1,018 research outputs found

    Coímbre, grotte

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    Le siteLa grotte de Coímbre (Besnes, Peñamellera Alta, Asturies), également connue comme grotte des Sorcières (Cueva de las Brujas), est située dans la moyenne vallée de la rivière Cares, dans la zone centro-occidentale de la région cantabrique. Plus précisément, elle se trouve dans la petite vallée formée par la rivière Besnes, à environ 800 m de sa confluence avec la rivière Cares, dans un environnement de moyenne et haute montagne entre le massif de Cuera (autour de 1 000 m d’altitude) et..

    Homework and Academic Achievement in Latin America: A Multilevel Approach

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    The relationship between homework and academic results has been widely researched. Most of that research has used English-speaking, European or Asian samples, and to date there have been no detailed studies into that relationship in Latin America and the Caribbean. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of quantitative homework characteristics on achievement in science. The sample comprised 61,938 students at 2,955 schools in the 15 Latin American countries (plus the Mexican state of New Leon) which participated in the Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (TERCE), carried out by the Latin American Laboratory for Educational Quality (LLECE) in 2013. The mean age was 12.42 years old (±0.94). Within each country, three hierarchical-linear models were applied at two levels: student and school. The individual level considered time spent doing homework and the school level considered the amount and frequency of homework assignment. In addition, ten control variables were included in order to control the net effect of the characteristics of the homework on the result. The results confirmed that homework is widely assigned in the Latin American region. At the individual level, time spent on homework had little effect on academic performance, while in the quantitative homework characteristics it was the frequency of homework assignment which demonstrated a clearer effect rather than the amount of homework assigned

    Genetic model of transformation and neoplastic progression in laryngeal epithelium

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    Background: To analyse genetic alterations in the transformation-progression model of larynx tumors. Methods: Copy number changes of 37 genes were analyzed by MLPA in 94 tissue samples. Results: In the smoker normal mucosa group TP53 loss was predominant, while in the precursor lesions CDKN2A loss and CDKN2D gain were most frequent. Precursor lesions with progression presented CTNNB1 loss. In the carcinoma group the most common changes were CDKN2A, MLH1, CTNNB1, CASP6 losses and RECQL4, CCND1, EMS1 gains. Positive lymph node primary tumors were related to TP53, IL1A, RB1 losses and STK11 gain. The lymph node metastases differed from their corresponding primary tumor in LMNA, RECQL4 and IGF1R losses, and N33, CDKN2D gains. Conclusions: Genetic changes and new key genes were found associated to specific steps of transformation-progression. We included new steps, not presented in the classical models: normal mucosa tobacco exposed, positive lymph node primary tumor and corresponding lymph node mestatases.projects PI02-0831 and PI07-0153 from “Fondos de Investigaciones Sanitarias” (FIS), Instituto Salud Carlos III, Spain. Project IB05-115 from Fundación de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (FICYT), Asturias. Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC) (RD06/0020/0034) del ISCIII, Spain. IUOPA-Obra Social Caja Astur, Spain

    Magnetovolume and magnetocaloric effects in Er2Fe17

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    Combining different experimental techniques, investigations in hexagonal P63/mmc Er2Fe17 show remarkable magnetovolume anomalies below the Curie temperature, TC. The spontaneous magnetostriction reaches 1.6×10−2 at 5 K and falls to zero well above TC, owing to short-range magnetic correlations. Moreover, Er2Fe17 exhibits direct and inverse magnetocaloric effects (MCE) with moderate isothermal magnetic entropy ΔSM, and diabatic temperature ΔTad changes [ΔSM∼−4.7 J(kgK)−1 and ΔTad∼2.5 K near the TC, and ΔSM∼1.3 J(kgK)−1 and ΔTad∼−0.6 K at 40 K for ΔH=80 kOe, respectively, determined from magnetization measurements]. The existence of an inverse MCE seems to be related to a crystalline electric field-level crossover in the Er sublattice and the ferrimagnetic arrangement between the magnetic moments of the Er and Fe sublattice. The main trends found experimentally for the temperature dependence of ΔSM and ΔTad as well as for the atomic magnetic moments are qualitatively well described considering a mean-field Hamiltonian that incorporates both crystalline electric field and exchange interactions. ΔSM(T) and ΔTad(T) curves are essentially zero at ∼150 K, the temperature where the transition from direct to inverse MCE occurs. A possible interplay between the MCE and the magnetovolume anomalies is also discussed.Financial support from Spanish MICINN (MAT2011-27573-C04-02) and from the Basque Government (IT-347- 07) is acknowledged. J.L.S.Ll. acknowledges the support received from CONACYT, Mexico, under the project CB2010-01-156932, and Laboratorio Nacional de Investigaciones en Nanociencias y Nanotecnología (LINAN, IPICyT). J.A.R.V. acknowledges the support from the research project MAT2007-61621. We thank ILL and CRG-D1B for allocating neutron beamtime, and ESRF for synchrotron beamtime. The SCTs at the University of Oviedo and the technical support received from M.Sc. G. J. Labrada-Delgado and B. A. Rivera-Escoto (DMA, IPICyT) are also acknowledged

    Caracterización radar de la supercélula tornádica de larga duración del 2 de octubre de 2013 en Castilla y León

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Simposio Nacional de Predicción, celebrado en los servicios centrales de AEMET, en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2018.El objeto del trabajo es la caracterización radar de una célula convectiva, se concluirá que se trató de una supercélula tornádica de larga duración

    Flipped classroom teaching-learning model: an innovative experience at different educational levels

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    [ES] El objetivo de esta experiencia de innovación docente consiste en aplicar el modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje basado en la clase invertida en diversas asignaturas relacionadas con la economía financiera en diferentes niveles educativos (Bachiller, Formación Profesional, Grado y Máster). La experiencia se inicia poniendo a disposición del estudiante en su plataforma de Moodle, con antelación suficiente para su asimilación, materiales audiovisuales realizados con Camtasia Studio sobre contenidos de las asignaturas implicadas. Posteriormente, se evalúan online los conocimientos adquiridos y la opinión de los estudiantes sobre la experiencia con las herramientas Socrative y Google Forms, y el proceso se complementa con la asignación de insignias digitales, creadas con la herramienta Credly.com, para mejorar la motivación de los estudiantes. Finalmente, se compararán los resultados académicos de los estudiantes derivados de la aplicación del modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje tradicional con los obtenidos con la metodología basada en la clase invertida en los diferentes niveles educativos.[EN] The aim of this teaching innovative experience is to apply the teaching-learning model based on the flipped classroom to different subjects related to financial economy in different levels of education (Secondary, Job Training, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate The experience starts providing the students with audiovisual materials about contents of the subjects involved made with Camtasia Studio software in their Moodle platform and in advance for their assimilation. Afterwards, the acquired knowledge and students' opinions about the experience are evaluated online with Socrative and Google Forms software, and the process is complemented by the assignment of digital badges, created with Credly.com in order to improve students' motivation. Finally, the academic results derived from the application of the traditional teaching-learning model will be compared to those obtained with the flipped classroom methodology for the different educational levels.[PO] O objetivo desta experiência de inovação no ensino é aplicar o modelo de ensinoaprendizagem com base na aula invertida em vários aspetos relacionados com a economia financeira em diferentes níveis de ensino (Licenciatura, formação profissional, Bacharelato e Mestrado). A experiência começa por fornecer ao aluno na plataforma Moodle, com tempo suficiente para a necessária assimilação, materiais audiovisuais realizados com Camtasia Studio sobre o conteúdo das unidades curriculares envolvidas. Posteriormente, avaliam-se on-line os conhecimentos adquiridos e a opinião dos estudantes sobre a experiência com as ferramenta Socrative e Google Forms, e o processo é complementado com a atribuição de credenciais digitais, criadas com a ferramenta Credly.com para aumentar a motivação dos estudantes. Finalmente, serão comparados os resultados académicos dos estudantes sujeitos à aplicação do modelo de ensino-aprendizagem tradicional com os resultados obtidos com a metodologia baseada na aula invertida, nos diferentes níveis de ensino.S

    UPMSat-2 Micro-Satellite: In-orbit Technological Demonstration for Education and Science

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    The UPMSat-2 micro-satellite was launched on September the 3rd 2020 at 01:51:10 UTC from Kourou spaceport in French Guyana. The VV16 Vega Flight has been the first low Earth orbit rideshare commercial flight with a total of 53 satellites (7 of them micro-satellites) to be released by the launch vehicle, arranged in the modular SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service) dispenser. UPMSat-2 is an educational, scientific and in-orbit technological demonstration microsatellite project led by the IDR/UPM research institute from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. This mission can be considered as a logical extension of the IDR/UPM Institute activities focused on designing small satellites to be used as educational platforms of first level. Thereby, UPMSat-2 (as well as its precursor, the UPMSat-1) has the main objective to give students the competences for designing, analyzing, manufacturing, integrating, testing and operating the platform. UPMSat-2 also includes a set of scientific payloads and equipment to be tested in space, provided by research institutions and private companies. The UPMSat-2 is a 50 kg-class microsatellite developed for a 2-year LEO mission with a geometrical envelope of 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.6 m. Since launch, the satellite is orbiting the Earth in a sun-synchronous orbit of 500 km of altitude, passing over the IDR/UPM ground station four times a day. The satellite operation is being carried out by students and professors of the Master in Space Systems (MUSE), an official Master’s program of UPM organized by IDR/UPM. This work describes the most relevant characteristics of UPMSat-2, its payloads, technological contributions, and the main activities performed up to the launch, including participation in the launch campaign in French Guyana. The lessons learned during the mission are also summarized. Finally, the importance and benefits of incorporating actual space systems design and development within academic programs is also emphasized, as it improves these programs with constant and direct feedback

    Innate and adaptive immune assessment at admission to predict clinical outcome in covid-19 patients

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many studies have been carried out to evaluate different immune system components to search for prognostic biomarkers of the disease. A broad multiparametric antibody panel of cellular and humoral components of the innate and the adaptative immune response in patients with active SARS-CoV-2 infection has been evaluated in this study. A total of 155 patients were studied at admission into our center and were categorized according to the requirement of oxygen therapy as mild or severe (the latter being those with the requirement). The patients with severe disease were older and had high ferritin, D-dimer, C-reactive protein, troponin, interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels, and neutrophilia with lymphopenia at admission. Moreover, the patients with mild symptoms had significantly increased circulating non-classical monocytes, innate lymphoid cells, and regulatory NK cells. In contrast, severe patients had a low frequency of Th1 and regulatory T cells with increased activated and exhausted CD8 phenotype (CD8+CD38+HLADR+ and CD8+CD27-CD28-, respectively). The predictive model included age, ferritin, D-dimer, lymph counts, C4, CD8+CD27-CD28-, and non-classical monocytes in the logistic regression analysis. The model predicted severity with an area under the curve of 78%. Both innate and adaptive immune parameters could be considered potential predictive biomarkers of the prognosis of COVID-19 disease.Funding: This work was partially supported by the Cantabrian Government, grant number 2020UIC22-PUB-001, and by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grant number COV20/00170