80 research outputs found

    Speech Enhancement via EMD

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    WOSInternational audienceIn this study, two new approaches for speech signal noise reduction based on the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) recently introduced by Huang et al. (1998) are proposed. Based on the EMD, both reduction schemes are fully data-driven approaches. Noisy signal is decomposed adaptively into oscillatory components called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), using a temporal decomposition called sifting process. Two strategies for noise reduction are proposed: filtering and thresholding. The basic principle of these two methods is the signal reconstruction with IMFs previously filtered, using the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) filter introduced by I. Y. Soon et al. (1998), or thresholded using a shrinkage function. The performance of these methods is analyzed and compared with those of the MMSE filter and wavelet shrinkage. The study is limited to signals corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise. The obtained results show that the proposed denoising schemes perform better than the MMSE filter and wavelet approach

    A novel fusion framework of deep bottleneck residual convolutional neural network for breast cancer classification from mammogram images

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    With over 2.1 million new cases of breast cancer diagnosed annually, the incidence and mortality rate of this disease pose severe global health issues for women. Identifying the disease’s influence is the only practical way to lessen it immediately. Numerous research works have developed automated methods using different medical imaging to identify BC. Still, the precision of each strategy differs based on the available resources, the issue’s nature, and the dataset being used. We proposed a novel deep bottleneck convolutional neural network with a quantum optimization algorithm for breast cancer classification and diagnosis from mammogram images. Two novel deep architectures named three-residual blocks bottleneck and four-residual blocks bottle have been proposed with parallel and single paths. Bayesian Optimization (BO) has been employed to initialize hyperparameter values and train the architectures on the selected dataset. Deep features are extracted from the global average pool layer of both models. After that, a kernel-based canonical correlation analysis and entropy technique is proposed for the extracted deep features fusion. The fused feature set is further refined using an optimization technique named quantum generalized normal distribution optimization. The selected features are finally classified using several neural network classifiers, such as bi-layered and wide-neural networks. The experimental process was conducted on a publicly available mammogram imaging dataset named INbreast, and a maximum accuracy of 96.5% was obtained. Moreover, for the proposed method, the sensitivity rate is 96.45, the precision rate is 96.5, the F1 score value is 96.64, the MCC value is 92.97%, and the Kappa value is 92.97%, respectively. The proposed architectures are further utilized for the diagnosis process of infected regions. In addition, a detailed comparison has been conducted with a few recent techniques showing the proposed framework’s higher accuracy and precision rate

    Centralized and distributed algorithms for on-line synthesis of maximal control policies under partial observation

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    This paper deals with the on-line control of partially observed discrete event systems (DES). The goal is to restrict the behavior of the system within a prefix-closed legal language while accounting for the presence of uncontrollable and unobservable events. In the spirit of recent work on the on-line control of partially observed DES (Heymann and Lin 1994) and on variable lookahead control of fully observed DES (Ben Hadj-Alouane et al. 1994c), we propose an approach where, following each observable event, a control action is computed on-line using an algorithm of linear worst-case complexity. This algorithm, called VLP-PO , has the following additional properties: (i) the resulting behavior is guaranteed to be a maximal controllable and observable sublanguage of the legal language; (ii) different maximals may be generated by varying the priorities assigned to the controllable events, a parameter of VLP-PO ; (iii) a maximal containing the supremal controllable and normal sublanguage of the legal language can be generated by a proper selection of controllable event priorities; and (iv) no off-line calculations are necessary. We also present a parallel/distributed version of the VLP-PO algorithm called DI-VLP-PO . This version uses several communicating agents that simultaneously run (on-line) identical versions of the algorithm but on possibly different parts of the system model and the legal language, according to the structural properties of the system and the specifications. While achieving the same behavior as VLO-PO, DI-VLP-PO runs at a total complexity (for computation and communication) that is significantly lower than its sequential counterpart.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45126/1/10626_2005_Article_BF01797138.pd

    Provision, protection or participation? Approaches to regulating children’s television in Arab countries

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    One notable feature of Arab broadcasting has been the belated emergence of free-to-air channels for children. Today, with children’s channels a still-expanding feature of the Arab satellite television landscape, the region is witnessing growth in the local animation industry alongside intensified competition for child audiences through imported content and a selective squeeze on state funds. In this context the policies and rationales that inform production and acquisition of children’s content remain far from transparent, beyond occasional public rhetoric about protecting children from material that ‘breaches cultural boundaries and values’ and providing programmes that revere a perceived ‘Arab-Islamic’ heritage and preserve literary forms of the Arabic language. Attempts at promoting children’s genuine participation in Arab television have been rare. Drawing on theoretical literature that links protection and participation in the sense that children’s safety depends on their agency, this paper explores emerging guidelines developed by Arab regulators, broadcasters and others in relation to television content for children

    PSPACE-completeness of Modular Supervisory Control Problems*

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    In this paper we investigate computational issues associated with the supervision of concurrent processes modeled as modular discrete-event systems. Here, modular discrete-event systems are sets of deterministic finite-state automata whose interaction is modeled by the parallel composition operation. Even with such a simple model process model, we show that in general many problems related to the supervision of these systems are PSPACE-complete. This shows that although there may be space-efficient methods for avoiding the state-explosion problem inherent to concurrent processes, there are most likely no time-efficient solutions that would aid in the study of such “large-scale” systems. We show our results using a reduction from a special class of automata intersection problem introduced here where behavior is assumed to be prefix-closed. We find that deciding if there exists a supervisor for a modular system to achieve a global specification is PSPACE-complete. We also show many verification problems for system supervision are PSPACE-complete, even for prefix-closed cases. Supervisor admissibility and online supervision operations are also discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45090/1/10626_2004_Article_6210.pd

    Le Quaternaire marin du secteur littoral Cap Achakar -Cap Spartel (Tanger, Maroc) : lithostratigraphie et néotectonique

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    Marine Quaternary of Cap Ashakar (Tangiers, Morocco) : lithostratigraphy and neotec tonics. Lithostratigraphy of the marine quaternary deposits of Cap Ashakar (Tangiers, Morocco) allows us to reveal three marine pleistocene formations : • the oldest indicates an upper shoreface depositional environment and has given up a "cold fauna" with two common mediterranean species so far unknown on the Moroccan atlantic coast : Buccinurn undatum and Neptunea contraria ; • the youngest indicates a foreshore depositional environment and dates from the last Interglacial ; • between them, takes place a very thick marine azoic formation, which indicates an upper shoreface followed by a foreshore depositional environment. The morphostructural analysis allows to show the part of the recurrent epeirogenic phenomenas in the morphogenesis of the north Moroccan atlantic coast.L'étude lithostratigraphique des dépôts marins quaternaires du Cap Achakar (province de Tanger, Maroc), permet de caractériser trois formations marines d'âge pléistocène : • la plus ancienne, déposée en partie dans un milieu subtidal, a livré une faune à caractère "froid" dans laquelle on note la présence de deux espèces fréquentes en Méditerranée mais jusqu'alors inconnues sur le littoral atlantique marocain : Buccinum undatum et Neptunea contraria ; • la plus récente, mise en place dans un milieu littoral intertidal, date du dernier Interglaciaire ; • entre les deux, il existe une formation marine très puissante mais azoïque, déposée dans un milieu littoral subtidal puis intertidal. L'analyse morphostructurale permet, en outre, de mettre en évidence le rôle des rejeux épirogéniques récents dans la morphogenèse de cette partie nord-occidentale du littoral atlantique marocain.Alouane M. Le Quaternaire marin du secteur littoral Cap Achakar -Cap Spartel (Tanger, Maroc) : lithostratigraphie et néotectonique. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 23, numéro 3-4, 1996. pp. 187-199