22 research outputs found

    Effect of the hepatotrophics factors on liver in rats Wistar (Rattus norvegicus)

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    O fígado é um órgão que apresenta grande capacidade regenerativa após injúria. Contudo, é possível desencadear os processos regenerativos sem injúria, pelo uso de fatores hepatotróficos exógenos (FHE) injetados intraperitonealmente. Ainda há controvérsias em relação a essa via de administração. Neste trabalho foram testados dois protocolos de administração de uma solução de FHE (Parra et al., 1992): em duas doses diárias (2x) e três doses diárias (3x), sendo observado o efeito no crescimento e matriz extracelular (ME) hepática e o efeito do tratamento em outros órgãos viscerais. Os FHE (40 mg/kg) foram administrados intraperitonealmente em ratas Wistar por dez dias. Um grupo controle (C) recebeu solução salina. Amostras dos fígados foram observadas por microscopia óptica (parafina) e o colágeno foi quantificado por análise morfométrica com a coloração Picrossírius. Os animais do grupo 2x e 3x apresentaram aumento da massa do fígado de 30,1% e 22,5% respectivamente em relação ao grupo C. Ocorreu mortalidade (26,7%) no grupo 3x. Em ambos os grupos (2x e 3x) houve redução do colágeno intersticial em relação ao grupo C. Não houve alteração no quadro histológico dos demais órgãos analisados. Os FHE estimularam o crescimento hepático e a redução da proporção de colágeno tecidual. A administração em três doses diárias pode causar mortalidade, possivelmente pelo excessivo estresse da manipulação, o que não ocorreu no grupo 2x, não sendo recomendada esta abordagem no tratamento com FHEThe liver is an organ that presents great regenerative capacity after injury. However, it is possible to trigger the regenerative processes without previous with, for the use of exogenous hepatotrophics factors (HF) injected intraperitoneally. There are still controversies in relation to that of administration. In this work two protocols of administration of a solution of HF were tested: in two daily doses rates (2x) and three daily doses (3x), being observed the effect in the growth and extracellular liver matrix (ECM) and the effect of this treatment in other visceral organs. EHF (40 mg/kg) were administered intraperitoneally in female rats Wistar for ten days. A control group (C) received saline solution. Samples of the livers were observed by optical microscopy (paraffin) and the collagen was quantified by morfometric analysis with Picrossirius staining. The animals of the group 2x and 3x showed increase of the mass of the liver of 30,1% and 22,5% respectively in relation to the group C. Mortality happened (26,7%) in 3x group. In both groups (2x and 3x) there was reduction of the interstitial collagen in relation to the group C. There was not alteration in the histological picture of the other analyzed organs. HF stimulated the hepatic growth reduced the proportion of tissue collagen. The administration in three daily doses can cause mortality, possibly for the excessive stress of the manipulation, what didn\'t happen in the 2x group, not being recommended this approach in the treatment with H

    Cellular, molecular and functional alterations in rat liver treated with hepatotrophic factors

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    Fatores hepatotróficos (FH) possuem a capacidade de promover aumento de massa hepática em ratos e diminuição da fibrose em animais cirróticos. Os FH podem ser importantes nos casos de ressecção e transplantes hepáticos no qual o fígado remanescente necessita de um volume considerável para exercer suas funções após a cirurgia. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a cinética de uma solução de FH em fígados de animais sadios. Utilizou-se 105 ratos Wistar fêmeas divididos em 7 grupos de 15 animais cada. 6 grupos receberam solução de FH na dose 40 ml/kg/dia, i.p. e 1 grupo controle (CT) recebeu apenas solução salina 0,9%. Os animais foram eutanasiados com 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 dias (grupos 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12) após o início do tratamento. Avaliou-se os parâmetros biométricos, a proliferação dos hepatócitos pela análise imuno-histoquímica (PCNA), morfometria do colágeno, função hepática e a expressão gênica de colágeno αI, TGFβ1, MMP 2 e PLAU. O aumento de massa hepática foi maior nos grupos 8, 10 e 12. A marcação de hepatócitos PCNA+ obteve seu pico no grupo 2. A morfometria do colágeno (mensurado pelo picrossírius) revelou redução nos grupos 6, 10 e 12 (o Grupo 8 não foi avaliado). A imunofluorescência para colágeno tipo III evidenciou redução do colágeno no grupo 12. Os resultados das enzimas de função hepática permaneceram normais. A expressão gênica do colágeno I obteve alta expressão diminuindo com o decorrer do tratamento; a ação do gene TGFβ1 indicou inibição da proliferação celular no grupo 12. MMP 2 e PLAU não demonstraram participar de forma efetiva no mecanismo de ação dos FHs. Os resultados demonstraram que a solução de FH promove a hipertrofia hepatocitária, sem alteração da função hepática e diminuindo o colágeno volumétrico do fígado. Os FH representam uma opção relevante ao tratamento de hepatopatias ou quando é necessário aumento de massa hepática antes de hepatectomias e/ou ressecções.Hepatotrophic factors (HF) have the ability to the liver mass in rats and decrease fibrosis in cirrhotic rats. HFs can be important in cases of resection and liver transplantation in which the remnant liver needs to restore a considerable mass volume before surgery. Thus, this study evaluates the kinetics of HF solution in the livers of healthy animals. Were used 105 female Wistar rats divided into 7 groups of 15 animals each. 6 groups received HF solution at a dose 40 ml/kg/day, i.p. and 1 control group (CT) only received 0.9% saline solution. The animals were euthanized at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 days (groups 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12) after starting treatment. The biometric parameters, proliferation of hepatocytes by immunohistochemical analysis (PCNA), collagen morphometry, liver biochemical function and gene expression of collagen αI, TGFβ1, MMP 2 and PLAU. The increase in liver mass was greater in groups 8, 10 and 12. The index of hepatocytes PCNA+ peak obtained in group 2. Morphometry of collagen (measured by picrosirius red) revealed reduction in groups 6, 10 and 12 (Group 8 was not evaluated). Immunofluorescence for collagen type III showed reduction of collagen in group 12. The results of the enzymes of liver function remained normal. Gene expression of collagen I expression was higher decreasing over the course of treatment; the action of TGFβ1 gene showed inhibition of cell proliferation in group 12. MMP 2 and PLAU not shown to effectively participate in the mechanism of action of HFs. The results showed that the solution of HF promotes hepatocyte hypertrophy with no change in liver function and decreasing the volume of liver collagen. Therefore, HFs represents an important option for treatment of chronic liver diseases or when it is necessary to increase liver mass before hepatectomy and/or resections

    Evaluation of Atypical Chemokine Receptor Expression in T Cell Subsets

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    Chemokines are molecules that pertain to a family of small cytokines and can generate cell chemotaxis through the interaction with their receptors. Chemokines can trigger signaling via conventional G-protein-coupled receptors or through atypical chemokine receptors. Currently, four atypical chemokine receptors have been are described (ACKR1, ACKR2, ACKR3 and ACKR4). ACKRs are expressed in various cells and tissues, including T lymphocytes. These receptors’ main function is related to the internalization and degradation of chemokines, as well as to the inflammation control. However, the expression of these receptors in human T lymphocytes is unclear in the literature. The objective of this study was to evaluate the expression of ACKRs in different subpopulations of T lymphocytes. For this, peripheral blood from healthy donors was used to analyze the expression of ACKR2, ACKR3 and ACKR4 by immunophenotyping CD4, CD8 T lymphocytes and, in their subsets, naive, transition and memory. Results obtained in this study demonstrated that ACKR2, ACKR3 and ACKR4 receptors were expressed by T lymphocytes subsets in different proportions. These receptors are highly expressed in the cytoplasmic milieu of all subsets of T lymphocytes, therefore suggesting that their expression in plasma membrane is regulated after transcription, and it must be dependent on a stimulus, which was not identified in our study. Thus, regarding ACKRs function as scavenger receptors, at least for the ACKR3, this function does not impair the chemotaxis exert for their ligand compared to the typical counterpart receptor

    A novel chronic cirrhosis TAA-induced model in rats

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    Experimental models for hepatic lesions are necessary so the effectiveness of new drugs in reversing cirrhosisfibrosis can be tested. This is the case of liver cirrhosis, which requires animal models. Three drugs widely used to induce cirrhosis in animal models are carbon tetrachloride (CCI4), Dimethylnitrosamine (DMN), and Thioacetamide (TAA). TAA has been largely used, but a model that confirms the occurrence of chronic cirrhosis in rats has not yet been well defined. In this study we developed a model of chronic cirrhosis induced by TAA in rats. Our cirrhotic protocol used 200 mg of TAA in 4% aqueous solution per kg of body weight applied intraperitoneally three times per week for 14 weeks in Wistar rats. On the seventh week the dose was increased by 20%. Our protocol caused low mortality rate and represents an alternative and valid model for chronic cirrhosisFAPESP 2004/10971-4 e 2009/02904-9CNPQ 301761/2005-1 e 140129/2005-

    Adaptation of the gill epithelium of an euryhaline fish, the guppy (Poecilia vivipara), to freshwater

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    The south-american euryhaline fish Poecilia vivipara (BLOCH; SNEIDER, 1801), the guppy, is found both in estuary and river waters, which suggests high adaptability to environments of different salinity. In this work we studied the adaptation of the interlamellar, bars and rakers epithelia of the gills of estuary fish to freshwater conditions. The results reveal that the gill epithelia of Poecilia vivipara can adjust itself to freshwater by decreasing the VP of mucous cells of the interlamellar epithelium and increase the volumetric proportion (VP) of chloride cells. However, there was no evidence of similar morphological alteration in the rakers region. The epithelia of the rakers appears to be part of a different compartment that is less sensitive to variation of salinity.O peixe eurihalino sul-americano Poecilia vivipara (BLOCH; SNEIDER, 1801), o guppy, é encontrado tanto em estuários quanto em águas de rios, o que sugere uma alta adaptabilidade aos diferentes ambientes de salinidade. Neste trabalho, estudamos a adaptação do epitélio interlamelar, do arco e do rastelo das brânquias dos peixes de estuário de água doce. Os resultados revelam que o epitélio branquial de Poecilia vivipara pode ajustar-se à água doce, diminuindo a proporção volumétrica (PV) de células mucosas do epitélio interlamelar e aumentando a PV de células clorídricas. No entanto, não houve nenhuma evidência de alteração morfológica semelhante na região do rastelo branquial. O epitélio do rastelo branquial parece ser parte de um compartimento diferente que é menos sensível a variações de salinidade

    Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) inhibition attenuates acute lung injury in mice.

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    Endocannabinoid signaling is terminated by enzymatic hydrolysis, a process that, for 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), is mediated by monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL). The piperidine carbamate, 4-nitrophenyl- 4-(dibenzo[d] [1,3]dioxol-5-yl (hydroxy) methyl) piperidine- 1-carboxylate (JZL184), is a drug that inhibits MAGL and presents high potency and selectivity. Thus, JZL184 increases the levels of 2-AG, an endocannabinoid that acts on the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. Here, we investigated the effects of MAGL inhibition, with a single dose (16 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.)) of JZL184, in a murine model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -induced acute lung injury (ALI) 6, 24 and 48 hours after the inflammatory insult. Treatment with JZL184 decreased the leukocyte migration into the lungs as well as the vascular permeability measured through the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) and histological analysis. JZL184 also reduced the cytokine and chemokine levels in the BAL and adhesion molecule expression in the blood and BAL. The CB1 and CB2 receptors were considered involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of JZL184 because the AM281 selective CB1 receptor antagonist (1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-(4-iodophenyl)-4-methyl-N-4-morpholinyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide) and the AM630 selective CB2 receptor antagonist ([6-iodo-2-methyl-1-[2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl]-1H-indol-3-yl](4-methoxyphenyl)-methanone) blocked the anti-inflammatory effects previously described for JZL184. It was concluded that MAGL inhibition, and consequently the increase in 2-AG levels, produced anti-inflammatory effects in a murine model of LPS-induced ALI, a finding that was considered a consequence of the activation of the CB1 and CB2 receptors

    Validation of Laser Capture Microdissection Protocol in Endometriosis Studies

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    Background and Objectives: The presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterine cavity is a key feature of endometriosis. Although endometriotic lesions appear to be histologically quite similar to the eutopic endometrium, detailed studies comparing both tissues are required because their inner and surrounding cellular arrangement is distinct. Thus, comparison between tissues might require methods, such as laser capture microdissection (LCM), that allow for precise selection of an area and its specific cell populations. However, it is known that the efficient use of LCM depends on the type of studied tissue and on the choice of an adequate protocol. Recent studies have reported the use of LCM in endometriosis studies. The main objective of the present study is to establish a standardized protocol to obtain good-quality microdissected material from eutopic or ectopic endometrium. Materials and Methods: The main methodological steps involved in the processing of the lesion samples for LCM were standardized to yield material of good quality to be further used in molecular techniques. Results: We obtained satisfactory results regarding the yields and integrity of RNA and protein obtained from LCM-processed endometriosis tissues. Conclusion: LCM can provide more precise analysis of endometriosis biopsies, provided that key steps of the methodology are followed

    Hypervitaminosis A-induced hepatic fibrosis in a cat

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    Rationale: The excessive intake of vitamin A in the form of vitamin concentrate, supplement or vitamin-rich liver can result in hypervitaminosis A in man and animals. Although osteopathologies resulting from chronic vitamin A intoxication in cats are well characterized, no information is available concerning feline hypervitaminosis A-induced liver disease. Clinical summary: We report the first case of hepatic stellate cell lipidosis and hepatic fibrosis in a domestic cat that had been fed a diet based on raw beef liver. Radiographic examination revealed exostoses and ankylosis between vertebrae C1 and T7, compatible with deforming cervical spondylosis. Necropsy showed a slightly enlarged and light yellow to bronze liver. Microscopic and ultrastructural analyses of liver tissues revealed diffuse and severe liver fibrosis associated with hepatic stellate cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy. These cells showed immunopositive staining for α-smooth muscle actin and desmin markers. The necropsy findings of chronic liver disease coupled with osteopathology supported the diagnosis of hypervitaminosis A. Practical relevance: As in human hepatology, if there is dietary evidence to support increased intake of vitamin A, then hypervitaminosis A should be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic liver disease in cats.The autros received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors for the preparation of this article