806 research outputs found

    Low energy theory of disordered graphene

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    At low values of external doping graphene displays a wealth of unconventional transport properties. Perhaps most strikingly, it supports a robust 'metallic' regime, with universal conductance of the order of the conductance quantum. We here apply a combination of mean field and bosonization methods to explore the large scale transport properties of the system. We find that, irrespective of the doping level, disordered graphene is subject to common mechanisms of Anderson localization. However, at low doping a number of renormalization mechanisms conspire to protect the conductivity of the system, to an extend that strong localization may not be seen even at temperatures much smaller than those underlying present experimental work.Comment: 4 page

    Echo spectroscopy of Anderson localization

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    We propose a conceptually new framework to study the onset of Anderson localization in disordered systems. The idea is to expose waves propagating in a random scattering environment to a sequence of short dephasing pulses. The system responds through coherence peaks forming at specific echo times, each echo representing a particular process of quantum interference. We suggest a concrete realization for cold gases, where quantum interferences are observed in the momentum distribution of matter waves in a laser speckle potential. This defines a challenging, but arguably realistic framework promising to yield unprecedented insight into the mechanisms of Anderson localization.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; published versio

    Strong Anderson localization in cold atom quantum quenches

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    Signatures of strong Anderson localization in the momentum distribution of a cold atom cloud after a quantum quench are studied. We consider a quasi one-dimensional cloud initially prepared in a well defined momentum state, and expanding for some time in a disorder speckle potential. Anderson localization leads to a formation of a coherence peak in the \emph{forward} scattering direction (as opposed to the common weak localization backscattering peak). We present a microscopic, and fully time resolved description of the phenomenon, covering the entire diffusion--to--localization crossover. Our results should be observable by present day technology.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Keldysh effective action theory for universal physics in spin-1/2 Kondo dots

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    We present a theory for the Kondo spin-1/2 effect in strongly correlated quantum dots. The theory is applicable at any temperature and voltage. It is based on a quadratic Keldysh effective action parameterized by a universal function. We provide a general analytical form for the tunneling density of states through this universal function for which we propose a simple microscopic model. We apply our theory to the highly asymmetric Anderson model with U=U=\infty and describe its strong coupling limit, weak coupling limit and crossover region within a single analytical expression. We compare our results with numerical renormalization group in equilibrium and with a real-time renormalization group out of equilibrium and show that the universal shapes of the linear and differential conductance obtained in our theory and in these theories are very close to each other in a wide range of temperatures and voltages. In particular, as in the real-time renormalization group, we predict that at the Kondo voltage the differential conductance is equal to 2/3 of its maximum.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures + supp.ma

    Spectral and Transport Properties of d-Wave Superconductors With Strong Impurities

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    One of the remarkable features of disordered d-wave superconductors is strong sensitivity of long range properties to the microscopic realization of the disorder potential. Particularly rich phenomenology is observed for the -- experimentally relevant -- case of dilute distributions of isolated impurity centers. Building on earlier diagrammatic analyses, the present paper derives and analyses a low energy effective field theory of this system. Specifically, the results of previous diagrammatic T-matrix approaches are extended into the perturbatively inaccessible low energy regimes, and the long range (thermal) transport behaviour of the system is discussed. It turns out that in the extreme case of a half-filled tight binding band and infinitely strong impurities (impurities at the unitary limit), the system is in a delocalized phase.Comment: 14 pages, two figures include

    Kondo effect in interacting nanoscopic systems: Keldysh field integral theory

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    Kondo physics in nonequilibrium interacting nanoscale devices is an attractive fundamental many-particle phenomenon with a rich potential for applications. Due to enormous complexity its clear and flexible theory is still highly desirable. We develop a physically transparent analytical theory capable to correctly describe the Kondo effect in strongly interacting systems at temperatures close to and above the Kondo temperature. We derive a nonequilibrium Keldysh field theory valid for a system with any finite electron-electron interaction which is much stronger than the coupling of the system to contacts. Finite electron-electron interactions are treated involving as many slave-boson degrees of freedom as one needs for a concrete many-body system. In a small vicinity of the zero slave-bosonic field configuration weak slave-bosonic oscillations, induced by the dot-contacts tunneling, are described by an effective Keldysh action quadratic in the slave-bosonic fields. For clarity the theory is presented for the single impurity Anderson model but the construction of the Keldysh field integral is universal and applicable to systems with more complex many-body spectra.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Crossover of magnetoconductance autocorrelation for a ballistic chaotic quantum dot

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    The autocorrelation function C_{\varphi,\eps}(\Delta\varphi,\,\Delta \eps)= \langle \delta g(\varphi,\,\eps)\, \delta g(\varphi+\Delta\varphi,\,\eps+\Delta \eps)\rangle (φ\varphi and \eps are rescaled magnetic flux and energy) for the magnetoconductance of a ballistic chaotic quantum dot is calculated in the framework of the supersymmetric non-linear σ\sigma-model. The Hamiltonian of the quantum dot is modelled by a Gaussian random matrix. The particular form of the symmetry breaking matrix is found to be relevant for the autocorrelation function but not for the average conductance. Our results are valid for the complete crossover from orthogonal to unitary symmetry and their relation with semiclassical theory and an SS-matrix Brownian motion ensemble is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Finite temperature damping of collective modes of a BCS-BEC crossover superfluid

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    A new mechanism is proposed to explain the puzzling damping of collective excitations, which was recently observed in the experiments of strongly interacting Fermi gases below the superfluid critical temperature on the fermionic (BCS) side of Feshbach resonance. Sound velocity, superfluid density and damping rate are calculated with effective field theory. We find that a dominant damping process is due to the interaction between superfluid phonons and thermally excited fermionic quasiparticles, in contrast to the previously proposed pair-breaking mechanism. Results from our effective model are compared quantitatively with recent experimental findings, showing a good agreement.Comment: final version, 9 pages, 4 figure

    Transient fluctuation relations for time-dependent particle transport

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    We consider particle transport under the influence of time-varying driving forces, where fluctuation relations connect the statistics of pairs of time reversed evolutions of physical observables. In many "mesoscopic" transport processes, the effective many-particle dynamics is dominantly classical, while the microscopic rates governing particle motion are of quantum-mechanical origin. We here employ the stochastic path integral approach as an optimal tool to probe the fluctuation statistics in such applications. Describing the classical limit of the Keldysh quantum nonequilibrium field theory, the stochastic path integral encapsulates the quantum origin of microscopic particle exchange rates. Dynamically, it is equivalent to a transport master equation which is a formalism general enough to describe many applications of practical interest. We apply the stochastic path integral to derive general functional fluctuation relations for current flow induced by time-varying forces. We show that the successive measurement processes implied by this setup do not put the derivation of quantum fluctuation relations in jeopardy. While in many cases the fluctuation relation for a full time-dependent current profile may contain excessive information, we formulate a number of reduced relations, and demonstrate their application to mesoscopic transport. Examples include the distribution of transmitted charge, where we show that the derivation of a fluctuation relation requires the combined monitoring of the statistics of charge and work