340 research outputs found

    Global Value Chains during the Great Trade Collapse: A Bullwhip Effect?

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    This paper analyzes the performance of global value chains during the trade collapse. To do so, it exploits a unique transaction-level dataset on French firms containing information on cross-border monthly transactions matched with data on worldwide intra-firm linkages as defined by property rights (multinational business groups, hierarchies of firms). This newly assembled dataset allows us to distinguish firm-level transactions among two alternative organizational modes of global value chains: internalization of activities (intra-group trade/trade among related parties) or establishment of supply contracts (arm’s length trade/trade among unrelated parties). After an overall assessment of the role of global value chains during the trade collapse, we document that intra-group trade in intermediates was characterized by a faster drop followed by a faster recovery than arm’s length trade. Amplified fluctuations in terms of trade elasticities by value chains have been referred to as the "bullwhip effect" and have been attributed to the adjustment of inventories within supply chains. In this paper we first confirm the existence of such an effect due to trade in intermediates, and we underline the role that different organizational modes can play in driving this adjustment.trade collapse, multinational firms, global value chains, hierarchies of firms, vertical integration.

    The macrostructure of milk lipids: the fat globules

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    The aim of this review article is to summarize the information available related to milk fat globules (MFGs) in order to highlight their contribution to the nutritional and technological characteristics of milk and dairy products. The macrostructure of milk lipids is composed of globules made up of triglycerides with different melting points, enveloped by a biological membrane from the mammary epithelial cell. In milks of different animal species, there are different sized MFGs, ranging from diameters of less than 0.2 ÎĽm to a maximum of 15 ÎĽm. The average diameter and the number of globules are affected by endogenous, physiological and exogenous factors. The size of the globules in turn affects the qualitative characteristics of milk and cheese. In addition, the average diameter of the globules and their surface that is exposed to the digestive system affect fat digestibility in different ways. Finally, the components of the milk fat globule membranes have been shown to take part in the secretion process of globules and to have a beneficial effect on human health. In conclusion, by acting on factors influencing the dimensions of the fat globules and by increasing the content of the milk membrane could help adapt milk production to specific consumer targets and improve milk nutritional properties

    Current knowledge on functionality and potential therapeutic uses of donkey milk

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    The increase of knowledge on the composition of donkey milk has revealed marked similarities to human milk, which led to a growing number of investigations focused on testing the potential effects of donkey milk in vitro and in vivo. This paper examines the scientific evidence regarding the beneficial effects of donkey milk on human health. Most clinical studies report a tolerability of donkey milk in 82.6–98.5% of infants with cow milk protein allergies. The average protein content of donkey milk is about 18 g/L. Caseins, which are main allergenic components of milk, are less represented compared to cow milk (56% of the total protein in donkey vs. 80% in cow milk). Donkey milk is well accepted by children due to its high concentration of lactose (about 60 g/L). Immunomodulatory properties have been reported in one study in humans and in several animal models. Donkey milk also seems to modulate the intestinal microbiota, enhance antioxidant defense mechanisms and detoxifying enzymes activities, reduce hyperglycemia and normalize dyslipidemia. Donkey milk has lower calorie and fat content compared with other milks used in human nutrition (fat ranges from 0.20% to 1.7%) and a more favourable fatty acid profile, being low in saturated fatty acids (3.02 g/L) and high in alpha-linolenic acid (about 7.25 g/100 g of fat). Until now, the beneficial properties of donkey milk have been mostly related to whey proteins, among which β-lactoglobulin is the most represented (6.06 g/L), followed by α-lactalbumin (about 2 g/L) and lysozyme (1.07 g/L). So far, the health functionality of donkey milk has been tested almost exclusively on animal models. Furthermore, in vitro studies have described inhibitory action against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. From the literature review emerges the need for new randomized clinical trials on humans to provide stronger evidence of the potential beneficial health effects of donkey milk, which could lead to new applications as an adjuvant in the treatment of cardiometabolic diseases, malnutrition, and aging

    Apicomplexan protozoa responsible for reproductive disorders: Occurrence of dna in blood and milk of donkeys (equus asinus) and minireview of the related literature

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    Donkeys may be susceptible to many pathological agents and may act as carriers of pathogens for other animal species and humans. This study evaluated the occurrence of potentially abortifacient apicomplexan protozoa DNA in blood and milk samples collected at different time periods during lactation (1, 6, and 10 months) from 33 healthy dairy jennies. A total of 73 blood and 73 milk samples were used for DNA extraction and analysis. Blood specimens from 11/33 (33%) jennies scored positive for Theileria equi, while milk samples scored negative. Blood and milk of 3/33 jennies yielded DNA of Toxoplasma gondii at 6 months (n. 1) and 10 months (n. 2) after parturition. Neospora caninum DNA was found in four milk and in five blood samples only at one month after parturition. This study is the first report about the presence of N. caninum DNA in milk of naturally infected jennies. Moreover, the excretion of N. caninum DNA in some of these jennies at 30 days from the parturition may suggest a possible occurrence of an endogenous cycle, while the presence of T. gondii DNA in the milk collected at 6 and 10 months after parturition may be suggestive of a discontinuous excretion

    Renewable energy and energy efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean: constraints and prospects

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    Includes bibliographySummary In Latin America, energy efficiency and renewable energy offer great potential for reducing the negative effects of the ever-increasing rates of energy consumption associated with economic growth and the move towards more energy-intensive societal models. Despite over two decades of discussions aimed at giving energy efficiency and renewable energy more prominent positions in the energy policies of Latin American countries, little has been achieved so far. The fact that these issues have not been integrated into energy policies reflects, to a certain extent, a failure on the part of public policy making and international cooperation to incorporate sustainable patterns of development. One of the factors underlying this state of affairs has to do with the behaviour of society as a whole. This phenomenon has a number of different facets: (i) individual versus collective behaviour; (ii) a lack of political will on the part of Governments, which is often combined with a lack of knowledge, ideology, perceptions or a lack of public support and the predominance of a liberal economic doctrine that hampers sustainable development in the energy sector; (iii) the market power and dominance wielded by electricity, gas and oil companies; and (iv) changes in the organization of energy production chains, in conjunction with the introduction of pricing and fiscal policies applying to both electrical power and fuels that have various implications for energy efficiency and the market penetration of renewable energy

    Retrospective Molecular Survey on Bacterial and Protozoan Abortive Agents in Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) from Central Italy

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    Bacterial and protozoan agents can determine abortion and other reproductive disorders in domestic ruminants, but data regarding their occurrence in wild ruminants are scanty worldwide, including in Italy. The aim of this retrospective study was to verify the occurrence of the main bacterial and protozoan abortive agents in 72 spleen samples previously collected from roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) living in mountain areas of Central Italy. All samples were collected and submitted to DNA extraction for other investigations. Molecular analyses were carried out on the DNA samples to detect Brucella spp., Chlamydia abortus, Coxiella burnetii, Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes, Neospora caninum, and Toxoplasma gondii. Three (4.16%) roe deer resulted PCR positive for C. burnetii and one (1.38%) for T. gondii. These findings suggest that roe deer living in the investigated areas do not act as important reservoirs of the searched agents. However, the tested animals lived in a closed area without contact with domestic animals that are usually involved in the epidemiology of the investigated pathogens. Monitoring of wild ruminants is pivotal to verify changes in the epidemiological scenario from a One Health perspective, too

    Emergency department syndromic surveillance system for early detection of 5 syndromes: a pilot project in a reference teaching hospital in Genoa, Italy

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    Early detection is fundamental for achieving effective control of infectious disease outbreaks. We described the development of a local chief complaint emergency department (ED)-based syn- dromic surveillance system to improve public health response in Genoa, Italy. The five syndromes under investigation by the syn- dromic surveillance system were influenza-like illness (ILI), low- respiratory tract illness (LRTI), not-haemorrhagic gastroenteritis, acute hepatitis, fever-with-rash (maculo-papular or vescicular) syndrome. Syndrome coding, data capture, transmission and processing, statistical analysis to assess indicators of disease activity and alert thresholds, and signal response were operatively described. Preliminary results on ILI syndromic surveillance showed that new system allowed the activation of the alert state with a specificity of 90.3% and a sensitivity of 72.9% in predicting epidemiological relevant events, such as ? 10 accesses to ED for ILI in 3 days. The new syndromic surveillance system allowed to alert the public health institutions 2.5 days before than the local surveillance system based on sentinel physicians and paediatri- cians, permitting the early activation of the necessary measures for the containment and for burden reduction of the epidemic event. It is noteworthy that the syndromic surveillance epidemic cut-off was overcome once before and 4 times after influenza outbreak detected by sentinel-based surveillance system: all episodes were contemporary with Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Parainfluenza Virus circulation, as detected by regional reference laboratory

    Expression and structural features of endoglin (CD105), a transforming growth factor beta1 and beta3 binding protein, in human melanoma.

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    Human endoglin (CD105) is a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) receptor family that binds TGF-beta1 and -beta3, but not TGF-beta2, on human endothelial cells. Immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated that CD105 is expressed on normal and neoplastic cells of the melanocytic lineage. The anti-CD105 MAb, MAEND3, stained 50, 25 and 34% of intradermal naevi, primary and metastatic melanomas investigated, respectively, and nine out of 12 melanoma cell lines. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis revealed that CD105 expressed by melanoma cells consists of a homodimeric protein with an apparent molecular weight of 180 and 95 kDa under non-reducing and reducing conditions. Cross-linking of 125I-labelled TGF-beta1 to melanoma cells, Mel 97, by disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS) demonstrated that CD105 expressed on pigmented cells binds TGF-beta1; the pattern of binding of TGF-beta1 to melanoma cells was found to be similar to that of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The addition of exogenous, bioactive TGF-beta1 significantly (P<0.05) inhibited the growth of CD105-positive melanoma cells, Mel 97, but did not affect that of CD105-negative melanoma cells, F0-1. These data, altogether, demonstrate that CD105 is expressed on pigmented cells and might play a functionally relevant role in the biology of human melanoma cells by regulating their sensitivity to TGF-betas
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