10 research outputs found

    Нові для фауни України види черепашкових амеб (Rhizopoda, Testacealobosea, Nebelidae)

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    The genus Nebela Leidy, 1874 is one of the well-studied genera of the testaceans. More than 120 taxa of this genus Nebela have been described until now. Most of them are cosmopolitan and inhabiting in sphagnums and soils. The one of the most perspective territories of Ukraine for the freshwater protists study is Ukrainian Polissya with different type of water reservoirs. Thus purposeful ekologic-faunistic research of testaceans of Zhitomir Polessya is not conducted, what coused the special researches of this group for a region.There are found of 3 species of testate amoebae new for Ukraine: Nebela bigibbosa Penard, 1890, N. dentistoma Penard, 1890, N. vitraeа Penard, 1899.The arcticle contains the original descriptions and short ecological descriptions feature of investigated taxa. Species descriptions are written on the basis of own observation and publiched data.Наведено відомості про знаходження у водоймах Житомирського Полісся трьох нових для фауни України видів черепашкових амеб: Nebela bigibbosa Penard, 1890, N. dentistoma Penard, 1890, N. vitraeа Penard, 1899; подано їхні переописи та короткі екологічні характеристики. Видові нариси виконано на основі власних спостережень з урахуванням літературних даних

    Urban management: Addressing the housing and utility challenge

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    The authors have studied the three aspects of urban management: apartment buildings, major repair management, requirements for facility management companies to be licensed and waste management. The paper presents all the mentioned above aspects and possible negative circumstances and proposes solutions to the problems

    Особливості розмноження та живлення нутрії (Myocastor coypus) на Житомирщині

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    The research of (Myocastor coypus) of internal and external structure, peculiarities of reproduction and nutrition is done using the observation method. The ability of newborn coypus to survive and grow without the mother is found out. The main reasons influencing the number of foetus in the mother’s womb are the female age, food ration, the pregnancy number and the presence or absence of family ties.Здійснено дослідження зовнішньої та внутрішньої будови, особливостей розмноження й живлення нутрії (Myocastor coupus) із застосуванням методу спостереження. З’ясовано здатність дитинчат нутрії виживати та рости без самки. Досліджено причини, які впливають на кількість утворених плодів в утробі матері

    The New Species of Testate Amoebae for the Fauna of Ukraine (Rhizopoda, Testacealobosea, Nebelidae)

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    Наведено відомості про знаходження у водоймах Житомирського Полісся трьох нових для фауни України видів черепашкових амеб: Nebela bigibbosa Penard, 1890, N. dentistoma Penard, 1890, N. vitraeа Penard, 1899; подано їхні переописи та короткі екологічні характеристики. Видові нариси виконано на основі власних спостережень з урахуванням літературних даних. The genus Nebela Leidy, 1874 is one of the well-studied genera of the testaceans. More than 120 taxa of this genus Nebela have been described until now. Most of them are cosmopolitan and inhabiting in sphagnums and soils. The one of the most perspective territories of Ukraine for the freshwater protists study is Ukrainian Polissya with different type of water reservoirs. Thus purposeful ekologic-faunistic research of testaceans of Zhitomir Polessya is not conducted, what coused the special researches of this group for a region. There are found of 3 species of testate amoebae new for Ukraine: Nebela bigibbosa Penard, 1890, N. dentistoma Penard, 1890, N. vitraeа Penard, 1899. The arcticle contains the original descriptions and short ecological descriptions feature of investigated taxa. Species descriptions are written on the basis of own observation and publiched data

    The development of information competences for environmental monitoring in students of Ukrainian universities

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    In the article the organizational and pedagogical conditions of information competences for-mation for future specialists in ecology while studying the course “Environmental Monitoring” is substantiated. The scheme of students information competence formation is developed. The im-portance of tutor preparation to competences approach and attraction of students to creation of environmental monitoring databases is showed

    The Methodology of Professional Competencies Formation for The Specialists in Environmental Monitoring on the Basis of Synergistic Pedagogics

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    The issues of professional training for future environmental engineers training are considered in the article. The methodical bases of teaching environmental monitoring have been developed and substantiated for the application in the learning process through the implementation of inter-disciplinary approach. The basic components of training future environmental engineers have been defined and analysis of the formation of professional system-modeling competencies in environ-mental monitoring have been conducted

    Urban management: Addressing the housing and utility challenge

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    The authors have studied the three aspects of urban management: apartment buildings, major repair management, requirements for facility management companies to be licensed and waste management. The paper presents all the mentioned above aspects and possible negative circumstances and proposes solutions to the problems

    Urban management: Addressing the housing and utility challenge

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    The authors have studied the three aspects of urban management: apartment buildings, major repair management, requirements for facility management companies to be licensed and waste management. The paper presents all the mentioned above aspects and possible negative circumstances and proposes solutions to the problems

    Strategy for the development of agricultural enterprises

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    The article is a development of a variation of the methodology for developing a strategy for the development of an enterprise in the field of agribusiness. The strategic development line for an agribusiness enterprise is based on a detailed analysis of the external environment and a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the potential of the internal environment, but the emphasis in the development strategy, unified for all agribusiness enterprises in Russia, should be uniform, as the results of this work show. Many agribusiness enterprises are not able to use a development strategy, due to the fact that they have a weak internal potential that does not allow them to realize the opportunities provided to them by a favorable external environment. An agribusiness that is in a different position, in order to use all the benefits available to enterprises that use the traditional approach in forming a development strategy, must first use a comprehensive analysis. Agromarketing is singled out as the main direction aimed at strengthening and developing the internal environment of the agribusiness organization. Agromarketing, based on the principles of customer orientation, realizing all the needs and requirements of a potential consumer of agricultural products

    Peculiarities of Coypu (Myocastor Coypus) Reproduction and Nutrition in Zhytomyr Region.

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    Здійснено дослідження зовнішньої та внутрішньої будови, особливостей розмноження й живлення нутрії (Myocastor coupus) із застосуванням методу спостереження. З’ясовано здатність дитинчат нутрії виживати та рости без самки. Досліджено причини, які впливають на кількість утворених плодів в утробі матері. The research of (Myocastor coypus) of internal and external structure, peculiarities of reproduction and nutrition is done using the observation method. The ability of newborn coypus to survive and grow without the mother is found out. The main reasons influencing the number of foetus in the mother’s womb are the female age, food ration, the pregnanay number and the presence or absence of family ties