14 research outputs found

    Estructura de una base informatizada de datos de suelos

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    La informática esta llegando a ser uno de los ejes vertebrales del mundo de las ciencias y, sin lugar a dudas, alcanzará mayor importancia en el futuro. Un sistema informatizado es en síntesis una combinación de memoria electrónica con programas, que enseñan al ordenador a procesar datos almacenados en función de la información deseada. En la actualidad, esta última parte, el "software", rebasa en importancia a la primera, el "hardware", para cualquier sistema, siendo cada vez más necesario poseer soluciones "software" a problemas específicos. En el Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Cuarto, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, con la colaboración del Centro de Cálculo de la Universidad de Sevilla, se viene investigando, desde 1977, en el desarrollo de un sistema o base informatizada de datos de suelos (BID-CEBAC). En síntesis, esta base de datos, de acuerdo con su diseño, programación y tratamiento matemático de la información, comprende dos tipos de utilidades: (i) especiales y (ii) estadísticas. Las primeras representan un conjunto de procedimientos elaborados para manipular la información de los suelos con finalidades muy específicas, tales como descripción morfológica de perfiles, elaboración de tablas de datos analíticos y aplicación automática de métodos de evaluación. Las utilidades estadísticas se refieren a las diferentes técnicas implementadas en la base y que fueron aplicadas a diversos colectivos de suelos. En este último sentido, se han desarrollado análisis de correlación simple, exponencial y logarítmica, regresión múltiple, superficies de respuesta, discriminante y espectral. En el Apéndice 1 se muestra un cuadro esquemático del desarrollo experimental alcanzado por la base de datos. Estas investigaciones fueron generando un conjunto de publicaciones que aparecen en el capítulo correspondiente. Por consiguiente, el objetivo fundamental de este trabajo consiste en llevar a cabo una complementación de dichas publicaciones, con especial énfasis en los aspectos de explotación de la base de datos que pueden resultar de mayor utilidad al futuro usuario. En este sentido, se puede considerar el trabajo como primera aproximación a un "Manual de Usuarios de la Base Informatizada de Datos de Suelos BID-CEBAC".Peer reviewe

    Computer storing and processing of morphological soil descriptions

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    6 páginas, 3 figuras, 4 referencias.[ES]: Se presenta un sistema operativo automatizado para almacenar y procesar información morfológica de suelos. El sistema incluye una tarjeta "proforma" que permite de recogida codificada de datos de campo y el posterior paso al ordenador. Especial importancia merece el desarrollo del programa BUJEO, escrito en FORTRAN IV, para realizar descripciones informatizadas de perfiles de suelos.[EN]: This note presents a computerized soil information system for storing and hadling morphological soil descriptions. Organization of data on computer-compatible proforma cards was designed for field records of morphologica information. A computer program, which was written in FORTRAN IV, was developed to produce printed soil profile descriptions in conventional form.Peer reviewe

    The use of computer science in soil survey and soil evaluation

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    [ES]: Se describen las aplicaciones de la informática que actualmente están en desarrollo en el Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Cuarto, Sevilla, para el reconocimiento y evaluación de suelos. Sobresalen las siguientes aplicaciones: descripción convencional del perfil del suelo, tabla de datos analíticos, taxonomía numérica, evaluación automática de suelos y modelos de simulación matemática para sistemas para métricos de evaluación de suelos.[EN]: Computer methods currently used at Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Cuarto, Sevilla for handling the many observations of soil during survey and evaluation processes are described. The emphasis in this note is on making conventional soil profile descriptions, analytical data sheets and numeric taxonomy, automatic sorting according to existing soil evaluation systems, and computing simulation models for parametric soil evaluation systems.4 páginas, 1 figura, 9 referencias.Peer reviewe

    Una nueva técnica quirúrgica focalizada en el estudio del íleon: la transposición preduodenal del íleon

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    Aims: Our main goal is to study the effects on the carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, we designed various experimental surgical models on healthy non-obese Wistar rats to reproduce several conditions. In this sense, we report a new experimental model. It is well known that bariatric surgery has important effects on the control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The underlying reasons are yet unknown, although the different theories focused in the release of different hormones after the pass of the nutrients through the tract. These released hormones have opposite effects that come together in a balanced glycemic metabolism. Materials and methods: After bariatric surgical techniques, the modified anatomy resulted in an imbalance of the secreted hormones. Wistar rats were randomized in two groups Sham and surgical group. Our model consisted on the transposition of the terminal ileum right after the pylorus. Weight gain, food intake, and basal glycemia were measured weekly. Results: We did not obtain significant differences between both groups for these functional variables. Conclusions: This technique involved an early pass of the bolus through the ileum. The change on the luminal pH, along with the lack of enzymes to absorb the content, or the changes in the release of several hormones must be variables to the study. The mortality rate was assumable considering it was an experimental model on animals.Objetivo: Crear un nuevo modelo quirúrgico experimental en ratas Wistar sanas no obesas para estudiar los efectos del metabolismo glucídico. Es bien sabido que las técnicas de cirugía bariátrica tienen un efecto importante sobre la resolución de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se han invocado diferentes hipótesis, algunas centradas en el papel que tienen distintas hormonas secretadas por el propio tubo digestivo tras el paso de los nutrientes a su través, pero las razones últimas subyacentes permanecen desconocidas. El efecto contrapuesto de dichas hormonas consigue un efecto de control glucémico. El desequilibrio hormonal tras las alteraciones anatómicas de las cirugías bariátricas podría estar en la base de dicha mejora del metabolismo glucídico final. Material y métodos: Las ratas fueron operadas en dos grupos (control quirúrgico y experimental) y se procedió a disponerles el íleon anastomosado al antro pilórico, previo al esfínter pilórico. Medimos distintos parámetros funcionales (ganancia de peso, ingesta y glucemias semanales). Resultados: No obtuvimos diferencias significativas en la evolución de estos parámetros. Conclusiones: Este modelo será útil para nuestro propósito de estudiar el íleon, en su componente secretor de enterohormonas, cuando el paso de los nutrientes se produzca tempranamente. La mortalidad fue asumible, dada la innovación técnica realizada

    The Teaching of Surface Anatomy by Body Painting

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    The present project on learning surface anatomy through the body painting method was undertaken because anatomical knowledge supports medical practice. The appropriate anatomical training of the doctor depends on surface anatomy. We considered the renovation of teaching strategies and didactic resources to optimize the overall teaching-learning process. 189 first-year medical students, enrolled in the Trunk and Splanchnology course at the University of Cadiz (Spain) participated in this study. Students were divided into 5 groups each of 38-41 students. The students were asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire supplied to each participant through an on-line platform. On the basis of the results, we recommend the body painting method as an alternative tool for learning surface and clinical anatomy

    The Leading Role of Peptide Tyrosine Tyrosine in Glycemic Control After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in Rats.

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    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is one of the most effective surgical therapies for the rapid resolution of type 2 diabetes. However, the mechanisms underlying the entero-hormonal response after surgery and the role of peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY) in the restoration of normoglycemia are still not clear. We reproduced the RYGB technique in Wistar and Goto-Kakizaki rats and performed serum hormonal, histological, and hormonal-infusion test. Using the diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat model, we demonstrated that PYY plasma levels showed a remarkable peak approximately 30 min earlier than GLP-1 or GIP after mixed-meal administration in RYGB-operated rats with PYY. The GLP-1 and GIP areas under the curve (AUCs) increased after RYGB in GK rats. Additionally, the findings suggested that PYY (3-36) infusion led to increased GLP-1 and GIP plasma levels close to those obtained after a meal. Finally, the number of GLP-1-positive cells appeared to increase in the three segments of the small intestine in GK-RYGB-operated rats beyond the early presence of nutrient stimulation in the ileum. Nevertheless, PYY-positive cell numbers appeared to increase only in the ileum. At least in rats, these data demonstrate an earlier essential role for PYY in gut hormone regulation after RYGB. We understand that PYY contributes to GLP-1 and GIP release and there must be the existence of enteroendocrine communication routes between the distal and proximal small intestine

    Pancreas is a preeminent source of ghrelin after sleeve gastrectomy in Wistar rats

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    Many surgical techniques are employed in the treatment of severe obesity. A main consequence of these techniques is the improvement of type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Ghrelin is a gut hormone released in the gastric fundus and corpus, which has been related to diabetic improvement as mentioned in these papers. Sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass are surgical techniques broadly employed in humans; both severely reduce the gastric surface. Paradoxically, the serum level of ghrelin in patients is preserved. We hypothesized about the role of embryonic pancreatic epsilon cells, which have the capacity to release ghrelin. We studied the changes in the epsilon cells and differentiation markers with immunostaining and ghrelin serum level and after surgery. We employed euglycemic male Wistar rats: two surgical groups (Sleeve gastrectomy and Roux- en Y Gastric Bypass) and two control groups. We reported a significant increase of ghrelin epsilon-cells in the pancreas and basal serum after Sleeve gastrectomy versus the control groups. The epsilon cellular increment was related to neogenesis, as the neurogenin-3 marker revealed. The Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass showed neither epsilon cell increase nor basal serum changes in ghrelin release. As a conclusion, we reported that the severe suppression of the fundus gastric produced the recovery of ghrelin released by the epsilon cells, which was indicative of an ontogenic embryonic pancreatic functio

    La influencia de las resecciones masivas intestinales sobre el páncreas endocrino de ratas diabéticas Goto-Kakizaki.

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    Several bariatric surgeries have been related to the T2DM improvement in obese patients. Despite the different mechanism invoked for this improvement, many evidences showed that the pancreas cellularity is conditioned for the homeostatic physiological changes after these surgeries. Many authors reported the changes in beta-cell mass after some surgeries in healthy rats. We purpose to analyze the changes in β-cell cellularity and β-cell-mass after a severe malabsorptive surgical method. Thus, we studied several parameters of the islet morphometric composition after a massive jejunal resection. We employed Goto-Kakizaki diabetic non-obese rats, which underwent the 50% resection of middle portion of the jejunum versus a control group. After 3 months, rats were sacrificed and pancreas was immunohistochemicaly studied. The β-cell mass was analyzed and several parameters about the endocrine islet size distribution were studied. We report an increase of β-cell mass in massive resection surgical group versus controls. The islet distribution was significant different between both groups. Endocrine islets of surgical group were bigger with a different cellular distribution. According to the enteroendocrine changes related to surgeries in jejunum, as in other gastrointestinal portions, the cellularity of islets changes as an adaptive process to glycemic demands