944 research outputs found

    Multi-wavelength Intra-day Variability and Quasi-periodic Oscillation in Blazars

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    We reviewed multi-wavelength blazars variability and detection of quasi-periodic oscillations on intra-day timescales. The variability timescale from few minutes to up to less than a days is commonly known as intra-day variability. These fast variations are extremely useful to constrain the size of emitting region, black hole mass estimation, etc. It is noticed that in general blazars show intra-day variability in the complete electromagnetic spectrum. But some class of blazars either do not show or show very little intra-day variability in a specific band of electromagnetic spectrum. Blazars show rarely quasi-periodic oscillations in time series data in optical and X-ray bands. Other properties and emission mechanism of blazars are also briefly discussed.Comment: Invited Review; Submitted to Galaxies; a special issue on Microvariability of Blazar

    On decoding of multi-level MPSK modulation codes

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    The decoding problem of multi-level block modulation codes is investigated. The hardware design of soft-decision Viterbi decoder for some short length 8-PSK block modulation codes is presented. An effective way to reduce the hardware complexity of the decoder by reducing the branch metric and path metric, using a non-uniform floating-point to integer mapping scheme, is proposed and discussed. The simulation results of the design are presented. The multi-stage decoding (MSD) of multi-level modulation codes is also investigated. The cases of soft-decision and hard-decision MSD are considered and their performance are evaluated for several codes of different lengths and different minimum squared Euclidean distances. It is shown that the soft-decision MSD reduces the decoding complexity drastically and it is suboptimum. The hard-decision MSD further simplifies the decoding while still maintaining a reasonable coding gain over the uncoded system, if the component codes are chosen properly. Finally, some basic 3-level 8-PSK modulation codes using BCH codes as component codes are constructed and their coding gains are found for hard decision multistage decoding


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    The study investigates the determinants used by three leading newspapers of India for international news coverage. The Indian newspapers are heavily dependent on foreign news wire services. They give prominence to news based on national threat and religious affinity, and cover negative news about the countries with which India has sour relations. The study finds science and technology as a new determinant for international news coverage. Trade, population, and distance are found to be poor predictors of international news. The determinants used for the study were based on determinants frequently used by the U.S. media

    Surface and Volumetric Segmentation of Complex 3-D Objects Using Parametric Shape Models

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    The problem of part definition, description, and decomposition is central to the shape recognition systems. In this dissertation, we develop an integrated framework for segmenting dense range data of complex 3-D scenes into their constituent parts in terms of surface and volumetric primitives. Unlike previous approaches, we use geometric properties derived from surface, as well as volumetric models, to recover structured descriptions of complex objects without a priori domain knowledge or stored models. To recover shape descriptions, we use bi-quadric models for surface representation and superquadric models for object-centered volumetric representation. The surface segmentation uses a novel approach of searching for the best piecewise description of the image in terms of bi-quadric (z = f(x,y)) models. It is used to generate the region adjacency graphs, to localize surface discontinuities, and to derive global shape properties of the surfaces. A superquadric model is recovered for the entire data set and residuals are computed to evaluate the fit. The goodness-of-fit value based on the inside-outside function, and the mean-squared distance of data from the model provide quantitative evaluation of the model. The qualitative evaluation criteria check the local consistency of the model in the form of residual maps of overestimated and underestimated data regions. The control structure invokes the models in a systematic manner, evaluates the intermediate descriptions, and integrates them to achieve final segmentation. Superquadric and bi-quadric models are recovered in parallel to incorporate the best of the coarse-to-fine and fine-to-coarse segmentation strategies. The model evaluation criteria determine the dimensionality of the scene, and decide whether to terminate the procedure, or selectively refine the segmentation by following a global-to-local part segmentation approach. The control module generates hypotheses about superquadric models at clusters of underestimated data and performs controlled extrapolation of the part-model by shrinking the global model. As the global model shrinks and the local models grow, they are evaluated and tested for termination or further segmentation. We present results on real range images of scenes of varying complexity, including objects with occluding parts, and scenes where surface segmentation is not sufficient to guide the volumetric segmentation. We analyze the issue of segmentation of complex scenes thoroughly by studying the effect of missing data on volumetric model recovery, generating object-centered descriptions, and presenting a complete set of criteria for the evaluation of the superquadric models. We conclude by discussing the applications of our approach in data reduction, 3-D object recognition, geometric modeling, automatic model generation. object manipulation, and active vision

    Part Description and Segmentation Using Contour, Surface and Volumetric Primitives

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    The problem of part definition, description, and decomposition is central to the shape recognition systems. The Ultimate goal of segmenting range images into meaningful parts and objects has proved to be very difficult to realize, mainly due to the isolation of the segmentation problem from the issue of representation. We propose a paradigm for part description and segmentation by integration of contour, surface, and volumetric primitives. Unlike previous approaches, we have used geometric properties derived from both boundary-based (surface contours and occluding contours), and primitive-based (quadric patches and superquadric models) representations to define and recover part-whole relationships, without a priori knowledge about the objects or object domain. The object shape is described at three levels of complexity, each contributing to the overall shape. Our approach can be summarized as answering the following question : Given that we have all three different modules for extracting volume, surface and boundary properties, how should they be invoked, evaluated and integrated? Volume and boundary fitting, and surface description are performed in parallel to incorporate the best of the coarse to fine and fine to coarse segmentation strategy. The process involves feedback between the segmentor (the Control Module) and individual shape description modules. The control module evaluates the intermediate descriptions and formulates hypotheses about parts. Hypotheses are further tested by the segmentor and the descriptors. The descriptions thus obtained are independent of position, orientation, scale, domain and domain properties, and are based purely on geometric considerations. They are extremely useful for the high level domain dependent symbolic reasoning processes, which need not deal with tremendous amount of data, but only with a rich description of data in terms of primitives recovered at various levels of complexity

    Range Image Segmentation for 3-D Object Recognition

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    Three dimensional scene analysis in an unconstrained and uncontrolled environment is the ultimate goal of computer vision. Explicit depth information about the scene is of tremendous help in segmentation and recognition of objects. Range image interpretation with a view of obtaining low-level features to guide mid-level and high-level segmentation and recognition processes is described. No assumptions about the scene are made and algorithms are applicable to any general single viewpoint range image. Low-level features like step edges and surface characteristics are extracted from the images and segmentation is performed based on individual features as well as combination of features. A high level recognition process based on superquadric fitting is described to demonstrate the usefulness of initial segmentation based on edges. A classification algorithm based on surface curvatures is used to obtain initial segmentation of the scene. Objects segmented using edge information are then classified using surface curvatures. Various applications of surface curvatures in mid and high level recognition processes are discussed. These include surface reconstruction, segmentation into convex patches and detection of smooth edges. Algorithms are run on real range images and results are discussed in detail

    Model Uncertainty and its Impact on Derivative Pricing

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    Financial derivatives written on an underlying can normally be priced and hedged accurately only after a suitable mathematical model for the underlying has been determined. This chapter explains the difficulties in finding a (unique) realistic model \u2014 model uncertainty. If the wrong model is chosen for pricing and hedging, unexpected and unwelcome financial consequences may occur. By wrong model we mean either the wrong model type (specification\ud uncertainty) or the wrong model parameter (parameter uncertainty). In both cases, the impact of model uncertainty on pricing and hedging is significant. A variety of measures are introduced to value the model uncertainty of derivatives and a numerical example again confirms that these values are a significant proportion of the derivative price