15 research outputs found

    The changing patterns of liver cancer in Saudi Arabia over a 22-year period

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    Background: Liver cancer is a major public health problem in the developing world. It is the sixth most common cancer in the developed world and the second leading cause of death among cancer patients, globally. This study evaluated the trends and geographical distributions of liver cancer in the Saudi Arabian population.Methods: A secondary data analysis was performed on liver cancer cases registered in the Saudi Cancer registry for the period 1994 to 2015. In all, 8,785 liver cancer cases were included in the analysis, all of them Saudi nationals.Results: There were significant decreases in the mean age-standardised rates of liver cancer over the study period. The incidence of liver cancer varied by region. A strong positive correlation was observed between liver cancer incidence and age. Hepatocellular carcinoma-NOS is the most common histopathology subtype among the Saudi population.Conclusions: The overall trend of the liver cancer age-standardised rate for males and females decreased among the Saudi population. This rate varies by region. Studying this variation in more detail will help improve public health policy, optimise distribution of resources and allocation of funding for research on prevention and diagnosis and direct awareness programs to the regions that are most in need.

    Prostate cancer in Saudi Arabia: trends in incidence, morphological and epidemiological characteristics

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    Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cause of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death among men worldwide. This paper aims to determine the incidence of the prostate cancer cases in Saudi Arabia between 1994 and 2016.Methods: In this study, the statistics of prostate cancer cases recorded in reports of the Saudi cancer registry for the period from 1994 to 2016 are used. The data and numbers of these reports were assessed to review the full picture during the study period. Age-standardized and age-specific incidence rates were calculated for these purposes.Results: In total, 89,880 cancer cases were recorded for the period between 1994 and 2016. The number of prostate cancer cases out of this total is 5,332. The age-adjusted prostate cancer incidence increased from 4.1 in 1994 to 6.3 in 2016. A variation in the incidence of prostate cancer by region was noticed, and a direct relationship was identified between prostate cancer rates and the ages of those with prostate cancer, with the majority of people with prostate cancer being over 50 years.Conclusions: The overall appearance of prostate cancer is moving upwards. Differences in the incidence rates between men who live in different Saudi regions suggest that environment, behaviour and genetic factors may be a cause. Exploring these factors is necessary to take advantage of them while drawing up the prevention plans

    Sufficiency and Efficiency of Field Training for Radiology Students During Internship Experience in Najran University, Saudi Arabia

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    Purpose: The study was design to evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of the internship period employing quantitative study descriptive survey approach.   Theoretical framework: Internship is requirement of every student of radiology program of Radiological Sciences patch for the award of bachelor's degree at Najran University, Saudi Arabia. The competency level would demonstrate influence the sufficiency and efficiency of clinical training during internship period which represent six months after completing nine levels of radiology program.   Design\Methodology\Approach: The survey was distributed to the tow levels of the last year of radiological sciences which composed of 81 male and female students which gathered seventy-seven (77) participants. Data collected through a questionnaire and summarized as percentages, frequencies, means and standard deviations using SPSS version 20.0.   Findings: The study revealed un adequacy of the internship period and showed low efficiency due to its short duration.   Research, Practical, Social Implication:The research construct and variables are identified the effectiveness and adequacy of the internship period.this  study will be the modele of internship with a new qualitative change related to a period of time acceptable to students, similar to other universities.   Originality/Value: The originality and value in this study are the framework conceptance and questionnaire that prepared and proved for evaluating the effectiveness and adequacy of the internship period for student of radiology program.   Conclusion: In general internship period must be efficient and adequate to enhance sufficiency and efficiency experience by intern trainees


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    Introduction: The eye is a fascinating organ for several reasons. It is not only have a composite structure, however it is considered an immune-privileged organ. The anatomy of the eye is composed of the anterior and posterior parts, the line of division is posterior to the lens. The anterior chamber lies within the anterior segment and is an immuneprivileged anatomical location, this is due to the fact that the T-cell response in this area is suppressed This protects the eye from potentially destructive immune attacks however it also makes defence against infectious agents challenging, particularly where T-cell responses are critical for immunological defence. Viruses could get into the eye by direct inoculation, or through haematogenous or neuronal spread. The diagnoses of viral eye infections are usually clinical one, helped by taking a thorough history and performing ophthalmic examination. But in challenging cases the lab tests are essential. In this review, we will discuss the most recent evidence regarding Causes and management of viral eye infection Aim of work: In this review, we will discuss the most recent evidence regarding Causes and management of viral eye infection Methodology: We did a systematic search for Causes and management of viral eye infection using PubMed search engine (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) and Google Scholar search engine (https://scholar.google.com). All relevant studies were retrieved and discussed. We only included full articles. Conclusions: A wide range of of viruses can affect the eye and cause viral eye infections, either as a primary infection or reactivation. Some affect the eye directly while the others indirectly but may still manifest with eye disease. One virus may affect several parts of the eye, while different viruses may cause the same eye disease. This could complicate the clinical diagnosis of viral eye disease, but the lab tests like PCR and antibody tests could assist in challenging cases where there may be diagnostic dilemma. The HIV epidemic has had an huge impact on ophthalmology clinics, this is because the virus can cause different eye diseases, and the associated decrease in cell-mediated immunity makes the person highly susceptible to opportunistic viral eye infections, sometimes with severe morbidity. There could be other viruses that may affect the eye that we did not discuss. Key words: Causes, management, viral eye infection

    Greenness assessment of chromatographic methods used for analysis of empagliflozin: a comparative study

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    The analytical chemistry community is attempting to incorporate green chemistry concepts in the development of analytical techniques to redefine analytical methods and dramatically modify the philosophy of analytical technique development. Each greenness assessment method has its own benefits and drawbacks, as well as its own procedures. The results of each greenness assessment method produce numerous deductions regarding the selection of a greenest chromatographic method on which the determination of a greenness assessment tool depends. The current study examined the greenness behavior of 26 reported chromatographic methods in the literature for the evaluation of the medicine empagliflozin using three evaluation methods: the national environmental methods index (NEMI), the eco-scale assessment (ESA), and the green analytical procedure index (GAPI). This comparative study discussed the value of using more than one greenness evaluation methods while evaluating. The findings showed that the NEMI was a less informative and misleading tool. However, the ESA provided reliable numerical assessments out of 100. Despite the GAPI being a complex assessment compared to the others, it provided a fully descriptive three-colored pictogram and a precise assessment. The findings recommended applying more than one greenness assessment tool to evaluate the greenness of methods prior to planning laboratory-based analytical methods to ensure an environment friendly process

    A Rare Incidental Finding of a Foreign Body in the Nasopharynx during Adenotonsillectomy

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    Diverse foreign bodies may become lodged in the aerodigestive tract, and the discovery of such foreign bodies is an expected scenario for health-care practitioners. The foreign body insertion may be accidental or deliberate, and the object may be organic or inorganic. Most accidental foreign body aspirations occur in children, and some such cases are potential threats that go unnoticed. Very few cases of foreign bodies in the nasopharynx have been reported. Herein, we describe an unusual case in which a foreign body in a child’s nasopharynx went unnoticed for 1 year and was detected intraoperatively

    Merocel Surgicel Wrap Technique to Manage Diffuse Epistaxis in Patients with Comorbidities

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    Epistaxis, or nasal bleeding, occurs in over half of the general population. It is caused by various etiological factors and affects both sexes and all age groups. The simplest treatment for a nosebleed is pinching of the ala nasi, referred to as the Hippocratic technique. In this study, we adopted different treatment protocols dependent on the severity of bleeding and assessed the etiology and efficacy of these modalities. This was a prospective study. We recruited 25 patients (24 adults and 1 child) who presented with epistaxis in the ENT departments of two tertiary care hospitals. We evaluated the cause of epistaxis and efficacy of the treatments used. All patients had experienced several episodes of epistaxis and were managed using anterior nasal packing with gauze and ointment or with Merocel packs alone. The incidence of epistaxis was more common in males than in females. It was effectively managed by anterior nasal packing with Surgicel-wrapped Merocel. Patients did not experience further episodes of bleeding following the removal of Merocel and retention of Surgicel in place

    Accuracy of Master Casts Generated Using Conventional and Digital Impression Modalities: Part 1—The Half-Arch Dimension

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    Accurate impression-making is considered a vital step in the fabrication of fixed dental prostheses. There is a paucity of studies that compare the casts generated by various impression materials and techniques that are commonly used for the fabrication of provisional and definitive fixed prostheses. The aim of this study is to compare the accuracy of casts obtained using conventional impression and digital impression techniques. Thirty impressions were made for the typodont model (10 impressions each of polyvinyl siloxane, alginate, and alginate alternative materials). Ten digital models were printed from the same model using a TRIOS-3 3Shape intraoral scanner. Accuracy was assessed by measuring four dimensions (horizontal anteroposterior straight, horizontal anteroposterior curved, horizontal cross-arch, and vertical). A one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (α = 0.05) were used to analyze data. A statistically significant difference in the four dimensions of the stone casts and digital models was observed among the four groups (exception: between alginate alternative and 2-step putty–light body impression in the horizontal anteroposterior straight, horizontal anteroposterior curved, and horizontal cross-arch dimensions; between alginate and alginate alternative in the horizontal anteroposterior curved dimension; between alginate and 2-step putty–light body impression in the horizontal anteroposterior curved dimension; and between alginate alternative and digital in the vertical dimension). Polyvinyl siloxane had the highest accuracy compared to casts obtained from other impression materials and digital impressions

    Accuracy of Master Casts Generated Using Conventional and Digital Impression Modalities: Part 1—The Half-Arch Dimension

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    Accurate impression-making is considered a vital step in the fabrication of fixed dental prostheses. There is a paucity of studies that compare the casts generated by various impression materials and techniques that are commonly used for the fabrication of provisional and definitive fixed prostheses. The aim of this study is to compare the accuracy of casts obtained using conventional impression and digital impression techniques. Thirty impressions were made for the typodont model (10 impressions each of polyvinyl siloxane, alginate, and alginate alternative materials). Ten digital models were printed from the same model using a TRIOS-3 3Shape intraoral scanner. Accuracy was assessed by measuring four dimensions (horizontal anteroposterior straight, horizontal anteroposterior curved, horizontal cross-arch, and vertical). A one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (α = 0.05) were used to analyze data. A statistically significant difference in the four dimensions of the stone casts and digital models was observed among the four groups (exception: between alginate alternative and 2-step putty–light body impression in the horizontal anteroposterior straight, horizontal anteroposterior curved, and horizontal cross-arch dimensions; between alginate and alginate alternative in the horizontal anteroposterior curved dimension; between alginate and 2-step putty–light body impression in the horizontal anteroposterior curved dimension; and between alginate alternative and digital in the vertical dimension). Polyvinyl siloxane had the highest accuracy compared to casts obtained from other impression materials and digital impressions