64 research outputs found


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    The study of nursing schools during the Franquism in Spain is a part of our recent story which has been seldom considered, even when the majority of nursing professional working nowadays were trained in these centers from 1955 to 1977. This period coincides with the maximum development of the Franquist ideology and the Women’s Unit was considered to be one of its main agents of ideological transmission. Nurses who studied in the schools of the Women’s Unit learned ideas such as recognizing that our profession was subjected to medicine and that the women’s role was to obey the men. The study of this topic is of great interest, considering all the criticism about the image of the nurse as someone dependent and subordinated. Difficulties facing nurses in order to be well-integrated are easier to understand if we take into account an historic and sociological perspective. In the present work we aim to analyse the Political Thought of Franquism transmitted through the Women’s Unit. Its ideological speech, oriented to women education, has a clear example in nursing education and, more specifically, in nursing education at the Women’s Unit.El estudio de las Escuelas de ATS que se desarrollaron a lo largo del franquismo es una parte de nuestra historia reciente poco estudiada, a pesar de que una gran mayoría de los profesionales en activo fuimos formados en estos centros desde 1955 a 1977, periodo de tiempo que coincide con el máximo desarrollo de los valores que el régimen franquista imponía a través de la Sección Femenina, uno de sus agentes de transmisión ideológica. Las enfermeras que estudiamos en Escuelas de la Sección Femenina, asimilamos como verdades incuestionables ideas tales como que nuestra profesión dependía absolutamente de la medicina y que la función de la mujer era la sumisión al varón. El estudio de este recorrido nos parece hoy apasionante dado el movimiento actual de rechazo hacia la imagen tradicional de la enfermera dependiente y subordinada. Las dificultades a las que se han enfrentado las enfermeras para ser aceptadas son más fáciles de entender vistas desde los ángulos histórico y sociológico. El presente trabajo pretende analizar la parte del pensamiento político franquista transmitido a través de la Sección Femenina, cuyo discurso ideológico, orientado fundamentalmente a la formación de las mujeres, tiene un reflejo exacto en la formación de las mujeres-enfermeras y más concretamente en las mujeres-enfermeras formadas en los centros de Sección Femenina


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    Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation; a Viable Reality. Raising Awareness in the Men Involved

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    Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is considered by a number of International Organizations as an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women and young girls. Furthermore, being the result of an intense discrimination between genders, it hierarchizes and perpetuates inequality and denies women the right to physical and psychosexual integrity. Aims. To endeavour towards the eradication of FGM via the testimony of men from countries where this practice is performed. Methodology. A qualitative methodology with an ethnonursing focus was utilized via semi-structured individual and group interviews in 25 men having some form of involvement with FGM. Results. Declarations have been identified in these interviews which display a continuous, albeit gradual rise in the awareness of the male population regarding the problems inherent in this practice and the sexist connotations harboured therein. These manifestations provide evidence of the advances supposedly achieved by anti-FGM policies, although it is noteworthy that legislative persecution alone may cause the practice to become a hidden, clandestine event, as well as provoking a defensive reaction in those in favour of this tradition, such as having the procedure performed at ever younger ages. Conclusions. The performing of FGM at increasingly younger ages belies the socio-cultural precepts used to justify its existence. This fact, together with the aforementioned process of concealment, suggests the beginning of the end of FGM

    Impacto da mutilação genital feminina nos objetivos do milênio

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    Objetivo: Relacionar la Mutilación Genital Femenina como factor negativo para la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio 1, 3, 4, 5 y 6. Métodos: Se ha realizado la recogida de datos a través de una revisión integradora de la literatura en los años 2014 y 2015. Se consultaron las bases de datos Medline/PubMed, Web of Science, LILACS, SCIELO, Tesis Doctorales TESEO y en las webs de WOK, UNICEF, UNAF y WHO utilizando los descriptores: circuncisión femenina, objetivos de desarrollo del milenio y mutilación genital femenina. Se incluyeron artículos publicados entre los años de 2010 y 2015, y se seleccionaron finalmente 24 artículos. Resultados: La Mutilación Genital Femenina es una práctica basada en discriminaciones de género que refuerza e incentiva el círculo de la pobreza. Provoca complicaciones físicas que pueden repercutir en la mortalidad y morbilidad infantil, así como en complicaciones en el embarazo y el parto y en la adquisición del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Conclusión: La lucha contra la Mutilación Genital Femenina contribuye a la consecución de cinco de los ocho Objetivos del Milenio.Objective: To relate the Female Genital Mutilation as a negative factor for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Method: Data collection was through review literature review between in the years 2014 and 2015 in the databases Medline/PubMed, Web of Science, LILACS, SCIELO, Tesis Doctorales TESEO and in the webs of WOK, UNICEF, UNAF and WHO using the descriptors: female circumcision, millennium development goals, rights of women. Articles published between years 2010 y 2015, were included and finally 24 articles were selected. Results: The Female Genital Mutilation is based on gender discrimination, and reinforces and encourages the circle of poverty. This practice causes physical complications that may affect the infant mortality and morbidity, complications in pregnancy and childbirth and there is a relationship between the practice and the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus. Conclusion: The fight against Female Genital Mutilation contributes to the achievement of five of the eight Millennium Goals.Objetivo: Relacionar a MGF como um fator negativo para a realização dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio 1, 3, 4, 5 e 6. Método: Foi realizada a coleta de dados por meio da revisão da literatura nos anos de 2014 e 2015, nas bases de dados Medline/PubMed, Web of Science, LILACS, SCIELO, Tesis Doctorales TESEO e nos sites da UNICEF, UNAF e WHO utilizando-se os descritores: circuncisão feminina, objetivos de desenvolvimento do milênio e mutilação genital feminina. Foram incluídos artigos publicados entre os anos de 2010 e 2015, e selecionados finalmente 24 artigos. Resultados: A mutilação genital feminina é uma prática baseada na discriminação de género que reforça e estimula o ciclo da pobreza. Causa complicações físicas que podem afetar a mortalidade e morbidade infantil, bem como complicações na gravidez e no parto e na aquisição de HIV. Conclusão: a luta contra a MGF contribui para a realização de cinco dos oito Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio

    Key points for abolishing Female Genital Mutilation from the perspective of the men involved

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    Introduction: female Genital Mutilation is internationally considered an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women and young girls. Furthermore, it hierarchises and perpetuates inequality and denies the right to bodily and psychosocial integrity of women and young girls. Aims: to detect the key points for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation as well as the necessary resources for its eradication. Material and Method: a qualitative methodology with an ethnonursing perspective, via semi-structured interviews, held both individually and in groups, in 21 men familiar with Female Genital Mutilation. Findings: through the voices of men familiar with this tradition, five key points are presented for its gradual eradication: sensitisation and awareness building, team action, abolition-promoting media, focusing action on rural areas and applying educational means before punitive ones. Conclusion and practical implications: awareness-raising via the combined efforts of families, communities and governments, together with the promotion of health education programmes in demonstrating the complications derived from this practice, play a vital part in eradicating Female Genital Mutilation

    Male perceptions of sequelae associated with female genital mutilation

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    Objetivo: Explorar el conocimiento de los hombres procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina sobre las consecuencias negativas en la salud de las mujeres afectadas. Métodos: Metodología cualitativa con enfoque etnometodológico, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales y grupales a 25 hombres, en relación con la mutilación genital femenina, seleccionados mediante triple muestreo. Se entregó una carta de presentación del estudio a los participantes y la declaración del consentimiento informado, y se les solicitó permiso para grabar la entrevista en audio. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el software informático Atlas. Ti7. Resultados: Los participantes contrarios al corte son conscientes de la diversidad de complicaciones físicas, obstétricas, psicológicas, sobre la sexualidad y sociales en las mujeres sometidas a mutilación. Sin embargo, los hombres que tienen un posicionamiento favorable muestran en general un desconocimiento de los problemas secundarios a esta práctica. Conclusiones: Los participantes procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina, contrarios a mantener esta práctica, muestran un mayor conocimiento de las consecuencias negativas que los que se manifiestan a favor. El diseño de herramientas y programas de sensibilización destinados a la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina debe visibilizar las complicaciones sobre la salud de las mujeres y las niñas, e incluir intervenciones familiares que impliquen a los hombres en el proceso de erradicación de esta práctica.Objective: To explore men's knowledge of the negative consequences of female genital mutilation (FGM) to women's health in countries where this practice is performed. Methods: A qualitative methodology was used with an ethnomethodological approach. Both individual and group semi-structured interviews concerning FGM were conducted with 25 men, selected by triple sampling. A study presentation letter was provided to participants, together with an informed consent declaration. Permission was also procured to record the interviews in audio format. Data analysis was performed using the Atlas Ti7 software. Results: Those participants against FGM are aware of the range of complications this practice can cause, being able to identify physical, obstetric, psychological, sexuality and social consequences in women subjected to FGM. However, those men who are in favour display a general ignorance of the problems resulting from this practice. Conclusions: Participants from countries where FGM is performed who are against this practice are more aware of the negative consequences than those who claim to be in favour. The design of awareness-raising programmes and other tools to combat female genital mutilation must highlight the implications for women's and girls’ health, and include family-targeted campaigns which involve men in the process of eradicating this practice

    Phenomenological approach to sexual and reproductive health in young gypsy women

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    Objetivo principal: conocer la experiencia relativa en salud sexual y reproductiva en un grupo de mujeres jóvenes de etnia gitana. Metodología: estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Se utilizaron ocho entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales para la recolección de datos y análisis del contenido. Resultados principales: se obtuvieron tres categorías temáticas: "roles de género en el ámbito reproductivo", "hábitos y costumbres en la vida sexual" y "etapa reproductiva en embarazo, parto y puerperio". Conclusión principal: tanto los factores culturales propios de la etnia gitana como la división de roles de género influyen en el desarrollo de la etapa sexual y reproductiva de las mujeres jóvenes de etnia gitana. El conocimiento de la etapa reproductiva permite el acercamiento de los profesionales sanitarios hacia la realidad percibida de estas mujeres, para ayudarles a mantener sus hábitos, favoreciendo a la vez, una buena salud reproductiva.Objective: knowing the experience on sexual and reproductive health in a group of young Roma women. Methods: a qualitative study with phenomenological approach, using eight individual semi-structured interviews in order to collect data and carry out the analysis of the same. Results: were obtained as follows: : "Gender roles in the reproductive field", "habits and customs in the sexual life" and "reproductive stage in pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium". Conclusions: both the cultural factors of the Roma ethnic group as the division of roles gender influence development of sexual and reproductive stage of the gypsy ethnic group of young women. Knowledge of the reproductive stage of the women allows health professionals to get nearer the truth that is perceived about them in order to help them while their customs are maintained and at the same time encouraging good reproductive health

    Aproximación a la Ablación/Mutilación Genital Femenina (A/MGF) desde la Enfermería Transcultural. Una revisión bibliográfica.

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    Objective: Analysing the argumentations in favour to the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) with the intention to know and understand the complex and subjective reality of this practice.Material and method: bibliographical search and revision on the net in order to accessing Web directories of organizations and the main health sciences data bases.Results: The analysis of the biography contributes with a big quantity of information regarding the supportiveness of this practice and the complications derived from it, clarifying the complex situations involved in its perpetuation.Conclusions: The FGM is understood as a cultural care of women determined by socio-cultural, hygienic- aesthetic, religious- spiritual and sexual factors among others related with health. In this way, a wide range of secondary complications to FGM have been described.Objetivo: Analizar las argumentaciones favorables a la Ablación/Mutilación Genital Femenina (A/MGF) con el fin de conocer y comprender la realidad compleja y subjetiva de la A/MGF. Material y método: Búsqueda y revisión bibliográfica en la red para acceder a directorios Web de organizaciones, y en las principales bases de datos de ciencias de la salud. Resultados: El análisis de la bibliografía aporta una gran cantidad de información acerca de la fundamentación de la práctica y de las complicaciones que derivan de la misma, esclareciendo por tanto las complejas situaciones que se dan a la hora de perpetuarla. Conclusiones: La A/MGF es entendida como un cuidado cultural de las mujeres determinado por factores socio-culturales, higiénico-estéticos, religioso-espirituales, sexuales y otros factores relacionados con la salud. Asimismo, se ha descrito una amplia gama de complicaciones secundarias a la A/MGF