28 research outputs found


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    Coronavirus has changed the habits of all over the world deeply. This transformation has profoundly affected the way of the education system. Closing schools and universities carried education to online platforms. My university has also been using a new online education platform. Naturally, my students have been facing some problems during my lessons. I targeted to explore what kinds of problems have been experienced. My second aim of this exploratory research is to measure my students’ digital literacy levels. The findings of my research showed that the learners were mostly facing problems such as internet connection, losing concentration, and social interaction. Furthermore, their digital literacy sub-scales were found as very good and good, but they have a problem with one side of digital literacy. Article visualizations

    Determination of stand structure in even-aged Oriental Beech Forests in Turkey

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    The data for this study were obtained from Altun et al. (2012) project. The authors thank all who provided data. This work was supported by the TUBITAK - TOVAG (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - Research Committee of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary), Project Number: 107O752.This study aimed at developing a stand yield model for even-aged and pure Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) stands in Sinop Province, located in the north of Turkey. The data used in this study were obtained from 238 sample plots. The sample plots are 24-131 years of stand age range, 19.0-35.9 m of site index range, and 2.2-10.8 of stand density range (relative density index). With the generated equation systems, stand age, site index and density of the three main factors in Oriental beech stands, including the effects of individual, dual and triple factor interactions on the stands were numerically determined. As for even-aged Oriental beech stands, the main stand volume values increase depending on age, site index and density. The number of stems per hectare decreases as the stand grows older, and site index rises; the number, however, increases in parallel with stand density. The current annual volume increment reaches a peak at 3035 years at all site index groups and density levels, and begins to fall afterwards. Mean annual volume increment peaks up at 65-75 years at all site index classes and density levels, before beginning to decline. The results were in arrangement with the acknowledged growth rules. Stand yield models were assessed as Density-Variable Yield Table used for estimation of the remaining, removal and total stands

    Climate change and biodiversity relations in the eastern Black Sea region

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    Turkey contains a great variety of natural habitats, ranging from Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black Sea beaches to towering coastal and interior mountains, from deeply incised valleys to expensive steppes, from fertile alluvial plains to arid, rocky hillslopes. The richness in the diversity of habitats translates into richness in the biodiversity in Turkey. But, because of rapid human population growth (about 2.5% per year) and associated intensive or unwise utilization of natural resources and habitats the biodiversity of Turkey is deteriorating. Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey is rich in biodiversity compared to other regions. The east-west oriented, parallel ranges of the Northern Anatolian Mountains run in the southern part of the Eastern Black Sea. Climate change will significantly influence the biodiversity of the region according to future climate scenarios for the region. We used existing literature related to flora and future climate of the region and field observations done in the different times to assess biodiversity in the region. Future climate of the region has been predicted by the Dalfes et al. (2007) using RegCM3 regional climate model. The region has total of around 2500 plant species and 386 of them are endemic. High mountain areas in Artvin, Rize and Trabzon are the places rich in endemism. Eight of the endemics are in the critically endangered list of IUCN while 55 are in endangered list in the region. The numbers of total species in each city are 1219 for Artvin, 747 for Rize, 894 for Trabzon, 457 for Giresun and 301 for Ordu. Numbers of endemic species in each city are 119 for Artvin, 74 for Rize, 70 for Trabzon, 54 for Giresun and 19 for Ordu. According to future climate scenarios, the eastern part of the region will get 200-300 mm increases in precipitation, while the western part won't have any increase in precipitation in the next century. The temperatures will increase 2-4 °C in the region in the next century according to RegCM3 regional climate model. Both plant belts and tree line will change under the current climate scenarios for the region. The influence of these changes on diversity in the region will be important and will vary according to site conditions

    Effects of land-use regime on soil erodibility indices and soil properties in Unye, Turkey

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    We evaluated the effects of land-use regime on soil erodibility indices and several soil properties in forested, deforested, and cultivated areas in the village of Unye, Turkey. Twelve sample plots (spaced 150 m apart) with northern aspects were established in each land-use regime, and samples were taken at soil depths of 0–20, 20–50, and 50– 80 cm. Soil organic matter (SOM), soil reaction (pH), total lime (CaCO3), texture (sand, silt, and clay), dispersion ratio (DR), erosion ratio (ER), colloid-moisture equivalent ratio (C-MER), structural stability index (SSI), field capacity (FC), wilting point (WP), and available water capacity (AWC) were analyzed. The average (of the three soil depths) AWC, FC, and WP values were not affected by the site, although site, soil depth, or both significantly affected other analyzed soil variables. Deforestation and subsequent tillage practices resulted in an almost 20% decrease in clay content, a 33% decrease in SOM, a 15% decrease in AWC, a 51% decrease in total CaCO3, a 24% decrease in SSI, a 60% increase in DR, and a 98% increase in ER relative to undisturbed forest soil. At cultivated and forested sites, the ER and DR increased with increasing soil depth. At deforested sites, ER and DR were lowest at 50–80 cm. SOM was the highest at 0–20 cm in the forested sites. Decreasing SOM, clay content, and SSI, as well as increasing DR and ER were outcomes of deforestation. These results indicate that the conversion of forest into cropland deteriorates some soil properties, especially SOM and SSI, and alters the stability of soil aggregates, thus increasing the susceptibility of deforested sites to erosion

    Relationships between site index and some edaphic and physographic factors of pure oriental spruce (picea orientalis link.) in Artvin Genya Mountain

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    Bu araştırma Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Artvin Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü, Merkez İşletme Şefliği sınırları içerisindeki Genya Dağı bölgesinde yayılış gösteren saf Doğu Ladini meşcerelerinde bonitet endeksi ile bazı edafik ve fizyografik özellikler arasındaki ilişkilerin saptanabilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Genya Dağı bölgesinde saf olarak yayılış gösteren Doğu Ladini meşcerelerinden 50 tane deneme alanı seçilmiş, her bir deneme alanına ilişkin fizyografik ve edafik özellikler belirlenmiştir. Toprağa ilişkin özelliklerin belirlenebilmesi için toprak profilleri açılmış ve örnekler alınmıştır. Ayrıca her bir deneme alanında meşcerelerin bonitet endeksi (100 yaşındaki üst boy) belirlenmiştir. Meşcere bonitet endeksi ile edafik ve fizyografik faktörler arasındaki ilişkiler korelasyon analizi ile sorgulanmıştır. Bu ekolojik etmenlerden eğim, fizyolojik toprak derinliği, mutlak toprak derinliği, Ah ve B horizonundaki kil ve kum miktarıları (%) ile bonitet endeksi arasında önemli ve anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuşturThe aim of this study is to explain relationships between site index and some edaphic and physiographic factors of pure oriental spruce (Picea orientalis Link.) in Genya mountain located in central Management district in Artvin State Forest Enterprise. In order to do this study, the fifty sample plots were selected from oriental pure spruce stands in Genya Mountain. Edaphic and physiographic factors in each sample plots were determined. The soil profiles were digged to determine some attributes relating to soil. Also site index of each plots were determined using average height of dominant and co-dominant trees at reference age at 100. The relationships between site index and edaphic and physiographic factors were investigated using correlation analysis Among these ecological factors; slope, physical soil depth, absolute soil depth, the amount of silt and clay in Ah and B Stratus shows significant relations with site index

    Soil respiration and root biomass responses to burning in calabrian pine (Pinus brutia) stands in Edirne,Turkey

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    In this study, soil properties and root biomass responses to prescribed fire were investigated in 25-30 year-old calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) stands in Edirne, Turkey. The stands were established by planting and were subjected to prescribed burning in July, 2005. Soil respiration rates were determined every two monthsusing the soda-lime method over a two-year period. Fine (>2 mmdiameter) and small root (>2-5 mm diameter) biomass were sampled approximately bimonthly using the sequential coring method. Soil respiration rates in burned sites were significantly higher than in control sites during the summer season but there was no significant difference in the other seasons. Soil respiration rates were correlated significantly with soil moisture and soil temperature. Fine and small root biomasswere significantly lower in burned sites than in control sites. Mean fine root biomass values were 3204 kg ha-1 for burned and 3772 kg ha-1 for control sites.Annual soil CO releases totaled 515 g C m-2 for burned and 418 g C m-2 for control sites. Our results indicate that, depending on site conditions, fire could be used successfully as a tool in the management of calabrian pine stands in the study area

    Relationships between site index and some edaphic and physographic factors of pure oriental spruce (picea orientalis link.) in Artvin Genya Mountain

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    Bu araştırma Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Artvin Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü, Merkez İşletme Şefliği sınırları içerisindeki Genya Dağı bölgesinde yayılış gösteren saf Doğu Ladini meşcerelerinde bonitet endeksi ile bazı edafik ve fizyografik özellikler arasındaki ilişkilerin saptanabilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Genya Dağı bölgesinde saf olarak yayılış gösteren Doğu Ladini meşcerelerinden 50 tane deneme alanı seçilmiş, her bir deneme alanına ilişkin fizyografik ve edafik özellikler belirlenmiştir. Toprağa ilişkin özelliklerin belirlenebilmesi için toprak profilleri açılmış ve örnekler alınmıştır. Ayrıca her bir deneme alanında meşcerelerin bonitet endeksi (100 yaşındaki üst boy) belirlenmiştir. Meşcere bonitet endeksi ile edafik ve fizyografik faktörler arasındaki ilişkiler korelasyon analizi ile sorgulanmıştır. Bu ekolojik etmenlerden eğim, fizyolojik toprak derinliği, mutlak toprak derinliği, Ah ve B horizonundaki kil ve kum miktarıları (%) ile bonitet endeksi arasında önemli ve anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuşturThe aim of this study is to explain relationships between site index and some edaphic and physiographic factors of pure oriental spruce (Picea orientalis Link.) in Genya mountain located in central Management district in Artvin State Forest Enterprise. In order to do this study, the fifty sample plots were selected from oriental pure spruce stands in Genya Mountain. Edaphic and physiographic factors in each sample plots were determined. The soil profiles were digged to determine some attributes relating to soil. Also site index of each plots were determined using average height of dominant and co-dominant trees at reference age at 100. The relationships between site index and edaphic and physiographic factors were investigated using correlation analysis Among these ecological factors; slope, physical soil depth, absolute soil depth, the amount of silt and clay in Ah and B Stratus shows significant relations with site index

    Soil properties and root biomass responses to prescribed burning in young corsican pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) stands

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    Fire is an important tool in the management of forest ecosystems. Although both prescribed and wildland fires are common in Turkey, few studies have addressed the influence of such disturbances on soil properties and root biomass dynamics. In this study soil properties and root biomass responses to prescribed fire were investigated in 25-year-old corsican pine (Pinus nigra Am.) stands in Kastamonu, Turkey The stands were established by planting and were subjected to prescribed burning in July 2003. Soil respiration rates were determined every two months using soda-lime method over a two- year period, Fine (0-2 mm diameter) and small root (2-5 mm diameter) biomass were sampled approximately bimonthly using sequential coring method. Mean daily soil respiration ranged from 0.65 to 2.19 g Cm(-2) d(-1) among all sites. Soil respiration rates were significantly higher in burned sites than in controls. Soil respiration rates were correlated significantly with soil moisture and soil temperature. Fine root biomass was significantly lower in burned sites than in control sites. Mean fine root biomass values were 4940 kg ha(-1) for burned and 5450 kg ha(-1) for control sites. Soil pH was significantly higher in burned sites than in control sites in 15-35 cm soil depth. Soil organic matter content did not differ significantly between control and burned sites. Our results indicate that, depending on site conditions, fire could be used successfully as a tool in the management of forest stands in the study are

    Effect of altitude and aspect on wood-water relations of beech (fagus orientalis lipsky.) wood

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    Bu çalışmada yetişme yeri faktörlerinden denizden yükseklik ve bakının Doğu Kayını’nın (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) odun-su ilişkileri üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma bölgesinde, beş yükselti basamağı ve iki bakı grubu oluşturulmuş ve toplam 20 adet ağaç kesilmiştir. Odun-su ilişkilerini belirlemek için hacim yoğunluk değeri, lif doygunluk noktası rutubeti, odunun içerisine alabileceği en yüksek su miktarı, daralma ve genişleme yüzdeleri hesaplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; %95 güven düzeyi ile yükseltinin hacim yoğunluk değeri, daralma ve genişleme yüzdeleri, lif doygunluk noktası rutubeti ve en yüksek odun rutubeti üzerine etkisinin olduğu; bakının hacim yoğunluk değeri, teğet ve radyal yönde daralma yüzdesi, hacimsel daralma yüzdesi, teğet ve lifler yönünde genişleme yüzdesi, lif doygunluk noktası rutubeti ve en yüksek odun rutubeti üzerine etkisinin olduğu; lifler yönünde daralma yüzdesi, radyal yönde genişleme yüzdesi ve hacimsel genişleme yüzdesi üzerine etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. En düşük değerlerin yer aldığı kuzey bakı ve birinci yükselti basamağının bu ağaç türünün masif olarak kullanılacağı yerler için en uygun yetişme yeri olduğu söylenebilirEffects of altitude and aspect on wood-water relations in Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) were studied. Study area divided into five altitude steps and two aspect groups, total of 20 trees were cut off. In order to determine the wood-water relations; volume density value, fiber saturation point, maximum moisture content, and shrinkage and swelling percentages were determined. According to results, with 95% significance level (p<0,05), altitude affects volume density value, shrinkage and swelling percentages, fiber saturation point and maximum moisture content; aspect affects volume density value, tangential and radial shrinkage percentages, volumetric shrinkage percentage, tangential and longitudinal swelling percentages, fiber saturation point and maximum moisture content while it has no effect on longitudinal shrinkage percentage, radial and volumetric swelling percentages. Results demonstrated that northern aspect and first altitude step has the lowest values, thus, this aspect and altitude step making a suitable place for this tree species to be used as solid wood

    Effect of altitude and aspect on wood-water relations of beech (fagus orientalis lipsky.) wood

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    Bu çalışmada yetişme yeri faktörlerinden denizden yükseklik ve bakının Doğu Kayını’nın (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) odun-su ilişkileri üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma bölgesinde, beş yükselti basamağı ve iki bakı grubu oluşturulmuş ve toplam 20 adet ağaç kesilmiştir. Odun-su ilişkilerini belirlemek için hacim yoğunluk değeri, lif doygunluk noktası rutubeti, odunun içerisine alabileceği en yüksek su miktarı, daralma ve genişleme yüzdeleri hesaplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; %95 güven düzeyi ile yükseltinin hacim yoğunluk değeri, daralma ve genişleme yüzdeleri, lif doygunluk noktası rutubeti ve en yüksek odun rutubeti üzerine etkisinin olduğu; bakının hacim yoğunluk değeri, teğet ve radyal yönde daralma yüzdesi, hacimsel daralma yüzdesi, teğet ve lifler yönünde genişleme yüzdesi, lif doygunluk noktası rutubeti ve en yüksek odun rutubeti üzerine etkisinin olduğu; lifler yönünde daralma yüzdesi, radyal yönde genişleme yüzdesi ve hacimsel genişleme yüzdesi üzerine etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. En düşük değerlerin yer aldığı kuzey bakı ve birinci yükselti basamağının bu ağaç türünün masif olarak kullanılacağı yerler için en uygun yetişme yeri olduğu söylenebilirEffects of altitude and aspect on wood-water relations in Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) were studied. Study area divided into five altitude steps and two aspect groups, total of 20 trees were cut off. In order to determine the wood-water relations; volume density value, fiber saturation point, maximum moisture content, and shrinkage and swelling percentages were determined. According to results, with 95% significance level (p<0,05), altitude affects volume density value, shrinkage and swelling percentages, fiber saturation point and maximum moisture content; aspect affects volume density value, tangential and radial shrinkage percentages, volumetric shrinkage percentage, tangential and longitudinal swelling percentages, fiber saturation point and maximum moisture content while it has no effect on longitudinal shrinkage percentage, radial and volumetric swelling percentages. Results demonstrated that northern aspect and first altitude step has the lowest values, thus, this aspect and altitude step making a suitable place for this tree species to be used as solid wood