days of biodegradation the concentration of n-alkanes C10-C32 in light oils decreased by 70-85% and that of viscous oil – by 86-93%. Destruction of mono-aromatic compounds accounted for 55-65 % and that of aromatic compounds of naphthalene series – 70-90 %. The content of methyl- and trimethyl phenanthrenes decreased 3 times. Therefore a degree of oil destruction depends on nutrient substrates, which stimulate biochemical processes of vital activity

    Співвідношення конституційних і адміністративно-правових засад здійснення місцевого самоврядування в Україні

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    Алтуніна, О. М. Співвідношення конституційних і адміністративно-правових засад здійснення місцевого самоврядування в Україні / О. М. Алтуніна // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2007. – Вип. 38. - С. 159-165Розглянуто співвідношення конституційних і адміністративно-правових засад здійснення місцевого самоврядування в Україні. Звернута увага на визначення сутності та змісту терміна «правові засади». Рассмотрено соотношение конституционных и административно-правовых основ осуществления местного самоуправления в Украине. Обращено внимание на определение сущности и содержания термина «правовые основы». The correlation of constitutional and administrative-legal foundations of the implementation of local self-government in Ukraine is considered. Attention is drawn to the definition of the essence and content of the term “legal framework”