3 research outputs found

    Encuesta sobre la situaci贸n de los profesionales de la salud bucodental de las islas baleares frente al COVID-19 en tiempo de confinamiento de la poblaci贸n e inicio de la desescalada

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    Introduction: The ADEMA-UIB University School of Dentistry, faced with the situation caused by COVID-19, has carried out a survey for dentists and stomatologists, superior technicians in oral hygiene and superior technicians in dental prosthesis of the Ba-learic Islands, in order to know various important aspects of their work and personal situation in relation to COVID-19, as well as the measures adopted and the functionality of the Dental Clinics and the Dental Prosthesis Laboratories, during the confinement of the population and the start of de-escalation. The aim of the study is to know the changes produced in the oral care of the population during this stage of the pandemic. Material and method: We carried out an online self-filling survey, with free access to the 1,482 professionals involved in oral care of the population of the Balearic Islands. The data has been collected between days 1 and 30 of June 2020, through a form served through the Google Forms Gsuit application. This study is quantitative, descriptive and anonymous. Results: The responses received by the 148 professionals who filled in the form, already reported specific percentage trends. After comparing their sociodemographic aspects, individual protection equipment, infections and operations of dental clinics and prosthetic laboratories, significant differences between them were observed. Conclusions: The surveyed population presented a greater exposure to the risk of contracting the viral infection than in the general population. Around 30% of those surveyed have maintained their usual activity and around 15% have declared that they have clo-sed their center. Furthermore, the most frequent masks used by them were surgical masks and FFP2, although among the higher technicians in dental prosthesis the use of surgical masks was more frequent. Discussion: In reference to the data observed in the surveys carried out at a national level, it is worth highlighting some differences between the results from the Balearic Islands surveys and the national ones. While the Balearic Islands had a percentage of 83% in relation to the participation of the urban environment, the national surveys reported a percentage of 58%. Moreover, the use of waterproof suits resulted in 78,7% in the Balearic Islands compared to 15% at a national level and around 11,5% of the participants had difficulties to obtain PPEs in the Islands compared to 80% at a national level. Finally, the number of tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19 which have been carried out on the surveyed professionals reached 43.9% in the Balearic Islands compared to just 1% of professionals nationwide, which justifies the underdiagnoses of COVID-19 among the country.Introducci贸n: La Escuela Universitaria de Odontolog铆a ADEMA-UIB, ante la situaci贸n creada por el COVID-19, ha realizado una encuesta dirigida a odont贸logos y estomat贸logos (OE), t茅cnicos superiores en higiene bucodental (HB) y t茅cnicos superiores en pr贸tesis dental (PD) de las Islas Baleares, con el objeto de conocer varios aspectos de relevancia de su situaci贸n laboral y personal frente al COVID-19, as铆 como las medidas adoptadas y el grado de funcionamiento de las Cl铆nicas dentales (CD) y los Laboratorios de pr贸tesis dental (LP), durante el confinamiento de la poblaci贸n y el inicio de la desescalada. El objetivo del estudio es conocer los cambios producidos en la atenci贸n bucodental de la poblaci贸n durante esta etapa de pandemia. Material y m茅todo: Encuesta de auto relleno online, con acceso libre a los 1.482 profesionales implicados en la atenci贸n bu-codental de la poblaci贸n de las Islas Baleares, mediante un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, anonimizado, con recogida de datos entre los d铆as 1 y 30 de junio de 2020, mediante un formulario servido a trav茅s de la aplicaci贸n Gsuit de Google Forms, sin con-tener ning煤n dato identificativo de los participantes. Resultados: Las respuestas recibidas por los 148 profesionales que han rellenado el formulario, por s铆 mismas ya reportan unas tendencias porcentuales concretas, siendo necesario estimar los valores medios e intervalos de confianza (95%) contra hip贸tesis nulas debidamente estructuradas, tras el cruce de aspectos sociodemogr谩ficos, de equipos de protecci贸n individual, de contagios, de funcionamiento de Cl铆nicas dentales y Laboratorios de pr贸tesis, observando la existencia de diferencias significativas entre ellos. Conclusiones: La poblaci贸n encuestada presenta una mayor exposici贸n al riesgo de contraer la infecci贸n viral que en la pobla-ci贸n general. Alrededor del 30% de los encuestados ha mantenido su actividad habitual y alrededor del 15% declar贸 haber cerrado su centro. Lo mas frecuente es el uso conjunto de mascarillas quir煤rgicas y FFP2, aunque entre los t茅cnicos superiores en pr贸tesis dental (PD) es mas frecuente el uso de las mascarillas quir煤rgicas. Discusi贸n: En referencia a los datos observados en las encuestas realizadas a nivel nacional, cabe destacar una participaci贸n del medio urbano en el 83% de los encuestados en las Islas Baleares frente al 58% a nivel nacional, el uso de trajes impermeables en el 78,7% de las Islas Baleares frente al 15% a nivel nacional y en cuanto a la adquisici贸n de EPIs, s贸lo el 11,5% de encuestados en las Islas Baleares ha tenido dificultades para obtenerlos, frente al 80% de los profesionales a nivel nacional. El n煤mero de test realizados a los profesionales encuestados para el diagn贸stico del COVID-19, alcanza al 43,9% en las Islas Baleares frente al 1% de los profesionales a nivel nacional, lo que justifica el infradiagn贸stico de COVID-19 entre estos 煤ltimos

    An innovative, reusable and sustainable face-seal device to improve protection efficacy of surgical masks against COVID-19

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    The outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) pandemic has had a direct impact on the global health system, causing an alarming shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Recent studies have shown that a significant number of healthcare professionals have been contaminated by the COVID-19 at their workplace due to the lack of ap-propriate PPE. Consequently, the PEE requirements have changed, making the use of filtering face-piece respirators (FFR) N95 and NK95 (FFP2 or FFP3, respectively) mandatory in place of the surgical masks previously used by healthcare professionals. Applying individualized face-seal devices in surgical masks, such as a thermoplastic resin ring, may significantly avoid inhalation of unfiltered air. Besides reducing leakage around the mask, which could convert surgical masks into PPE dual masks due to the high percent-age of face-seal, it would allow a bidirectional protection for both healthcare professionals and patients, thus becoming a medical device. The polylactic acid (corn starch) thermoplastic resin ring is the device proposed here to be used in order to decrease leak-age of potentially contaminated air. The use of poly lactic acid is of particular interest due to the fact that is a material appropriate for sanitary use, reusable and biodegradable. Therefore, healthcare professionals and organizations can maintain clinical activity in a cost-efficient manner whilst improving clinical safety.El brote de la pandemia del s铆ndrome respiratorio agudo severo coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) ha tenido un impacto directo en el sistema de salud mundial, provocando una alarmante escasez de Equipos de Protecci贸n Personal (EPP). Estudios recientes han demostrado que un n煤mero significativo de profesionales de la salud han sido contaminados por la COVID-19 en su lugar de trabajo debido a la falta de EPP apropiado. En consecuencia, los requisitos de PEE han cambiado, haciendo obligatorio el uso de respiradores con m谩scara filtrante (FFR) N95 o NK95 (FFP2 o FFP3, respectivamente) en lugar de las mascarillas quir煤rgicas previamente utilizadas por los profesionales sanitarios. La aplicaci贸n de dispositivos de sellado facial individualizados en m谩scaras quir煤rgicas, como un anillo de resina termopl谩stica, puede evitar significativamente la inhalaci贸n de aire sin filtrar, adem谩s de reducir las fugas alrededor de la m谩scara, lo que podr铆a convertir las m谩scaras quir煤rgicas en m谩scaras duales de EPP debido al alto porcentaje de sellado facial, lo que permitir铆a una protecci贸n bidireccional tanto para los profesionales sanitarios como para los pacientes, convirti茅ndose as铆 en un dispositivo m茅dico. El anillo de resina termopl谩stica de 谩cido polil谩ctico (almid贸n de ma铆z) es el dispositivo propuesto aqu铆 para ser utilizado, con el fin de disminuir la fuga de aire potencialmente contaminado. El uso de 谩cido polil谩ctico es de especial inter茅s debido a que es un material apropiado para uso sanitario, reutilizable y biodegradable. Por tanto, los profesionales sanitarios y las organizaciones pueden mantener una actividad de forma rentable, al tiempo que mejora la seguridad cl铆nica

    An innovative, reusable, and sustainable face-seal device to improve protection efficacy of surgical masks against COVID-19

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    [eng] The outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) pandemic has had a direct impact on the global health system, causing an alarming shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Recent studies have shown that a significant number of healthcare professionals have been contaminated by the COVID-19 at their workplace due to the lack of appropriate PPE. Consequently, the PEE requirements have changed, making the use of filtering face-piece respirators (FFR) N95 and NK95 (FFP2 or FFP3, respectively) mandatory in place of the surgical masks previously used by healthcare professionals. Applying individualized face-seal devices in surgical masks, such as a thermoplastic resin ring, may significantly avoid inhalation of unfiltered air. Besides reducing leakage around the mask, which could convert surgical masks into PPE dual masks due to the high percentage of face-seal, it would allow bidirectional protection for both healthcare professionals and patients, thus becoming a medical device. The polylactic acid (corn starch) thermoplastic resin ring is the device proposed here to be used in order to decrease leakage of potentially contaminated air. The use of polylactic acid is of particular interest due to the fact that is a material appropriate for sanitary use, reusable and biodegradable. Therefore, healthcare professionals and organizations can maintain clinical activity in a cost-efficient manner whilst improving clinical safet