480 research outputs found

    A beta-amiloid lerakódás hatásának vizsgálata egér neokortexében a principális sejtek morfológiájára és interneuronális kapcsolataira = Effects of amyloid-ß deposition upon morphology of neocortical principal cells and their interneuronal connections

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    Pályázatunkban, az eredeti célkítűzést kibővítve, a humán amyloid prekuror protein (hAPP) fiziológiás és kóros, plakklerakódáshoz vezető metabolizmusának sejtalaktani és sejtkapcsolati hatásait vizsgáltuk transzgenikus egértörzsek egyedeinek nagyagykérgében, különös tekintettel a piramissejtekre, in vivo. A fontos élettani funkciókkal bíró hAPP metabolizmusának zavara vezethet Alzheimer kór kialakulásához humán agyszövetben. Kimutattuk, hogy az élettani hAPP expresszió serkenti a dendrit-, így a lehetséges szinaptikus felszín növekedését. A sejtközötti kapcsolatok száma, különösen a piramissejtek közötti szinapszisoké, nő. A hAPP plakklerakódáshoz vezető kóros metabolizmusa ugyanakkor csökkenti a potenciális szinaptikus felszínt és a serkentő inter-neuronalis kapcsolatok számát jelző tüskék sűrűségét. A piramissejtek afferens és efferens, különösen pedig egymás közötti kapcsolatai leépülnek. Arra következtettünk, hogy a hAPP élettani metabolizmusa neurotrofikus hatású, a plakklerakódáshoz vezető aberráns hAPP metabolizmus viszont neurodegeneratív hatású. Új megfigyelés, hogy a degeneratív jelenségek nem csak plakk körüliek, hanem a sejt egészére kiterjedő, globális változások. A kóros elváltozásokat a megemelkedett Abeta fragmensszint és a következményes plakklerakódás okozta, az elváltozásokban az Alzheimer kórra jellegzetes intracellularis mikrotubulinfehérjék kóros összecsapzódása nem játszott szerepet, hiszen a vizsgált egértörzsben utóbbi jelenség nem figyelhető meg. | The extend aim of the project included the investigation of the effects of physiological or aberrant metabolism of the human amyloid precursor protein (hAPP) upon dendritic and synaptic remodeling of neocortical principal cells in two transgenic mouse lines. The hAPP molecule has important physiological functions, however, metabolic disorders of the protein leads to degeneration of brain tissue reminiscent of Alzheimer?s disease. We found that physiological hAPP expression promoted the growth of dendritic density and surface, hence, of potential synaptic surface, as well as the enrichment of inter-neuronal contacts, especially between pyramidal cells. Aberrant metabolism of hAPP leading to high Abeta fragment level and consequential plaque load, however, resulted in dendritic shrinkage of pyramidal cells and typically in a dramatic decrease in dendritic spine density. Principal cells suffered significant loss in afferent and efferent, but especially in their mutual contacts. Findings suggest a neurotrophic effect of physiological, but a neurodegenerative effect of aberrant hAPP processing upon pyramidal cells. An especially novel finding of the project was that degenerative changes were not plaque-related focal alterations, but affected the total extension of the neuron. Malformations were triggered by high Abeta level and plaque load but not by the appearance of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles since they were not observed in the investigated transgenic mouse line

    Transformations of the human communities in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin between the middle of the 5th and 7th century: Row-grave cemeteries in Transylvania, Partium and Banat

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    Abstract of PhD thesis submitted in 2018 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest under the supervision of Tivadar Vida

    Ordoliberalism in The epoch of pandemy

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    There are three parts to this paper. The first part presents a discussion on ordoliberalism as a discursive structure. In doing so, it also analyzes how a certain set of ideas acquires hegemony and the specific significance of the indication “ideas matter”. The second, central part of the paper emphasizes the contradiction relating to the application of ordoliberalism within the European Union. This contradiction is sharpened with the tension between “rules” and “discretion”-based government. At the same time, ordoliberalism, which is woven into the German tradition, is presented as an expression of this contradiction. This section also sheds light on the COVID 19 pandemic from the perspective of ordoliberalism and points to the continuity of the pandemic with pre-existing crises. In the third part, starting from the relationship between ordoliberalism and capitalism, we talk about the connection of this orientation with the German export strategy, which is a sign of strong continuity of German politics. Ordoliberalism is an expression of Germany’s position in the EU and the world, and similarly, if we can talk about „ordoliberalization“ of European capitalism, we can expect its presence on a European scale

    Spirituality, crisis, and illusions

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    Az etnicitás turizmusföldrajzi értelmezése erdélyi példákon keresztül

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    A Primal-Dual Approach for Large Scale Integer Problems

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    This paper presents a refined approach to using column generation to solve specific type of large integer problems. A primal-dual approach is presented to solve the Restricted Master problem belonging to the original optimization task. Firstly, this approach allows a faster convergence to the optimum of the LP relaxation of the problem. Secondly, the existence of both an upper and lower bound of the LP optimum at each iteration allows a faster searching of the Branch-and-Bound tree. To achieve this an early termination approach is presented. The technique is demonstrated on the Generalized Assignment problem and Parallel Machine Scheduling problem as two reference applications
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