9 research outputs found

    A Study on the Urban Image of University Students: Balıkesir University Example

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    Cities are perceived in different ways by its residents. This perception differs with regards to different factors such as the age, level of education of the people and also as to being a local or foreigner. And at the heart of this perception lies experiences. Perception is key to understanding and organizing urban spaces, and solving various problems. To complete the lacking aspects, to reform the negative aspects of cities and increase awareness about them, it is substantial to know about the opinions of the students about cities. What is aimed in this study is to evaluate the perceptions of students studying at Balıkesir University about the city of Balıkesir. The problem of this study is the evaluations of the students of Balıkesir University about the city of Balıkesir; how they perceive the image of Balıkesir city. In this regard 460 students; studying at the last grade of bachelor’s degree at the University of Balıkesir; have been surveyed. With this survey; images of city superiority, abstract images of the city and images towards urban residents were identified within the perspective of university students. When all the participants are taken into account, the geographical location of Balıkesir and the easy reach it provides to other cities are the highest values attached. However, the opinions related with social, sportive, cultural, leisure, entertainment and artistic activities have low values attached. Also the images with regards to modernity and development have low values. Parallel to these two representations, the images of the people of Balıkesir about entrepreneurship and innovation have lower values than other representations.Şehirler, içinde yaşayanlar tarafından farklı şekillerde algılanmaktadır. Bu algı, kişilerin yaşı ve eğitim düzeyi, yerli/yabancı olması gibi çeşitli faktörlere göre farklılık göstermektedir. Bu farklılıkların temelinde ise deneyimler vardır. Algının şehirsel mekânın anlaşılması, örgütlenmesi ve çeşitli problemlerin çözümünde önemli bir yeri vardır. Şehrin eksik yönlerini tamamlamak, olumsuz yönlerini düzeltmek ve farkındalığını artırmak için öğrencilerin şehirsel değerlendirme imajı bilinmelidir. Bu çalışmada; Balıkesir Üniversitesi’nde okuyan öğrencilerin perspektifinden, Balıkesir şehri imajına ilişkin algılarının ölçülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın problemi Balıkesir Üniversitesi öğrencilerinin Balıkesir şehrini nasıl algıladıkları, onların değerlendirmelerine göre şehir imajıdır. Bu bağlamda Balıkesir Üniversitesi’nin 4 yıllık okullarının son sınıflarında okuyan 460 öğrenciye anket uygulanmıştır. Anket çalışmasıyla birlikte; üniversite öğrencilerinin perspektifinden, şehrin üstünlük imajları, şehrin soyut imajları ve şehir halkına yönelik imajlar tespit edilmiştir. Tüm katılımcılar birlikte değerlendirildiğinde; coğrafi konum ve şehirlerarası ulaşım yüksek imaja sahip ifadelerdir. Sosyal, sportif, kültürel, eğlence ve sanat faaliyetleri bağlamında ise imaj düşüktür. Şehrin modernlik ve gelişmişlik ile ilgili imajları da düşüktür. Bu iki ifade ile paralel olacak şekilde şehir halkının girişimci ve yenilikçi imajları da diğer ifadelere göre düşük kalmıştı


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    The study area, namely Afyon city, is located on Interior Anatolian sub-region on Aegean region. Urban morphological approach become an important movement in urban geography studies. It has gotten its importance after 1920’s and kept its signifigance until 1960’s. Urban morphological studies, although their numbers have decreased, still are being done. These studies mostly done by foreign professional colleagues are few like fingers in a hand in our country. So this study aims at filling the gap and presenting Afyonkarahisar city with interesting properties in this respect consequently the study named as “Two Elements of Urban Morphology in Afyon: Street Layout and Houses” to scientific world. But two main components of urban morphology, street plan and architectural style of buildings, are dealt with and land-use is paid no attention. In this context, morphologically, Afyon city can be included in city groups with diverse forms. City, in this general context, has traditional houses, organic, radial, grid-iron structures which develop for different reason

    Şehirsel Toponimi (Hodonimi): Türkiye İçin Bir Tipoloji Denemesi

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    Streets, avenues and roads are the most significant parts of cities considered complete text. These meaningful parts related to main text are at the same time memory space that stores past experiences. In parallel with the idea that past experiences live in names, this study examines streets names in cities (urban toponymy, hodonymy) and develops a typology for Turkey. This research considers 24 cities as a sample survey in different geographical regions of Turkey. These street names have been obtained from city plans. Turkish cities are full of symbolic names from the democratic republic regime. Changes arising due to security reasons, physical expansion of cities because of horizontal growth, ancestral ties, cultural proximity, political reasons, population of cities and differences in land use are among other reasons that affect street names of the cities in Turkey. The typology developed subjected to these factors, aside from the sub-headings, consists of sevenmain headings. These can be classified as republic streets, martyr streets, friendship and fellowship streets, place/direction identification streets, numerical streets, streets related to important persons and other street


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    The subject of study is of nuclear energy. After the general terms related to the nuclear energy, its historical development, and its usage areas have been investigated, the adventages and disadventages of this energy are paid attention in this study. Spatial distribution of nuclear energy sources are dealt with under another title, and then, the acheivement works of nuklear energy in our country, Turkey, are studied. As in the whole world, the need of nuclear energy source has been of discussion metter in our country. The discussion consantrates on both the necessity of this energy and its potantal santral establishement place; namely Akkuyu. The aim of study is to explain the nuclear energy properties and to consider the contex of discussion on the very energy in our country at lengt