14 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens and immunomodulatory effects and toxicity of geopropolis produced by the stingless bee Melipona fasciculata Smith

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Native bees of the tribe Meliponini produce a distinct kind of propolis called geopropolis. Although many pharmacological activities of propolis have already been demonstrated, little is known about geopropolis, particularly regarding its antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens. The present study aimed at investigating the antimicrobial activity of <it>M. fasciculata </it>geopropolis against oral pathogens, its effects on <it>S. mutans </it>biofilms, and the chemical contents of the extracts. A gel prepared with a geopropolis extract was also analyzed for its activity on <it>S. mutans </it>and its immunotoxicological potential.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Antimicrobial activities of three hydroalcoholic extracts (HAEs) of geopropolis, and hexane and chloroform fractions of one extract, were evaluated using the agar diffusion method and the broth dilution technique. Ethanol (70%, v/v) and chlorhexidine (0.12%, w/w) were used as negative and positive controls, respectively. Total phenol and flavonoid concentrations were assayed by spectrophotometry. Immunotoxicity was evaluated in mice by topical application in the oral cavity followed by quantification of biochemical and immunological parameters, and macro-microscopic analysis of animal organs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two extracts, HAE-2 and HAE-3, showed inhibition zones ranging from 9 to 13 mm in diameter for <it>S. mutans </it>and <it>C. albicans</it>, but presented no activity against <it>L</it>. <it>acidophilus</it>. The MBCs for HAE-2 and HAE-3 against <it>S. mutans </it>were 6.25 mg/mL and 12.5 mg/mL, respectively. HAE-2 was fractionated, and its chloroform fraction had an MBC of 14.57 mg/mL. HAE-2 also exhibited bactericidal effects on <it>S. mutans </it>biofilms after 3 h of treatment. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in total phenol and flavonoid concentrations were observed among the samples. Signs toxic effects were not observed after application of the geopropolis-based gel, but an increase in the production of IL-4 and IL-10, anti-inflammatory cytokines, was detected.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, geopropolis produced by <it>M. fasciculata </it>can exert antimicrobial action against <it>S. mutans </it>and <it>C. albicans</it>, with significant inhibitory activity against <it>S. mutans </it>biofilms. The extract with the highest flavonoid concentration, HAE-2, presented the highest antimicrobial activity. In addition, a geopropolis-based gel is not toxic in an animal model and displays anti-inflammatory effect.</p

    School championship and visual impairment: the discourse of physical education teachers.

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    Physical Education is an important vehicle for the overall development of students with disabilities, since provides recognition of the limits and possibilities of the "body" in conjunction with the social life. The objective of this study was to analyze the concepts of Physical Education teachers about the participation of students with visual impairments in practices related to Physical Education. Although the teachers have conscience about of the inclusion process they have doubts about its implications and to articulate their knowledge to teach. A quality physical education is need to check, and empowering knowledge that permeates the teachers, thus providing an adequate performance for all students.172365

    The cultural mediation in football 5-a-side

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    This study describes and analyzes the contexts and characters that mediate the football 5-a-side development in Brazil. Football 5-a-side players and coaches were interviewed. The data treatment and the analysis by Enunciation Analysis emphasized nine categories. The data inferences showed the cultural mediation circle is influenced by the football phenomenon and stared by the following characters: football players, family, teacher/coach, friends and football 5-a-side players. These characters interact in the following contexts for the sport's learning mediation: institute/entity, events (adapted sport), Brazilian team and Physical Education courses.174456

    The Game Understanding in Football 5-A-Side

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    This study objectives to describe and analyze the strategies for the game understanding used by players in football 5-a-side. We used semi-structured interviews with players and coaches of the modality. After the transcription we utilized the Enunciation Analysis, one of the Contends Analysis technique, to interpret the enunciated matters in the speech of the subjects. The categories (Sonorous/kinesthetic References, Mental Map, Communication, Players Characteristics) represent the used strategies in the game understanding, as soon as they allow the spatial orientation, which is based on fixed and movable (players) reference points that recover their potentialities figured in their auditory and kinesthetic perceptions.1739711

    Afastamentos do trabalho na enfermagem: ocorrências com trabalhadores de um hospital de ensino Retiros del trabajo en la enfermaría: ocurrencias en trabajadores en un hospital de enseñanza Nursing absenteeism: occurrences at a university hospital

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    As condições laborais da equipe de enfermagem freqüentemente são marcadas por riscos, os quais repercutem em elevado absenteísmo e licenças-saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os afastamentos entre trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital geral de ensino da cidade de São José do Rio Preto-SP, registrados durante o ano de 1999. Trata-se de uma investigação epidemiológica censitária, cuja coleta de dados foi efetuada por meio de consulta aos registros do Centro de Atendimento ao Trabalhador do hospital estudado. Os resultados indicaram que, no período, 333 trabalhadores envolveram-se em 662 episódios de afastamento. As licenças-saúde ocorreram, principalmente, por problemas geniturinário e doenças mal definidas entre enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem; e doenças dos órgãos dos sentidos, doenças infecta-parasitárias e doenças respiratórias entre os atendentes de enfermagem. Os dados obtidos subsidiam melhor análise dessa situação neste hospital e intervenções para melhoria das condições de trabalho vigentes.<br>Las condiciones laborales del equipo de enfermería son frecuentemente marcadas por riesgos, situación que se refleja en un alto ausentismo e incapacidades médicas. El objetivo de este estudio fué caracterizar los retiros entre los trabajadores del equipo de enfermería de un hospital general de enseñanza de la ciudad de São José do Rio Preto-SP registrados durante el año de 1999. Se trató de una investigación por censo epidemiológico, cuya recolección de datos fue efectuada a través de la consulta a los registros del Centro de Atención al Trabajador del hospital estudiado. Los resultados indicaron que en este período 333 trabajadores estuvieron involucrados en 662 episodios de retiros. Las incapacidades ocurrieron principalmente por problemas génitourinarios y enfermedades mal definidas entre enfermeros, técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería; enfermedades de los órganos de los sentidos, infecto parasitárias y respiratórias dentro los ayudantes de enfermería. Los datos obtenidos aclaran mejor el análisis de esta situación en este hospital y demuestran la necesidad de intervenciones para la mejoría de las condiciones de trabajo vigentes.<br>The nursing work conditions are surrounded by physical and chemical risks that result in a high number of absences as well as leaves. The purpose of this study was to characterize the absences of nursing workers from a University Hospital located in the city of São José do Rio Preto-SP during the year of 1999. This is a census epidemiological investigation. Data were collected from registries of the Hospital Workers' Attendance Center. Results showed that 333 workers were involved in 662 episodes of absences during this period. Sick leaves of nurses, nursing technicians and auxiliaries occurred mainly due to genitourinary tract disorders and other diseases. With respect to nursing aids, the causes of absences were: disturbances in sensory organs, infectious parasitic and respiratory diseases. These data enabled a better analysis of that hospital's environment as well as the improvement of these professionals' work conditions