4 research outputs found

    Is COVID-19 a catalyst for a paradigm shift in teleworking? : A comparative quantitative survey between managers' and employees' willingness to telework

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    Denna kvantitativa surveyundersökning Ă€mnar studera chefers och medarbetares vilja att arbetadigitalt pĂ„ distans. Är nĂ„gon av grupperna sĂ€rskilt drivande till digitalt distansarbete och vadinnebĂ€r det för framtiden efter att covid-19-pandemin Ă€r över? Vilja operationaliseras genomWicks (2002) samt Shareena och Shahid (2020) och bestĂ„r av prognostiserad prestation,sjĂ€lvrapporterade personlighetsdrag samt hemmets förenlighet med distansarbete. UtifrĂ„ndessa studier skapades ett teoretiskt ramverk vilket mynnade ut i tolv hypoteser. Via enwebbenkĂ€t samlades 323 st. respondentsvar in, varav 295 st. anvĂ€ndes i dataanalysen sombestod av oberoende t-test (hypotesprövning), envĂ€gs-ANOVA (variansanalys) samt multipellinjĂ€r regressionsanalys. De övergripande resultaten frĂ„n studien kan sammanfattas pĂ„ följandesĂ€tt: En person med hög vilja att arbeta digitalt pĂ„ distans Ă€r generellt en medarbetare, Ă€ldre Ă€n35 Ă„r, med hemmavarande barn som arbetar i en digital bransch. En person med lĂ„g vilja attarbeta digitalt pĂ„ distans Ă€r generellt en chef, yngre Ă€n 35 Ă„r, utan hemmavarande barn somarbetar i en icke-digitaliserad bransch. Studien fann Ă€ven att hög frihet och variation Ă€r enviktig faktor för att en anstĂ€lld ska vilja arbeta digitalt pĂ„ distans. Resultatet frĂ„n studienindikerar en kraftig ökning av distansarbete i framtiden för bĂ„de chefer och medarbetarejĂ€mfört med situationen före pandemin. Studien indikerar att covid-19 Ă€r en katalysator för ettparadigmskifte gĂ€llande distansarbete. This quantitative survey aims to study managers and employee’s willingness to telework. Isany of the groups particularly driven by digital teleworking and what does it entail for the futureafter the COVID-19 pandemic is over? Willingness is operationalized through Wicks (2002)and Shareena and Shahid (2020) and consists of predicted performance, self-reportedpersonality traits and the home's compatibility with telework. Based on these studies, atheoretical framework was created, which resulted in twelve hypotheses. Through a websurvey, 323 respondents were collected, of which 295 were used in the data analysis whichconsisted of independent t-test (hypothesis testing), one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance)and multiple linear regression analysis. The overall results from the study can be summarizedas follows: A person with a high willingness to telework is generally an employee, older than35 years, with children at home who work in a digital industry. A person with a low willingnessto telework is generally a manager, younger than 35 years, without children at home who workin a non-digitized industry. The study also found that high freedom and variety is an importantfactor for an employee to want to work remotely. The results from the study indicate a sharpincrease in telework in the future for both managers and employees compared to the situationbefore the pandemic. The study thus indicates that COVID-19 is a catalyst for a paradigm shiftregarding telework

    Is COVID-19 a catalyst for a paradigm shift in teleworking? : A comparative quantitative survey between managers' and employees' willingness to telework

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    Denna kvantitativa surveyundersökning Ă€mnar studera chefers och medarbetares vilja att arbetadigitalt pĂ„ distans. Är nĂ„gon av grupperna sĂ€rskilt drivande till digitalt distansarbete och vadinnebĂ€r det för framtiden efter att covid-19-pandemin Ă€r över? Vilja operationaliseras genomWicks (2002) samt Shareena och Shahid (2020) och bestĂ„r av prognostiserad prestation,sjĂ€lvrapporterade personlighetsdrag samt hemmets förenlighet med distansarbete. UtifrĂ„ndessa studier skapades ett teoretiskt ramverk vilket mynnade ut i tolv hypoteser. Via enwebbenkĂ€t samlades 323 st. respondentsvar in, varav 295 st. anvĂ€ndes i dataanalysen sombestod av oberoende t-test (hypotesprövning), envĂ€gs-ANOVA (variansanalys) samt multipellinjĂ€r regressionsanalys. De övergripande resultaten frĂ„n studien kan sammanfattas pĂ„ följandesĂ€tt: En person med hög vilja att arbeta digitalt pĂ„ distans Ă€r generellt en medarbetare, Ă€ldre Ă€n35 Ă„r, med hemmavarande barn som arbetar i en digital bransch. En person med lĂ„g vilja attarbeta digitalt pĂ„ distans Ă€r generellt en chef, yngre Ă€n 35 Ă„r, utan hemmavarande barn somarbetar i en icke-digitaliserad bransch. Studien fann Ă€ven att hög frihet och variation Ă€r enviktig faktor för att en anstĂ€lld ska vilja arbeta digitalt pĂ„ distans. Resultatet frĂ„n studienindikerar en kraftig ökning av distansarbete i framtiden för bĂ„de chefer och medarbetarejĂ€mfört med situationen före pandemin. Studien indikerar att covid-19 Ă€r en katalysator för ettparadigmskifte gĂ€llande distansarbete. This quantitative survey aims to study managers and employee’s willingness to telework. Isany of the groups particularly driven by digital teleworking and what does it entail for the futureafter the COVID-19 pandemic is over? Willingness is operationalized through Wicks (2002)and Shareena and Shahid (2020) and consists of predicted performance, self-reportedpersonality traits and the home's compatibility with telework. Based on these studies, atheoretical framework was created, which resulted in twelve hypotheses. Through a websurvey, 323 respondents were collected, of which 295 were used in the data analysis whichconsisted of independent t-test (hypothesis testing), one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance)and multiple linear regression analysis. The overall results from the study can be summarizedas follows: A person with a high willingness to telework is generally an employee, older than35 years, with children at home who work in a digital industry. A person with a low willingnessto telework is generally a manager, younger than 35 years, without children at home who workin a non-digitized industry. The study also found that high freedom and variety is an importantfactor for an employee to want to work remotely. The results from the study indicate a sharpincrease in telework in the future for both managers and employees compared to the situationbefore the pandemic. The study thus indicates that COVID-19 is a catalyst for a paradigm shiftregarding telework

    Knowledge sharing when telework is involuntary : A quantitative cross-sectional study of how teleworker knowledge sharing is affected by the employees' willingness to telework

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    PĂ„ grund av covid-19 har mĂ„nga organisationer tvingats implementera distansarbete i syfte att minska smittspridningen. Givet den snabba omstĂ€llningen till distansarbete och de utmaningar som arbetssĂ€ttet har pĂ„ kunskapsdelning, Ă€mnar denna kvantitativa tvĂ€rsnittsstudie undersöka hur viljan att arbeta pĂ„ distans pĂ„verkar kunskapsdelning hos distansarbetande anstĂ€llda. Kunskapsdelning operationaliseras genom de relationella faktorerna förtroende, sociala relationer samt organisatorisk förpliktelse. Studiens analysmodell baseras pĂ„ fyra hypoteser som formulerats utifrĂ„n tidigare forskning. Respondenter samlades in via en webbenkĂ€t dĂ€r den insamlade datan analyserades genom hierarkisk linjĂ€r regression. Resultaten frĂ„n 170 distansarbetande anstĂ€llda visade att viljan att arbeta pĂ„ distans modererar effekten av förtroende pĂ„ kunskapsdelning. För individer som har lĂ„gt förtroende till sina kollegor agerar viljan att arbeta pĂ„ distans som en facilitator för kunskapsdelning. DĂ€rutöver bör organisationer ta hĂ€nsyn till de anstĂ€lldas vilja att arbeta pĂ„ distans eftersom resultaten frĂ„n studien indikerar att viljan pĂ„verkar kunskapsdelning pĂ„ den digitala arbetsplatsen.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many organizations have been forced to implement telework in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus. Following the quick transition to telework and challenges associated with organizational knowledge sharing, this quantitative cross-sectional study aims to investigate how the willingness to telework impacts knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is operationalized through the relational factors trust, interpersonal bonds and organizational commitment. The study’s model of analysis is based on four hypotheses formulated from earlier research within the field. Data was gathered through an online survey where the collected data was analyzed through hierarchical linear regression. Results from 170 teleworkers show that the impact of trust on knowledge sharing is moderated by willingness to telework. For individuals with low levels of trust in their coworkers the willingness to teleworks acts as a facilitator for knowledge sharing. An implication for organizations is that employees’ willingness to telework needs to be considered as our results indicate that it affects knowledge sharing in a digital work environment

    Knowledge sharing when telework is involuntary : A quantitative cross-sectional study of how teleworker knowledge sharing is affected by the employees' willingness to telework

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    PĂ„ grund av covid-19 har mĂ„nga organisationer tvingats implementera distansarbete i syfte att minska smittspridningen. Givet den snabba omstĂ€llningen till distansarbete och de utmaningar som arbetssĂ€ttet har pĂ„ kunskapsdelning, Ă€mnar denna kvantitativa tvĂ€rsnittsstudie undersöka hur viljan att arbeta pĂ„ distans pĂ„verkar kunskapsdelning hos distansarbetande anstĂ€llda. Kunskapsdelning operationaliseras genom de relationella faktorerna förtroende, sociala relationer samt organisatorisk förpliktelse. Studiens analysmodell baseras pĂ„ fyra hypoteser som formulerats utifrĂ„n tidigare forskning. Respondenter samlades in via en webbenkĂ€t dĂ€r den insamlade datan analyserades genom hierarkisk linjĂ€r regression. Resultaten frĂ„n 170 distansarbetande anstĂ€llda visade att viljan att arbeta pĂ„ distans modererar effekten av förtroende pĂ„ kunskapsdelning. För individer som har lĂ„gt förtroende till sina kollegor agerar viljan att arbeta pĂ„ distans som en facilitator för kunskapsdelning. DĂ€rutöver bör organisationer ta hĂ€nsyn till de anstĂ€lldas vilja att arbeta pĂ„ distans eftersom resultaten frĂ„n studien indikerar att viljan pĂ„verkar kunskapsdelning pĂ„ den digitala arbetsplatsen.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many organizations have been forced to implement telework in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus. Following the quick transition to telework and challenges associated with organizational knowledge sharing, this quantitative cross-sectional study aims to investigate how the willingness to telework impacts knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is operationalized through the relational factors trust, interpersonal bonds and organizational commitment. The study’s model of analysis is based on four hypotheses formulated from earlier research within the field. Data was gathered through an online survey where the collected data was analyzed through hierarchical linear regression. Results from 170 teleworkers show that the impact of trust on knowledge sharing is moderated by willingness to telework. For individuals with low levels of trust in their coworkers the willingness to teleworks acts as a facilitator for knowledge sharing. An implication for organizations is that employees’ willingness to telework needs to be considered as our results indicate that it affects knowledge sharing in a digital work environment