3,389 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo study of the spin-glass phase of the site-diluted dipolar Ising model

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    By tempered Monte Carlo simulations, we study site-diluted Ising systems of magnetic dipoles. All dipoles are randomly placed on a fraction x of all L^3 sites of a simple cubic lattice, and point along a given crystalline axis. For x_c< x<=1, where x_c = 0.65, we find an antiferromagnetic phase below a temperature which vanishes as x tends to x_c from above. At lower values of x, we find an equilibrium spin-glass (SG) phase below a temperature given by k_B T_{sg} = x e_d, where e_d is a nearest neighbor dipole-dipole interaction energy. We study (a) the relative mean square deviation D_q^2 of |q|, where q is the SG overlap parameter, and (b) xi_L/L, where xi_L is a correlation length. From their variation with temperature and system size, we determine T_{sg}. In the SG phase, we find (i) the mean values and decrease algebraically with L as L increases, (ii) double peaked, but wide, distributions of q/ appear to be independent of L, and (iii) xi_L/L rises with L at constant T, but extrapolations to 1/L -> 0 give finite values. All of this is consistent with quasi-long-range order in the SG phase.Comment: 15 LaTeX pages, 15 figures, 3 tables. (typos fixed in Appendix A

    Reply to Comment on "Magnetization Process of Single Molecule Magnets at Low Temperatures"

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    This is the reply to a Comment by I.S.Tupitsyn and P.C.E. Stamp (PRL v92,119701 (2004)) on a letter of ours (J.F.Fernandez and J.J.Alonso, PRL v91, 047202 (2003)).Comment: 2 LaTeX pages, 1 eps figure. Submitted to PRL on 20 October 200

    Time relaxation of interacting single--molecule magnets

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    We study the relaxation of interacting single--molecule magnets (SMMs) in both spatially ordered and disordered systems. The tunneling window is assumed to be, as in Fe8, much narrower than the dipolar field spread. We show that relaxation in disordered systems differs qualitatively from relaxation in fully occupied cubic and Fe_8 lattices. We also study how line shapes that develop in ''hole--digging'' experiments evolve with time t in these fully occupied lattices. We show (1) that the dipolar field h scales as t^p in these hole line shapes and show (2) how p varies with lattice structure. Line shapes are not, in general, Lorentzian. More specifically, in the lower portion of the hole, they behave as (h/t^p)^{(1/p)-1} if h is outside the tunnel window. This is in agreement with experiment and with our own Monte Carlo results.Comment: 21 LaTeX pages, 6 eps figures. Submitted to PRB on 15 June 2005. Accepted on 13 August 200

    Continuous spin reorientation in antiferromagnetic films

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    We study anisotropic antiferromagnetic one-layer films with dipolar and nearest-neighbor exchange interactions. We obtain a unified phase diagram as a function of effective uniaxial D_e and quadrupolar C anisotropy constants. We study in some detail how spins reorient continuously below a temperature T_s as T and D_e vary.Comment: 3 LaTeX pages, 3 eps figures. Submitted to JMMM on 25 May 2006. Accepted on 21 July 200

    Magnetization Process of Single Molecule Magnets at Low Temperatures

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    We show that correlations established before quenching to very low temperatures, later drive the magnetization process of systems of single molecule magnets, after a magnetic field is applied at t=0. We also show that in SC lattices, m \propto sqrt(t), as observed in Fe_8, but only for 1+2*log_10(h_d/h_w) time decades, where h_d is a nearest neighbor dipolar magnetic field and a spin reversal can occur only if the field on it is within (-h_w,h_w). However, the sqrt(t) behavior is not universal. For BCC and FCC lattices, m \propto t^p, but p \simeq 0.7. The value to which m finally levels off is also given.Comment: 5 LaTeX pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on 26 January 2003, accepted on 24 July 200

    Phases of anisotropic dipolar antiferromagnets

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    We study systems of classical magnetic dipoles on simple cubic lattices with dipolar and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. By analysis and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, we find how the antiferromagnetic phases vary with uniaxial and fourfold anisotropy constants, C and D, as well as with exchange strength J. We pay special attention to the spin reorientation (SR) phase, and exhibit in detail the nature of its broken symmetries. By mean field theory and by MC, we also obtain the ratio of the higher ordering temperature to the SR transition temperature, and show that it depends mainly on D/C, and rather weakly on J. We find a reverse SR transition.Comment: 10 LaTeX pages, 14 eps figures. Submitted to PRB on 03 October 2005. Accepted on 13 December 200

    Seguimiento de la evolución de los niveles de salinidad y nitratos en el acuífero superficial de Zafarraya y en fincas de hortícolas al aire libre

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    La horticultura al aire libre del Llano de Zafarraya es el motor económico de la comarca. El riego de este sector se sustenta en el sistema acuífero del Polje de Zafarraya y Sierra Gorda. En estos acuíferos, como consecuencia de la explotación agrícola de la zona, se viene produciendo desde hace décadas sobreexplotación del recurso, con la consiguiente salinización y nitrificación. Los objetivos de este trabajo han sido estudiar los niveles de salinidad y nitratos de las aguas del acuífero de Zafarraya y hacer un seguimiento de la solución del suelo en explotaciones hortícolas de la zona, para poder realizar recomendaciones que permitan mejorar la gestión de la fertilización y evitar el aumento de la contaminación por nitratos. Los niveles de salinidad obtenidos a lo largo del periodo de estudio han sido estables y no representan problemas para los principales cultivos hortícolas de la zona. En lo que respecta a la concentración de nitratos, los resultados muestran niveles excesivos por encima de 300 mg L-1. Estos resultados son consecuencia de la práctica habitual de aplicaciones excesivas de fertilizantes nitrogenados. La recomendación inicial sería mantener una concentración de nitratos estable a lo largo del ciclo de cultivo para evitar acumulaciones en el suelo sobre todo al final del mismo

    Phase diagram and influence of defects in the double perovskites

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    The phase diagram of the double perovskites of the type Sr_{2-x} La_x Fe Mo O_6 is analyzed, with and without disorder due to antisites. In addition to an homogeneous half metallic ferrimagnetic phase in the absence of doping and disorder, we find antiferromagnetic phases at large dopings, and other ferrimagnetic phases with lower saturation magnetization, in the presence of disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, some errata correcte
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