287 research outputs found

    Reabilitação em direção aos edifícios de energia e emissões zero

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    In order to mitigate climate changes induced by human action, the European Union settled a long term goal of reducing, up to 2050, the carbon emissions to 80 to 95% of 1990 values. At the level of the built environment it is expected to reduce carbon emissions to about 90% of the values of 1990 in that period. In order to promote this achievement, EU established the “nearly-zero energy” buildings concept that emerged in the context of the EPBD recast. This directive determines that by 31 December 2020, all new buildings must be nearly zero-energy buildings and all member states must develop policies and take measures to stimulate the transformation of the building stock also into nearly zero-energy buildings. In the actual context, this is a major challenge since there isn’t yet enough knowhow to do it and the existing standards and regulations regarding energy consumption are mainly focused on new buildings and do not respond effectively to the numerous constraints of the existing ones. It is then urgent to develop new renovation approaches that take into consideration the characteristics and limitations of existing buildings as well as to develop tools and good-practices guides, hold on appropriate, applicable and cost effective technologies, to support the different decision makers involved in this sector. The great challenge is to find sustainable ways of renovate in a cost-effective and massive way the huge and high energy consumer building stock

    Noise map of the city of Guimarães: comparison and experimental validation of the prevision methods

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    Human being, especially in urban areas, lives surrounded by noise which causes discomfort and stress and is responsible for a great number of psychological and physical damages. The ever-growing technological development of our cities has been leading to a continuous increase in the sound levels observed in urban areas caused, essentially by traffic and industries. In order to reduce the noise levels in residential and service areas, recent Portuguese legislation in this field, makes mandatory, as a first step, the sound characterization of the different urban zones. Each municipality is obliged to do or to promote the elaboration of noise maps. There are already available several mathematical models that allow the elaboration of these maps. However, there are some limitations in these codes due to the great difficulty in foreseeing and simulate some particular situations. The objective of this work is the comparison and experimental validation of available codes in the elaboration of a noise map of the city of Guimarães. The accuracy and versatility of some existing codes will be evaluated by the comparison of the results obtained by simulation with real values measured in on-site measurement campaigns.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Water reuse for domestic consumption. A key element for environmental and economic sustainability

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    In a context of increasing social awareness about resources conservation, residential water management is essential in ensuring environmental and economic sustainability. An adequate management is attained with integrated solutions, which simultaneously reduce potable water consumption at least in 25% and enable the storage of recovered water. The recovery and storage of underground water can be ensured with the installation of a groundwater drainage network and an underground water deposit, which will supply the residential toilet cisterns and the automatic irrigation systems through independent piping. These solutions aim to achieve high levels of water conservation with the aid of known materials, components and techniques, with as little interference as possible in residential comfort. They also reduce the interference in the water cycle, since less public water is used for residential consumption and the surrounding surface permeability is assured in order to allow the infiltration of rainwater into the soil. Due to water reuse, the cold potable water consumption in residential buildings can be reduced in up to 50% when compared to average consumption in buildings without recovery systems. Therefore, the environmental and economic impact analysis of water reuse leads to the conclusion that the investment has a five year payback period, after which it represents a real gain for residents

    Methodology for a sustainable rehabilitation

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    This work intends to show a methodology developed for the identification and resolution of buildings rehabilitation problems. The main goal of the present methodology is to support and help the decision-makers in order to achieve a capable and sustainable resolution of present problems, without compromising the needs for future interventions. This kind of tools is fundamental to avoid current mistakes and errors. In Portugal this type of tools is scarce. This methodology consists of a database system containing the available information concerning all the parameters involved in the rehabilitation process. The developed methodology was implemented with the assistance of a computational system developed from the start which, by means of pre-established relationships, allows the identification of the best intervention solutions and rehabilitation works to be carried out

    Implicações econômicas e ambientais associadas a critérios de sustentabilidade em centros comerciais

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    O principal desafio e contribuição para a disseminação da sustentabilidade no ambiente construído é o reconhecimento e os resultados efetivos (econômicos e ambientais) que podem ser obtidos com a implementação de estratégias de sustentabilidade. Isto significa que o mais importante que reconhecer a sustentabilidade através de ferramentas voluntárias de avaliação disponíveis no mercado, é assegurar (e verificar) os efeitos positivos que poderão ser alcançados com a sua implementação. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação apresenta os resultados do trabalho que teve como objetivo, determinar além de mecanismos para facilitar a aplicabilidade de critérios sustentáveis num empreendimento, verificar as implicações econômicas e ambientais associadas aos critérios definidos pela Ferramenta Britânica BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), aplicados em um centro comercial localizado em Braga e em fase de construção. O referido empreendimento possui uma área bruta locável (ABL) de 70.488 m2.The main challenges and contributions for the sustainability dissemination in construction are to recognize and prove the effective outcomes (economic and environmental) that could be obtained with the implementation of sustainability criteria. It means that more important than recognize the sustainability through the implementation of a sustainable voluntary tool, is to assure (and verify) the positive effects that could be reached with the application of the methodology or the classification obtained. In this context, this paper will present the results obtained within a research project developed in Portugal with the objective of determining the economic and environmental feasibility of the criteria defined by a British Sustainable Voluntary Tool (BREEAM - Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) that has been applied in a shopping centre under the construction phase. The referred shopping has a Gross Leasable Area (GLA) of 70.488 m2

    Methodology for rehabilitation intervention decision support

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    Neste trabalho pretende-se divulgar uma metodologia desenvolvida para a identificação e ajuda na resolução de problemas de reabilitação em edifícios. Esta metodologia baseada no desenvolvimento de um sistema de bases de dados e de conhecimentos, bem como das possíveis relações entre eles, tem como principal objectivo servir de instrumento para auxílio dos projectistas na orientação das intervenções em processos de reabilitação e manutenção de edifícios, de forma a fornecer-lhes uma visão mais completa e global das possíveis causas das patologias bem como dos princípios de intervenção existentes.This work intends to show a methodology developed for the identification and resolution of buildings rehabilitation problems. The main goal of the present methodology is to support and help the decision-makers in order to achieve a capable and sustainable resolution of present problems, without compromising the needs of future interventions. This kind of tools is fundamental to avoid current mistakes and errors

    Metodologia para a implementação de check lists em intervenções de reabilitação

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    A metodologia apresentada neste trabalho tem como principal objectivo servir de instrumento para a orientação das intervenções e dos intervenientes nos processos de reabilitação e manutenção de edifícios, contribuindo para tomadas de decisão mais fundamentadas, de modo a resolver os problemas actuais de forma eficaz e sustentada, não comprometendo a necessidade de futuras intervenções. Para tal, a metodologia aqui exposta resulta do desenvolvimento de um sistema de bases de dados e de conhecimentos relativos aos parâmetros envolvidos nos processos de reabilitação, que permite, entre outras coisas, a manipulação da informação sobre o estado dos elementos construtivos e as respectivas causas das anomalias verificadas, por forma a obter listagens das soluções de intervenção e dos trabalhos de reabilitação necessários. O desenvolvimento desta metodologia apresentou algum grau de dificuldade principalmente na atribuição de todas as relações admissíveis entre os dados das diferentes bases, ou seja, saber para cada elemento construtivo quais as anomalias a que o mesmo pode estar sujeito, as possíveis causas dessas anomalias, as soluções de reparação adequadas e os trabalhos necessários para as implementar de uma forma sustentada

    Catálogo de soluções de reabilitação energética de edifícios

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    Trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto internacional IEA ECBCS Annex 50A reabilitação de edifícios é um sector de relevância crescente no contexto nacional, levando a uma progressiva expansão do mercado de soluções. As soluções de reabilitação da envolvente dos edifícios, nomeadamente de fachadas, procuram ter um processo de instalação cada vez mais rápido e prático sem descurar o controlo da qualidade, necessário para um bom desempenho final da envolvente. Este catálogo contém algumas soluções de reabilitação de fachadas prefabricadas desenvolvidas para a reabilitação de edifícios multifamiliares. As soluções foram desenvolvidas no âmbito do projeto IEA ECBCS Annex 50 “Sistemas Prefabricados para uma Reabilitação de Baixo Consumo de Energia de Edifícios Residenciais”, da Agência Internacional de Energia. O objetivo é apresentar uma ferramenta conceptual de apoio a fabricantes e designers para avaliar as possibilidades para uma reabilitação eficiente de edifícios existentes de forma a valorizar a sua envolvente. Destina-se também a promover a colaboração e facilitar o processo de desenvolvimento do projeto, abrangendo apenas o design e a construção de módulos de reabilitação. Para o desenvolvimento dos sistemas de reabilitação prefabricados foram tidos em conta os seguintes aspetos: - Os módulos são construídos em série; - Os módulos são flexíveis na arquitetura, forma e revestimento; - Os módulos podem ser combinados uns com os outros e com soluções de reabilitação convencionais (sem prefabricação).Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade - COMPETE Projeto FCT FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-00718

    Challenges and benefits of building sustainable cooperative housing

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    This research has the goal of determining, comparing and substantiating the actual outcome of using sustainable practices, from a financial and environmental comfort point of view. The selected context was of interest due to the challenge of quality sustainable construction at controlled costs, meant for inhabitants of the Portuguese cooperative housing, due to its economical implications and especially its social ones. Two case studies of cooperative housing developments built in Portugal are presented, the first with characteristics of traditional construction and the second including sustainable building features. With these examples, it is intended to demonstrate that it is possible to build below cost limits imposed by law in order to substantially reduce energy consumption costs for heating and cooling as well as for domestic water heating. So, calculations of energy savings in indoor heating and cooling, as well as for domestic water heating are presented in this article for two specific situations: first, for a standard comfort use of housing, as opposed to a situation of real consumption of housing developments as obtained by monitoring carried out for one year in the same dwellings studied for standard comfort. The causes that lead to a substantial decrease in energy consumption in the building of sustainable construction are also described, as a starting point to the improvement of future cooperative housing. Finally are presented, for each of the two situations, calculations of the payback period of investment, according to the specific incremental cost in sustainable construction and the benefits in reducing consumptions. The results show an effective contribution to the improvement of the environment and environmental comfort, due to sustainable construction