18 research outputs found

    Ovariectomy impairs socio-cognitive functions in dogs

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    Recent studies have underlined the effect of ovariectomy on the spatial cognition of female dogs, with ovariectomized dogs showing a clear preference for an egocentric rather than an allocentric navigation strategy whereas intact females did not show preferences. Intact females had better performances than gonadectomized females in solving a learning task in a maze. Ovariectomy also affects socio-cognitive abilities, reducing the dog's level of attention on the owner. We tested dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) in the object choice task paradigm to assess whether an ovariectomy could impair females' ability to follow human signals. Forty pet dogs (18 intact females (IF) and 22 gonadectomized females (GF)) were tested in the object choice task paradigm using the human proximal pointing gesture. For the analysis, the frequency of correct, wrong and no-choices was collected; moreover, the latency of the correct choices was also considered. The IF group followed the pointing gestures more often than the GF group and with a lower latency, whereas a significantly higher no-choice frequency was recorded for the GF group. These results show a detrimental effect of ovariectomy on dogs' socio-cognitive skills related to the responsiveness to human pointing gestures

    Effects of obesity on adiponectin system skin expression in dogs: A comparative study

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    Obesity is an important health issue in dogs since it influences a plethora of associated pathologies, including dermatological disorders. Considering the scarcity of information in pets, this work aimed to evaluate the localization and expression of adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and its two receptors (ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2) in the skin of 10 obese dogs, compared with serum ADIPOQ level. Through immunohistochemistry, ADIPOQ and ADIPOR2 were observed in the adipose tissue, sweat and sebaceous glands, endothelium, and some connective cells. Both receptors were observed in the epidermis and the hair follicles, other than in the sweat and sebaceous glands. Real-time PCR evidenced that the ADIPOQ and ADIPOR2 transcripts were expressed 5.4-fold (p < 0.01) and 2.3-fold less (p < 0.01), respectively, in obese than in normal weight dogs, while ADIPOR1 expression did not change. Obese dogs showed lower serum ADIPOQ levels than the normal weight group. Accordingly, ADIPOQ and ADIPOR2 expression in the skin appear negatively correlated with obesity in the same way as the serum ADIPOQ level. These findings evidence that ADIPOQ system changes in the skin of obese dogs and suggest that the ADIPOQ effect on the skin is at least in part regulated by the reduced expression of ADIPOR2

    Metabolic Changes Associated with Different Levels of Energy Deficits in Mediterranean Buffaloes during the Early Lactation Stage: Type and Role of the Main Lipid Fractions Involved

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    Simple Summary The mobilization of lipids from adipose tissue increases fatty acids and ketone bodies levels. The & beta;-hydroxybutyrate is the main ketone body used to diagnose ketosis, a metabolic disorder of the transition period, in ruminants. Nevertheless, a specific cut-off for the ketosis of & beta;-hydroxybutyrate in buffaloes and the plasma lipid fractions related to ketone bodies have not been established. The relative concentrations of not only total plasma lipids but also lipid fractions such as phospholipids, free fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol esters are influenced by the mobilization of lipids. Each of these fractions has a different role in animal metabolism, influencing energy redistribution and cell metabolism and function. The present study reveals the relationship between lipid fractions and changes in metabolism and inflammation that is related to variations in lipid classes according to different levels of energy deficits in the early lactation of Mediterranean buffaloes. Furthermore, buffaloes defined as at risk of ketosis showed similarities, with ketotic cows suggesting the necessity of further investigations in these ruminants. Cell function and energy redistribution are influenced by lipid classes (phospholipids (PLs), free fatty acids (FFAs), triglycerides (TGs), and cholesterol esters (CEs)). The aim of this study was to investigate metabolic alterations that are related to changes in lipid classes according to different levels of energy deficits in early lactating Mediterranean buffaloes (MBs). Sixty-three MBs were enrolled at the beginning of lactation using an observational study with a cross-sectional experimental design. Serum & beta;-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) levels were used to group the animals into a healthy group (Group H; n = 38; BHB < 0.70 mmol/L) and hyperketonemia risk group (Group K; n = 25; BHB & GE; 0.70 mmol/L). Statistical analysis was performed using a linear model that included the effect of the group and body condition score to assess differences in fatty acid (FA) concentrations. A total of 40 plasma FAs were assessed in each lipid class. Among the FAs, eight PLs, seven FFAs, four TGs, and four CEs increased according to BHB levels, while three FFAs, three TGs, and one CE decreased. The changes among lipid class profiles suggested the influence of inflammatory response, liver metabolism, and the state of body lipid reserves. In addition, the possible similarities of buffaloes at risk of hyperketonemia with ketotic cows suggest the necessity of further investigations in these ruminants

    Serum metabolomics assessment of etiological processes predisposing ketosis in water buffalo during early lactation

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    Metabolic disorders as ketosis are manifestations of the animal's inability to manage the increase in energy requirement during early lactation. Generally, buffaloes show a different response to higher metabolic demands than other ruminants with a lower incidence of metabolic problems, although ketosis is one of the major diseases that may decrease the productivity in buffaloes. The aim of this study was to characterize the metabolic profile of Mediterranean buffaloes (MB) associated with 2 different levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). Sixty-two MB within 50 days in milk (DIM) were enrolled and divided into 2 groups according to se -rum BHB concentration: healthy group (37 MB; BHB &lt;0.70 mmol/L; body condition score: 5.00; parity: 3.78; and DIM: 30.70) and group at risk of hyperketonemia (25 MB; BHB &gt;= 0.70 mmol/L; body condition score: 4.50; parity: 3.76; and DIM: 33.20). The statistical analysis was conducted by one-way ANOVA and un-paired 2-sample Wilcoxon tests. Fifty-seven metabolites were identified and among them, 12 were significant or tended to be significant. These metabolites were related to different metabolic changes such as mobilization of body resources, ruminal fermentations, urea cycle, thy-roid hormone synthesis, inflammation, and oxidative stress status. These findings are suggestive of metabolic changes related to subclinical ketosis status that should be further investigated to better characterize this dis-ease in the MB

    Effect of diet on postprandial glycemic and insulin responses in healthy dogs

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    Introduction: Dog owners have gradually changed their approach, paying more attention to the nutrition and health of their animals. Various pet foods with different ingredients and nutritional characteristics are available on the market. The present study aimed to evaluate the administration of three diets, namely, two grain-free (GF1 and GF2) and one grain-based (CB), with different sources of carbohydrates that can influence the glycemic and insulin postprandial responses in healthy dogs. Materials: Fifteen healthy dogs were dived in three groups and alternatively fed each diet for 50 days. Blood samples were collected at beginning of each feeding period. Glycemia and insulin were measured before and after 120, 240 and 360 minutes diet administration to evaluate postprandial responses. Results: GF2 diet showed the highest level of albumin and mean insulin concentration (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the GF1 diet caused the smallest (p < 0.001) glucose and insulin area under the curve (AUC) and the lowest (p < 0.05) glucose nadir. Otherwise, GF1 showed the highest (p < 0.01) insulin time to peak. The GF2 diet showed the highest level of albumin while reporting the lowest amount of fructosamine (p < 0.05). The diet GF2 registered the highest (p < 0.001) level of insulin zenith. The cereal-based (CB) diet reported the highest amount of fructosamine (p < 0.05). The CB diet had the highest levels of glucose and the highest (p < 0.001) glucose and insulin mean concentrations. Diet CB reported the lowest (p < 0.001) insulin nadir. Discussion: Diets with different carbohydrate sources and chemical compositions could modulate the glycemic response in healthy dogs. Bearing in mind that glycemic/insulin postprandial responses influence energy availability and that different dogs have specific lifestyles, it may be preferable to also consider these aspects when choosing a maintenance diet for animals