23 research outputs found

    Detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in experimentally infected balb/c mice

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    The present study used an RT-nested-PCR and an immunohistochemistry assay to detect bovine respiratory syncytial virus in tissues from experimentally infected balb/c mice. As a first step, Chicken Embryo Related (CER) cell monolayers infected with the BRSV-25-BR strain isolated in Brazil were used for antigen production. Then, the infected lung and tracheal tissues of female balb/c mice were collected on 3, 5, 7 and 10 days post-infection and submitted to both techniques. Primers specific to F and G genes that amplify fragments of 481 bp and 371 bp, respectively, were used. The BRSV detection was not successful in all of the animals tested. The genomic fragment of the G gene from the organs of some infected mice on all analyzed post-infection days was amplified. However, in the RT-nested-PCR corresponding to the F gene, it was not possible to observe any amplified fragment. This was probably due to the higher sensitivity of the developed technique to amplify the fragment corresponding to the G gene compared to the F gene. Moreover, only three of the lungs collected five days post-infection were positive by immunohistochemistry. To the author's knowledge, this is the first study reporting bovine respiratory syncytial virus detection in balb/c mice after experimental inoculation.35218919

    Restriction endonuclease and monoclonal antibody analysis of Brazilian isolates of bovine herpesviruses types 1 and 5

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    Twelve Brazilian isolates and three reference strains of bovine herpesviruses (BHVs) were subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) and monoclonal antibody (MAb) analysis. Viral DNA was cleaved with BamHI, BstEII, EcoRI, HindIII and PstI. The monoclonal antibody panel allowed the differentiation between types I and 5 viruses, while REA with BstEII and HindIII showed the distinction between BHV-1 and -5 subtypes. Typical 1.1 and 1.2a patterns were observed with two isolates from respiratory disease. An isolate from semen of a clinically healthy bull displayed 1.2b, profile, whereas another displayed a clear 5a pattern, which was never reported before. Seven out of nine Brazilian type 5 (BHV-5) isolates displayed REA patterns similar to the Australian BHV-5 strain N569 (BHV-5a), and differing from the Argentinean A663 strain (BHV-5b) virus. Another two BHV-5 isolates, which displayed an unusual MAb pattern of reactivity, showed a BstEII profile different from both reference strains of BHV-5. These two viruses were considered BHV-5 "non-a/non-b" subtype. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.88431532