463 research outputs found
Testing the Response of Consumption to Income Changes with (Noisy) PanelData
This paper tests the rational expectations lifecycle model of consumption against (1) a simple Keynesian model and (ii) the rational expectations lifecycle model with imperfect capital markets. The tests are based upon the relative responsiveness of consumption to income changes which can be predicted from past information and income changes which cannot be predicted. Since there is strong evidence that panel data contains substantial measurement error, the tests are especially constructed to allow for measurement error in the income process. They also allow for more general income processes than have been considered to date in the literature. The results reject the Keynesian model and generally support the lifecycle model, although the tests are not sufficiently precise to rule out the possibility that some households are liquidity constrained. Measurement error does have a strong influence on the relationship between consumption and income. When it is ignored our tests do not reject the Keynesian model. We show that consideration of measurement error may also reconcile differences in the results of Hall and Mishkin (1982) and Bernanke(1984). Nevertheless, our most important conclusion is that Hall and Mishkin's, Bernanke's, and Hayashi's (198 ) qualitative finding that the vast majority of households obey the lifecycle model is not an artifact of failure to account for measurement error in the income data.
Dynamic Factor Models of Consumption, Hours, and Income
This paper addresses two questions. First, what are the key factors that affect a consumer's lifetime budget constraint and how do they evolve over the lifecycle? Second, how do consumers respond to changes in these factors? We examine the permanent income hypothesis and the Keynesian consumption model using a dynamic factor model of consumption, hours, wages, unemployment, and income. We show that a quarterly dynamic factor model with restrictions on the lag structure nay be used with annual panel data to account for the fact that in many micro panel data sets the variables relevant to a study are measured at different time intervals and/or are aggregates for the calendar year. By using several income indicators we are able to extend the panel data studies of Hall and Mishkin and Bernanke to allow for measurement error. We are also able to study the response of income and consumption to some of the factors which determine them. In addition, we study a dynamic factor representation of a joint lifecycle model of consumption and labor supply. We provide estimates of the effect of wages, unemployment, and other income determinants on the marginal utility of income as well as estimates of the substitution effects of wage change on labor supply and consumption.
Pembangunan Manusia dan Kinerja Ekonomi Regional di Indonesia
Theoretically, there is a two-ways relationship between human development and economic performance. The strength of the relationship also depends on other social and economic variable. The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship in the Indonesia's regional situation during the economic crisis. This article finds the existence of the links between human development and economic performance
Kajian Teknis Terhadap Kegagalan Struktur Gedung KPPTSP Di Kota Ruteng, Kabupaten Manggarai
Pekerjaan Pembangunan Gedung Kantor KPPTSP Kabupaten Manggarai yang dibangun di Tahun 2011 ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelayanan publik dalam satu atap. Namun setelah selesai pembangunan, seketika ditemukan gejala kegagalan struktur bangunan berupa retak diagonal di dinding dengan lebar mencapai 1 cm (tembus ke sisi lain dinding). Berdasarkan fakta kerusakan yang hampir merata terjadi di semua sisi gedung maka perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan dan analisa untuk mengetahui penyebab kegagalan struktur bangunan tersebut. Pemeriksaan meliputi bentuk dan konfigurasi denah bangunan, dimensi ruangan beserta elemen strukturnya, pemeriksaan dimensi termasuk pengujian tidak merusak terhadap semua elemen struktur,. Langkah berikutnya melakukan simulasi menggunakan SAP2000 terhadap konfigurasi struktur bangunan untuk mengetahui adakah terdapat kelemahan – kelemahan dari aspek dimensi dan konfigurasinya sehingga gedung tersebut gagal. Hasil yang diperoleh Bentuk bangunan yang tidak simetris dan adanya jarak kolom utama yang terlampau jauh (7,5 m dan 9,5 m) dengan dimensi kolom yang bervariasi, menimbulkan potensi goyangan struktur (sideways), mutu beton kolom pedestal dan balok sloof < K250 serta jarak sengkang kolom > 10 cm. Berdasarkan hasil analisa tersebut, direkomendasikan agar bangunan kantor KPPTSP untuk tidak digunakan dan harus segera dibongka
The structure of Hilbert flag varieties
In this paper we present a geometric realization of infinite dimensional analogues of the finite dimensional representations of the general linear group. This requires and etailed analysis of the structure of the flag varieties involved and the line bundles over them. In general the action of the restricted linear group can not be lifted to the line bundles and thus leads to central extensions of this group. It is determined exactly when these extensions are non-trivial. These representations are of importance in quantum field theory and in the framework of integrable systems. As an application, it is shown how the flag varieties occur in the latter context
Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang Nomor 5 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pengendalian Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang
Management of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a prevention and mitigation activities to break the chain of infection dengue disease in a way to combat mosquitoes and mosquito larvae of Aedes aegypti and Aedesalbopictus. Dengue is one of endemic disease in Semarang City. District Tembalang, which is one of district in Semarang City, has the highest number of patients with dengue fever within the last five years. Seeing this, Semarang City Government published Perda No. 5 tahun 2010 about Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Management. This study is aimed to describe how the implementation of Perda No. 5 tahun 2010 about Management of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Management in district Tembalang and to identify supporting factors and resisting factors of Implementation Perda No. 5 tahun 2010 about Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Management in District Tembalang. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The result shows there are phenomenon that considered not good enough such as accuracy of the policy, accuracy of the implementer, accuracy in targeting, precision and accuracy of the process environment. In this study also found that supporting factors of the regulation implementation is bureaucratic structure, whereas the resisting factors founded in the communication factor, resources and disposition. Recommendations can be given by researcher are to increase the intensity of regulation socialization, community empowerment, strengthen of coordination between the implementers, enhance human resources quantity, cooperate with other implementers such as private implementers in order to support the lack of budget
Rancang Bangun Directional Coupler Konfigurasi 3x3 Planar Step Index Multimode Fiber Optic Sebagai Sensor Kemolaran Dan PH
Seiring dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi, diperlukan penelitian mendalam serta memiliki keakurasian tinggi, dengan efektif dan efisien agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, dan salah satunya adalah dalam mendeteksi kemolaran serta pH dari suatu larutan. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan rancang bangun directional coupler (DC) konfigurasi 3x3 planar step index multimode fiber optic tipe FD-620-10 dengan panjang kupasan 60 mm, menggunakan pendekatan metode Fused Biconical Tapered (FBT) sebagai sensor kemolaran dan pH. Larutan uji yang digunakan adalah Larutan NaCl, Larutan Asam Sitrat dan Larutan Glukosa, dengan masing – masing variasi kemolaran 0 M (aquades), 1 M, 2 M, 3 M, 4 M, dan 5 M, untuk penelitian sebagai sensor kemolaran, lalu laurtan HCl 0.1 s.d 0.00625 N dan NaOH 0.1 s.d 0.00625 N untuk penelitian sebagai sensor pH. Dengan menggunakan BF5R-D1-N sebagai sensor cahaya, Directional Coupler 3x3 dikarakterisasi untuk mengetahui daya keluaran dari serat optik dengan Perubahan konsentrasi larutan dan Perubahan pH. Dari hasil karakterisasi, didapatkan hasil berupa hubungan konsentrasi larutan dan pH dengan daya pada output, yaitu semakin tinggi molaritas dan semakin asam dan basa suatu larutan maka semakin rendah daya intensitas cahaya keluar dari serat optik. Dengan adanya DC 3x3 sebagai sensor ini, mampu mengkarakterisasi larutan dengan tiga buah variasi jenis larutan sekaligus, sehingga meningkatkan efisensi Directional Coupler sebagai sensor pH dan kemolaran
Peran Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dalam Menurunkan Kemiskinan Di Tingkat Provinsi Di Indonesia Tahun 2004-2012
This study aims to identify and analyze the role of economic growth on poverty reduction seen from sectors in 2004-2012. The variables used were the number of poverty as the dependent variable and the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in nine sectors as independent variables. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the data published by the World Bank. The analytical method used is the panel data regression with fixed effect model approach. In processing the data, the authors using statistical software Eviews 8.1.Based on estimates obtained that overall economic growth is negative and have significant effect on poverty at the provincial level in Indonesia. Furthermore, in terms of sectoral found that variable per-mining sector has a negative influence and significant impact on poverty reduction. It was caused by the commodities boom of the commodity mined. So that the mining sector is not a sector that is key in reducing poverty, but the commodities boom have an impact on poverty reduction in the province in Indonesia
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