58 research outputs found

    Efek Teratogenik Ikan Tuna Yang Mengandung Formalin Pada Fetus Mencit

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    Penelitian efek teratogenik ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin pada fetus mencit putih telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 ekor mencit betina hamil yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok pertama adalah kelompok kontrol yang hanya diberi air, kelompok kedua adalah mencit hamil yang hanya diberi formalin 1,82 mg/kg BB, kelompok ketiga diberi ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin 1,82 mg/kg BB, kelompok keempat diperlakukan dengan ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin 3,64 mg / kg BW, dan kelompok kelima adalah ikan tuna mengandung formalin yang dibeli dari pasar tradisional. Perlakuan diberikan pada hari ke-6 sampai hari ke-15 kehamilan. Pada hari ke-18 kehamilan laparotomi telah dilakukan. Dua pertiga dari janin direndam dalam larutan Bouin dan sisanya lebih direndam dalam larutan merah alizarin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mencit yang diperlakukan dengan formalin dosis 1,82 mg/kgBB dan ikan tuna mengandung formalin 3,64 mg/kg BB menyebabkan tapak resorpsi pada janin. Sementara, ikan tuna mengandung formalin pada dosis 1,82 mg/kg BB menyebabkan penjarakan tulang costae pada fetus. Ikan tuna mengandung formalin yang dibeli dari pasar tradisional menyebabkan tapak resorpsi dan penjarakan costae pada fetus.The teratogenic effect of tuna fish containing formalin on white mice fetus has been observed. Twenty pregnant mice were divided into 5 groups. First group is control group, second group was treated with only formaldehyde solution at dose of 1.82 mg/kg BW, third group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde 1.82 mg/kg BW, fourth group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde 3.64 mg/kg BW, and the fifth group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde which were bought from traditional market. Treatment was given on day 6 to day 15 of pregnancy. On the 18th day of pregnancy laparotomy was performed. Two-thirds of the fetus immersed in Bouin solution and the rest is soaked in a solution of alizarin red. The results showed that mice treated with 1.82 mg/kg formaldehyde and tuna fish containing formaldehyde of 3.64 mg/kg caused fetal resorption. Meanwhile, tuna fish contain formaldehyde at a dose of 1.82 mg/kg caused the distance between costae on fetus. Tuna fish containing formaldehyde purchased from traditional markets caused resorption site and the distance between costae on fetus

    Effect of gambir extract Uncaria gambierRoxb. on fetal of pregnant mice induced by alcohol

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    Anomaly  in  the  fetus  of  mice  may  induced  by  the  present  of  oxidative stress on the dam during gestation. Alcohol is a potential substance that able to generate the oxidative stress. Antioxidant theoretically should reduce the above process.  Gambir  extract  is  a  notorious  non  toxic  herbal  which  rich  of antioxidants.  This  study  aims  to  see  whether  the  oxidative  stress  in pregnant mice  induced  by  alcohol  could  be  suppressed  with  gambir  extracts.  The results showed that administration of gambir extract to thepregnant dam of mice after been induced by alcohol during gestation, reduced the presence of a thrombus on the pup.Key words: Gambir extract, ethanol, teratogen, mic

    Kajian Ketepatan Indikasi Penggunaan Alprazolam Pada Pasien Stroke Di Bangsal Rawat Inap Neurologi Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi

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    Penyakit serebrovaskuler atau stroke masih merupakan salah satu penyakit yang banyak menimbulkan kecacatan dan kematian di dunia. Mendapat kualitas dan kuantitas tidur yang baik merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam proses penyembuhan (recovery) pascastroke. Gangguan tidur juga meningkatkan resiko pasien pascastroke untuk menderita stroke berulang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ketepatan indikasi penggunaan alprazolam pada pasien stroke di bangsal rawat inap neurologi Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi dari bulan November 2011 hingga Februari 2012 dengan metode prospektif melalui penelusuran terhadap kondisi pasien, catatan rekam medik, Kartu Instruksi Obat (KIO) dan catatan asuhan keperawatan pasien stroke yang menggunakan alprazolam di bangsal rawat inap neurologi Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan literatur yang berkaitan dengan ketepatan indikasi dengan kategori pemberian alprazolam tanpa indikasi medis dan indikasi yang tidak diterapi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dari 35 orang pasien yang menggunakan alprazolam didapatka

    Teratogenic Effects of Bergapten, a New Botanical Pesticide, on Fetuses of White Mice

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    Local white mice were used to evaluate the toxic and teratogenic effects of various dose levels0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/kg body weight of Bergapten on fetuses and pups of pregnant females.The oral administration of the different dose levels of Bergapten on days 6-15 of gestation has notproduced any toxic condition and morphological or skeletal changes in fetuses of mice

    Efikasi Bergapten Sebagai Pestisida Botani Baru

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    Ithas not been found yet a substance as effective as cue lure for fruitly pesticide. On a continuos research, hexane extract of celery was found to be effective as attractan. Extended isolation of the extract yielded berjapten, a main promising compound. From a sequence of indoor and outdoor studies on the effectiveness of berjapten as insect attractan with the doses of 100, 50, 25, 125, 325 % and 10 % respectively, it was concluded that berjapten could be used as a new botanical pesticide for bactrocera tau. Keywords : bergapten, efficacy, pesticide


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    The fetotoxicity effect of methanolic extract of the leaf of kemangi (Ocimum Sanctum L.) on mice had been studied. The extract was given orally with variable doses of 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg BW at 6th ¬ until 15th of pregnancy. On the 18th day of pregnancy laparactomy was perpormed on half number of fetuses from each litter. Mice on doses of 500 mg/kg BW caused abortion. Macroscopic observation on the fetuses showed some anomalis of body weight compared to control and there was no malformation accured at all variety of doses


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    Hyptis capitata Jacq. sugested as antifeedant for insect that contain a cytotoxic substance. Study reported here was designed to assess potential terratogenic effect of this extract in mice species using in-vivo method . The extract was gives orally duriqg organogenetic term and the foetuses were withdrawn laparacto-ically. Foetal malformation occurred in both control and treated groups Resorption and the incidence of cleft palate were found inthelargerdosegivenie. 500 mg per 100 g bodyweight. Cleft palates occurred were statistically significant (p .001)