425 research outputs found

    Canonical, squeezed and fermionic coherent states in a right quaternionic Hilbert space with a left multiplication on it

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    Using a left multiplication defined on a right quaternionic Hilbert space, we shall demonstrate that various classes of coherent states such as the canonical coherent states, pure squeezed states, fermionic coherent states can be defined with all the desired properties on a right quaternionic Hilbert space. Further, we shall also demonstrate squeezed states can be defined on the same Hilbert space, but the noncommutativity of quaternions prevents us in getting the desired results.Comment: Conference paper. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.02946; substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0068

    Boundary interpolation for slice hyperholomorphic Schur functions

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    A boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem is posed and solved in the quaternionic setting. Given nonnegative real numbers κ1,,κN\kappa_1, \ldots, \kappa_N, quaternions p1,,pNp_1, \ldots, p_N all of modulus 11, so that the 22-spheres determined by each point do not intersect and pu1p_u \neq 1 for u=1,,Nu = 1,\ldots, N, and quaternions s1,,sNs_1, \ldots, s_N, we wish to find a slice hyperholomorphic Schur function ss so that limr1r(0,1)s(rpu)=suforu=1,,N,\lim_{\substack{r\rightarrow 1\\ r\in(0,1)}} s(r p_u) = s_u\quad {\rm for} \quad u=1,\ldots, N, and limr1r(0,1)1s(rpu)su1rκu,foru=1,,N.\lim_{\substack{r\rightarrow 1\\ r\in(0,1)}}\frac{1-s(rp_u)\overline{s_u}}{1-r}\le\kappa_u,\quad {\rm for} \quad u=1,\ldots, N. Our arguments relies on the theory of slice hyperholomorphic functions and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

    First Principles Modeling of Topological Insulators: Structural Optimization and Exchange Correlation Functionals

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    Topological insulators (TIs) are materials that are insulating in the bulk but have zero band gap surface states with linear dispersion and are protected by time reversal symmetry. These unique characteristics could pave the way for many promising applications that include spintronic devices and quantum computations. It is important to understand and theoretically describe TIs as accurately as possible in order to predict properties. Quantum mechanical approaches, specifically first principles density functional theory (DFT) based methods, have been used extensively to model electronic properties of TIs. Here, we provide a comprehensive assessment of a variety of DFT formalisms and how these capture the electronic structure of TIs. We concentrate on Bi2_2Se3_3 and Bi2_2Te3_3 as examples of prototypical TI materials. We find that the generalized gradient (GGA) and kinetic density functional (metaGGA) produce displacements increasing the thickness of the TI slab, whereas we see an opposite behavior in DFT computations using LDA. Accounting for van der Waals (vdW) interactions overcomes the apparent over-relaxations and retraces the atomic positions towards the bulk. Based on an intensive computational study, we show that GGA with vdW treatment is the most appropriate method for structural optimization. Electronic structures derived from GGA or metaGGA employing experimental lattice parameters are also acceptable. In this regard, we express a slight preference for metaGGA in terms of accuracy, but an overall preference for GGA due to compensatory improvements in computability in capturing TI behavior

    Inducing Quantum Phase Transitions in Non-Topological Insulators Via Atomic Control of Sub-Structural Elements

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    Topological insulators (TIs) are an important family of quantum materials that exhibit a Dirac point (DP) in the surface band structure but have a finite band gap in bulk. A large degree of spin-orbit interaction and low bandgap is a prerequisite for stabilizing DPs on selective atomically flat cleavage planes. Tuning of the DP in these materials has been suggested via modifications to the atomic structure of the entire system. Using the example of As2_2Te3_3 and ZnTe5_5, which are not TIs, we show that a quantum phase transition can be induced in atomically flat and stepped surfaces, for As2_2Te3_3 and ZrTe5_5, respectively. This is achieved by establishing a framework for controlling electronic properties that is focused on local perturbations at key locations that we call sub-structural elements (SSEs). We exemplify this framework through a novel method of isovalent sublayer anion doping and biaxial strain.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    de Branges-Rovnyak spaces: basics and theory

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    For SS a contractive analytic operator-valued function on the unit disk D{\mathbb D}, de Branges and Rovnyak associate a Hilbert space of analytic functions H(S){\mathcal H}(S) and related extension space D(S){\mathcal D(S)} consisting of pairs of analytic functions on the unit disk D{\mathbb D}. This survey describes three equivalent formulations (the original geometric de Branges-Rovnyak definition, the Toeplitz operator characterization, and the characterization as a reproducing kernel Hilbert space) of the de Branges-Rovnyak space H(S){\mathcal H}(S), as well as its role as the underlying Hilbert space for the modeling of completely non-isometric Hilbert-space contraction operators. Also examined is the extension of these ideas to handle the modeling of the more general class of completely nonunitary contraction operators, where the more general two-component de Branges-Rovnyak model space D(S){\mathcal D}(S) and associated overlapping spaces play key roles. Connections with other function theory problems and applications are also discussed. More recent applications to a variety of subsequent applications are given in a companion survey article

    Applications of Hilbert Module Approach to Multivariable Operator Theory

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    A commuting nn-tuple (T1,,Tn)(T_1, \ldots, T_n) of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space \clh associate a Hilbert module H\mathcal{H} over C[z1,,zn]\mathbb{C}[z_1, \ldots, z_n] in the following sense: C[z1,,zn]×HH,(p,h)p(T1,,Tn)h,\mathbb{C}[z_1, \ldots, z_n] \times \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}, \quad \quad (p, h) \mapsto p(T_1, \ldots, T_n)h,where pC[z1,,zn]p \in \mathbb{C}[z_1, \ldots, z_n] and hHh \in \mathcal{H}. A companion survey provides an introduction to the theory of Hilbert modules and some (Hilbert) module point of view to multivariable operator theory. The purpose of this survey is to emphasize algebraic and geometric aspects of Hilbert module approach to operator theory and to survey several applications of the theory of Hilbert modules in multivariable operator theory. The topics which are studied include: generalized canonical models and Cowen-Douglas class, dilations and factorization of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, a class of simple submodules and quotient modules of the Hardy modules over polydisc, commutant lifting theorem, similarity and free Hilbert modules, left invertible multipliers, inner resolutions, essentially normal Hilbert modules, localizations of free resolutions and rigidity phenomenon. This article is a companion paper to "An Introduction to Hilbert Module Approach to Multivariable Operator Theory".Comment: 46 pages. This is a companion paper to arXiv:1308.6103. To appear in Handbook of Operator Theory, Springe