278 research outputs found

    Cell averaging two-scale convergence: Applications to periodic homogenization

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    The aim of the paper is to introduce an alternative notion of two-scale convergence which gives a more natural modeling approach to the homogenization of partial differential equations with periodically oscillating coefficients: while removing the bother of the admissibility of test functions, it nevertheless simplifies the proof of all the standard compactness results which made classical two-scale convergence very worthy of interest: bounded sequences in L2[Y,L2(Ω)]L^2_{\sharp}[Y,L^2(\Omega)] and L2[Y,H1(Ω)]L^2_{\sharp}[Y,H^1(\Omega)] are proven to be relatively compact with respect to this new type of convergence. The strengths of the notion are highlighted on the classical homogenization problem of linear second-order elliptic equations for which first order boundary corrector-type results are also established. Eventually, possible weaknesses of the method are pointed out on a nonlinear problem: the weak two-scale compactness result for S2\mathbb{S}^2-valued stationary harmonic maps.Comment: 20 pages, 2 Figure

    Purcell magneto-elastic swimmer controlled by an external magnetic field

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on the mechanism of propulsion of a Purcell swimmer whose segments are magnetized and react to an external magnetic field applied into the fluid. By an asymptotic analysis, we prove that it is possible to steer the swimmer along a chosen direction when the control functions are prescribed as an oscillating field. Moreover, we discuss what are the main obstructions to overcome in order to get classical controllability result for this system

    Energetics and switching of quasi-uniform states in small ferromagnetic particles

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    We present a numerical algorithm to solve the micromagnetic equations based on tangential-plane minimization for the magnetization update and a homothethic-layer decomposition of outer space for the computation of the demagnetization field. As a first application, detailed results on the flower-vortex transition in the cube of Micromagnetic Standard Problem number 3 are obtained, which confirm, with a different method, those already present in the literature, and validate our method and code. We then turn to switching of small cubic or almost-cubic particles, in the single-domain limit. Our data show systematic deviations from the Stoner-Wohlfarth model due to the non-ellipsoidal shape of the particle, and in particular a non-monotone dependence on the particle size

    A simple preconditioned domain decomposition method for electromagnetic scattering problems

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    We present a domain decomposition method (DDM) devoted to the iterative solution of time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering problems, involving large and resonant cavities. This DDM uses the electric field integral equation (EFIE) for the solution of Maxwell problems in both interior and exterior subdomains, and we propose a simple preconditioner for the global method, based on the single layer operator restricted to the fictitious interface between the two subdomains.Comment: 23 page

    Three-sphere low-Reynolds-number swimmer with a passive elastic arm

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    One of the simplest model swimmers at low Reynolds number is the three-sphere swimmer by Najafi and Golestanian. It consists of three spheres connected by two rods which change their lengths periodically in non-reciprocal fashion. Here we investigate a variant of this model in which one rod is periodically actuated while the other is replaced by an elastic spring. We show that the competition between the elastic restoring force and the hydrodynamic drag produces a delay in the response of the passive elastic arm with respect to the active one. This leads to non-reciprocal shape changes and self-propulsion. After formulating the equations of motion, we study their solutions qualitatively and numerically. The leading-order term of the solution is computed analytically. We then address questions of optimization with respect to both actuation frequency and swimmer\u2019s geometry. Our results can provide valuable conceptual guidance in the engineering of robotic microswimmers

    Homogenization of Composite Ferromagnetic Materials

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    Nowadays, nonhomogeneous and periodic ferromagnetic materials are the subject of a growing interest. Actually such periodic configurations often combine the attributes of the constituent materials, while sometimes, their properties can be strikingly different from the properties of the different constituents. These periodic configurations can be therefore used to achieve physical and chemical properties difficult to achieve with homogeneous materials. To predict the magnetic behavior of such composite materials is of prime importance for applications. The main objective of this paper is to perform, by means of Gamma-convergence and two-scale convergence, a rigorous derivation of the homogenized Gibbs-Landau free energy functional associated to a composite periodic ferromagnetic material, i.e. a ferromagnetic material in which the heterogeneities are periodically distributed inside the ferromagnetic media. We thus describe the Gamma-limit of the Gibbs-Landau free energy functional, as the period over which the heterogeneities are distributed inside the ferromagnetic body shrinks to zero.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure. Keywords: Micromagnetics, Periodic Homogenization, Gamma Convergence, Two-scale Convergence, Demagnetizing Fiel

    Polynomial approximations in a generalized Nyman-Beurling criterion

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    The Nyman-Beurling criterion, equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis, is an approximation problem in the space of square integrable functions on (0,)(0,\infty), involving dilations of the fractional part function by factors θk(0,1)\theta_k\in(0,1), k1k\ge1. Randomizing the θk\theta_k generates new structures and criteria. One of them is a sufficient condition that splits into (i) showing that the indicator function can be approximated by convolution with the fractional part, (ii) a control on the coefficients of the approximation. This self-contained paper aims at identifying functions for which (i) holds unconditionally, by means of polynomial approximations. This yields in passing a short probabilistic proof of a known consequence of Wiener's Tauberian theorem. In order to tackle (ii) in the future, we give some expressions of the scalar products. New and remarkable structures arise for the Gram matrix, in particular moment matrices for a suitable weight that may be the squared Ξ\Xi-function for instance.Comment: 12 page