4 research outputs found

    Regulation of insulin granule turnover in pancreatic ß-cells by cleaved ICA512

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    Insulin maintains homeostasis of glucose by promoting its uptake into cells from the blood. Hyperglycemia triggers secretion of insulin from pancreatic beta-cells. This process is mediated by secretory granule exocytosis. However, how beta-cells keep granule stores relatively constant is still unknown. ICA512 is an intrinsic granule membrane protein, whose cytosolic domain binds beta2-syntrophin, an F-actin-associated protein, and is cleaved upon granule exocytosis. The resulting cleaved cytosolic fragment, ICA512-CCF, reaches the nucleus and up-regulates the transcription of granule genes, including insulin and ICA512. Here, we show that ICA512-CCF also dimerizes with intact ICA512 on granules, thereby displacing it from beta2-syntrophin. This leads to increased granule mobility and insulin release. Based on these findings, we propose a model whereby the generation of ICA512-CCF first amplifies insulin secretion. The ensuing reduction of granule stores would then increase the probability of newly generated ICA512-CCF to reach the nucleus and enhance granule biogenesis, thus allowing beta-cells to constantly adjust production of granules to their storage size and consumption. Pharmacological modulation of these feedback loops may alleviate deficient insulin release in diabetes

    Beta2-Syntrophin is a Cdk5 substrate that restrains the motility of insulin secretory granules.

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    The molecular basis for the interaction of insulin granules with the cortical cytoskeleton of pancreatic β-cells remains unknown. We have proposed that binding of the granule protein ICA512 to the PDZ domain of β2-syntrophin anchors granules to actin filaments and that the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of β2-syntrophin regulates this association. Here we tested this hypothesis by analyzing INS-1 cells expressing GFP-β2-syntrophin through the combined use of biochemical approaches, imaging studies by confocal and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy as well as electron microscopy. Our results support the notion that β2-syntrophin restrains the mobility of cortical granules in insulinoma INS-1 cells, thereby reducing insulin secretion and increasing insulin stores in resting cells, while increasing insulin release upon stimulation. Using mass spectrometry, in vitro phosphorylation assays and β2-syntrophin phosphomutants we found that phosphorylation of β2-syntrophin on S75 near the PDZ domain decreases its binding to ICA512 and correlates with increased granule motility, while phosphorylation of S90 has opposite effects. We further show that Cdk5, which regulates insulin secretion, phosphorylates S75. These findings provide mechanistic insight into how stimulation displaces insulin granules from cortical actin, thus promoting their motility and exocytosis

    Synergy of glucose and growth hormone signalling in islet cells through ICA512 and STAT5

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    Nutrients and growth hormones promote insulin production and the proliferation of pancreatic beta-cells. An imbalance between ever-increasing metabolic demands and insulin output causes diabetes. Recent evidence indicates that beta-cells enhance insulin gene expression depending on their secretory activity. This signalling pathway involves a catalytically inactive receptor tyrosine phosphatase, ICA512, whose cytoplasmic tail is cleaved on glucose-stimulated exocytosis of insulin secretory granules and then moves into the nucleus, where it upregulates insulin transcription. Here, we show that the cleaved cytosolic fragment of ICA512 enhances the transcription of secretory granule genes (including its own gene) by binding to tyrosine phosphorylated signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) 5 and preventing its dephosphorylation. Sumoylation of ICA512 by the E3 SUMO ligase PIASy, in turn, may reverse this process by decreasing the binding of ICA512 to STAT5. These findings illustrate how the exocytosis of secretory granules, through a retrograde pathway that sustains STAT activity, converges with growth hormone signalling to induce adaptive changes in beta-cells in response to metabolic demands