152 research outputs found

    Matter waves in a gravitational field: An index of refraction for massive particles in general relativity

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    We consider the propagation of massive-particle de Broglie waves in a static, isotropic metric in general relativity. We demonstrate the existence of an index of refraction that governs the waves and that has all the properties of a classical index of refraction. We confirm our interpretation with a WKB solution of the general-relativistic Klein-Gordon equation. Finally, we make some observations on the significance of the optical action.Comment: 20 pages, latex, ps and pdf. To appear in Am.J.Phys September, 200

    Neural Stellar Population Synthesis Emulator for the DESI PROVABGS

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    The Probabilistic Value-Added Bright Galaxy Survey (PROVABGS) catalog will provide the posterior distributions of physical properties of >10>10 million DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) galaxies. Each posterior distribution will be inferred from joint Bayesian modeling of observed photometry and spectroscopy using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling and the [arXiv:2202.01809] stellar population synthesis (SPS) model. To make this computationally feasible, PROVABGS will use a neural emulator for the SPS model to accelerate the posterior inference. In this work, we present how we construct the emulator using the [arXiv:1911.11778] approach and verify that it can be used to accurately infer galaxy properties. We confirm that the emulator is in excellent agreement with the original SPS model with 1%\ll 1\% error and is 100×100\times faster. In addition, we demonstrate that the posteriors of galaxy properties derived using the emulator are also in excellent agreement with those inferred using the original model. The neural emulator presented in this work is essential in bypassing the computational challenge posed in constructing the PROVABGS catalog. Furthermore, it demonstrates the advantages of emulation for scaling sophisticated analyses to millions of galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Relativistically covariant state-dependent cloning of photons

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    The influence of the relativistic covariance requirement on the optimality of the symmetric state-dependent 1 -> 2 cloning machine is studied. Namely, given a photonic qubit whose basis is formed from the momentum-helicity eigenstates, the change to the optimal cloning fidelity is calculated taking into account the Lorentz covariance unitarily represented by Wigner's little group. To pinpoint some of the interesting results, we found states for which the optimal fidelity of the cloning process drops to 2/3 which corresponds to the fidelity of the optimal classical cloner. Also, an implication for the security of the BB84 protocol is analyzed.Comment: corrected, rewritten and accepted in PR

    Analogue Of The Fizeau Effect In An Effective Optical Medium

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    Using a new approach, we propose an analogue of the Fizeau effect for massive and massless particles in an effective optical medium derived from the static, spherically symmetric gravitational field. The medium is naturally perceived as a dispersive medium by matter de Broglie waves. Several Fresnel drag coefficients are worked out, with appropriate interpretations of the wavelengths used. In two cases, it turns out that the coefficients become independent of the wavelength even if the equivalent medium itself is dispersive. A few conceptual issues are also addressed in the process of derivation. It is shown that some of our results complement recent work dealing with real fluid or optical black holes

    Squeezing enhancement by damping in a driven atom-cavity system

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    In a driven atom-cavity coupled system in which the two-level atom is driven by a classical field, the cavity mode which should be in a coherent state in the absence of its reservoir, can be squeezed by coupling to its reservoir. The squeezing effect is enhanced as the damping rate of the cavity is increased to some extent.Comment: 3 pages and 3 figure

    Spatial Localization and Relativistic Transformation of Quantum Spins

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    The purity of a reduced state for spins that is pure in the rest frame will most likely appear to degrade because spin and momentum become mixed when viewed by a moving observer. We show that such a boost-induced decrease in spin purity observed in a moving reference frame is intrinsically related to the spatial localization properties of the wave package observed in the rest frame. Furthermore, we prove that, for any localized pure state with separable spin and momentum in the rest frame, its reduced density matrix for spins inevitably appears to be mixed whenever viewed from a moving reference frame.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum state of a free spin-1/2 particle and the inextricable dependence of spin and momentum under Lorentz transformations

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    We revise the Dirac equation for a free particle and investigate Lorentz transformations on spinors. We study how the spin quantization axis changes under Lorentz transformations, and evince the interplay between spin and momentum in this context.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, published as a Review in the IJQ

    The entangling side of the Unruh-Hawking effect

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    We show that the Unruh effect can create net quantum entanglement between inertial and accelerated observers depending on the choice of the inertial state. This striking result banishes the extended belief that the Unruh effect can only destroy entanglement and furthermore provides a new and unexpected source for finding experimental evidence of the Unruh and Hawking effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Added Journal referenc