144 research outputs found

    Efek Teratogenik Ikan Tuna Yang Mengandung Formalin Pada Fetus Mencit

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    Penelitian efek teratogenik ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin pada fetus mencit putih telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 ekor mencit betina hamil yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok pertama adalah kelompok kontrol yang hanya diberi air, kelompok kedua adalah mencit hamil yang hanya diberi formalin 1,82 mg/kg BB, kelompok ketiga diberi ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin 1,82 mg/kg BB, kelompok keempat diperlakukan dengan ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin 3,64 mg / kg BW, dan kelompok kelima adalah ikan tuna mengandung formalin yang dibeli dari pasar tradisional. Perlakuan diberikan pada hari ke-6 sampai hari ke-15 kehamilan. Pada hari ke-18 kehamilan laparotomi telah dilakukan. Dua pertiga dari janin direndam dalam larutan Bouin dan sisanya lebih direndam dalam larutan merah alizarin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mencit yang diperlakukan dengan formalin dosis 1,82 mg/kgBB dan ikan tuna mengandung formalin 3,64 mg/kg BB menyebabkan tapak resorpsi pada janin. Sementara, ikan tuna mengandung formalin pada dosis 1,82 mg/kg BB menyebabkan penjarakan tulang costae pada fetus. Ikan tuna mengandung formalin yang dibeli dari pasar tradisional menyebabkan tapak resorpsi dan penjarakan costae pada fetus.The teratogenic effect of tuna fish containing formalin on white mice fetus has been observed. Twenty pregnant mice were divided into 5 groups. First group is control group, second group was treated with only formaldehyde solution at dose of 1.82 mg/kg BW, third group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde 1.82 mg/kg BW, fourth group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde 3.64 mg/kg BW, and the fifth group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde which were bought from traditional market. Treatment was given on day 6 to day 15 of pregnancy. On the 18th day of pregnancy laparotomy was performed. Two-thirds of the fetus immersed in Bouin solution and the rest is soaked in a solution of alizarin red. The results showed that mice treated with 1.82 mg/kg formaldehyde and tuna fish containing formaldehyde of 3.64 mg/kg caused fetal resorption. Meanwhile, tuna fish contain formaldehyde at a dose of 1.82 mg/kg caused the distance between costae on fetus. Tuna fish containing formaldehyde purchased from traditional markets caused resorption site and the distance between costae on fetus


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    Abstrak Timbang terima adalah komunikasi oral dari informasi tentang pasien yang dilakukan oleh perawat pada pergantian shift jaga. ketidak akuratan informasi dalam melakukan timbang terima dapat menimbulkan dampak yang serius pada pasien, hampir 70% kejadian yang menyebabkan kecacatan atau kematian disebabkan karena buruknya komunikasi. Peneltian bertujuan mengetahui faktor – faktor yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan timbang terima pasien. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di RSUD Pariaman Sampel 86 perawat dengan teknik pengambilan sampel Total sampling. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Juni 2016. Peneltian menggunakan kuesioner, analisa data menggunakan univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian faktor pengetahuan rendah (57,0%), dengan Sikap perawat pelaksana  baik (61,6%), (59,3 %) mendapat dukungan dari pimpinan. (60,5 %) tidak mendapat dukungan dari teman sejawat. sebagian besar dari perawat (65,3 %) kurang baik dalam pelaksanaan timbang terima pasien. Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dan dukungan teman sejawat dengan  pelaksanaan timbang terima, tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara sikap dan dukungan pimpinan dengan pelaksanaan timbang terima. Pengetahuan lebih dominan berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan timbang terima pasien. Saran untuk pelayanan keperawatan agar melakukan audit keperawatan tentang kualitas pelaksanaan timbang terima dan melakukan supervisi berjenjang pada semua aspek dalam pelaksanaan timbang terima. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dukungan Pimpinan,dukungan teman sejawat, pelaksanaan timbang terima ABSTRAKWeighing is oral communication from information about patients performed by nurses at the turn of the shift. inaccurate information in weighing up can have a serious impact on patients, almost 70% of events that cause disability or death are caused by poor communication. The research aims to find out the factors that are related to the implementation of patient weighing. The design of this study was cross sectional. The study was conducted in RSUD Pariaman. Samples were 86 nurses with a total sampling technique. The study was conducted in June 2016. The study used a questionnaire, data analysis using univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results of the study of knowledge factors were low (57.0%), with the attitude of nurses implementing good (61.6%), (59.3%) receiving support from the leadership. (60.5%) did not receive support from colleagues. most of the nurses (65.3%) were not good at implementing patient weighing. There is a meaningful relationship between knowledge and support of peers with the implementation of the weighing scale, there is no meaningful relationship between the attitude and support of the leadership with the implementation of the weighing scale. Knowledge is more dominant related to the implementation of patient weighing. Suggestions for nursing services in order to conduct a nursing audit about the quality of implementation of weighing scale and conducting tiered supervision on all aspects of the implementation of weighing scale. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Leadership Support, peer support, implementation of weighingDaftar pustaka : 72 (2000 – 2015)

    Penilaian Kualitas Hidup Terkait Kesehatan Pasien Kanker Payudara di RSUP dr. M. Djamil Padang, Indonesia

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    Health related quality of life is a feeling of comfort and patient satisfaction with the function of controlling diseases including psychological, social, and physical health. Measurement of quality of life needs to be done because therapeutic interventions such as drugs potentialy to increase or decrease the quality of life. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of chemotherapy on the quality of life of breast cancer patients in Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang. Assessment of the quality of life of breast cancer patients was performed using an EORTC QLC-30 questionnaire. The sample of the study was breast cancer patients in surgical polyclinic of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang during the period of March to May 2018 meeting the inclusion criteria. The data is rated in the range 0-100 using a linear transformation formula, then presented as a mean value. The quality of life of breast cancer patients based on the functional scale group of cognitive function domain (71,09 ± 21,05), role function (66,65 ± 26,52), physical function (61,97 ± 22,22), emotional function 60,91 ± 18,24), and social function (51,47 ± 15,24), whereas in symptom scale group from diarrhea domain (24,41 ± 23,69), constipation (26,38 ± 29,36) , dyspnea (31.35 ± 31.80), insomnia (42.24 ± 34.26), financial difficulties (48.03 ± 22.24), decreased appetite (53.00 ± 26.28), pain ( 55,41 ± 20,11), fatigue (58,59 ± 17,58), and nausea and vomiting (68,00 ± 28,82), last for general health status / QoL obtained 65,03 ± 14,83.Kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan merupakan rasa nyaman dan kepuasan pasien terhadap fungsi, pengendalian penyakit termasuk psikologis, sosial, dan kesehatan fisiknya. Pengukuran kualitas hidup perlu dilakukan karena intervensi terapi seperti obat berpotensi untuk meningkatkan atau menurunkan kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh kemoterapi terhadap kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Penilaian kualitas hidup dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner EORTC QLC-30. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien kanker payudara di Poliklinik Bedah RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang selama bulan Maret - Mei 2018 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Data ditransformasikan menjadi skor dengan rentang 0-100 menggunakan rumus transformasi linear, kemudian disajikan berupa nilai mean. Kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara berdasarkan kelompok skala fungsional dari domain fungsi kognitif (71,09 ± 21,05), fungsi peran (66,65 ± 26,52), fungsi fisik (61,97 ± 22,22), fungsi emosional (60,91 ± 18,24), dan fungsi sosial (51,47 ± 15,24), sedangkan pada kelompok skala gejala dari domain diare (24,41 ± 23,69), konstipasi (26,38 ± 29,36), dyspnea (31,35 ± 31,80), insomnia (42,24 ± 34,26), kesulitan keuangan (48,03 ± 22,24), penurunan nafsu makan (53,00 ± 26,28), nyeri (55,41 ± 20,11), kelelahan (58,59 ± 17,58), dan mual dan muntah (68,00 ± 28,82), terakhir untuk status kesehatan umum/QoL diperoleh 65,03 ± 14,83

    Effect of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) Extract on Bleeding Time in Male White Mice (Mus musculus L.)

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    Cessation of bleeding is influenced by many factors including the type of medication used. The use of drugs to stop bleeding can be done in various ways, one of which is the use of traditional medicine. One of the traditional plants that can be used as a stop bleeding is broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) which has a fairly high vitamin K content, where is efficacious as hemostatic. This study aims to determine the effect of broccoli on the bleeding time of mice tail cuts. The first group was negative control (Na-CMC), the second group was positive control (tranexamic acid), while groups three, four, and five were broccoli extract dose of 20, 40, and 60 mg/kg BW, respectively. All treatments were given orally for seven days. Bleeding time was calculated from the initial blood loss until the blood stopped (tail bleeding I method) and the data were analyzed with the ANOVA one way test and the post hoc Least Significant Difference (LSD) statistical test. The results showed that there were differences in the time to stop bleeding in the treatment control group at a dose of 20 mg/kg BW (122.60 ± 29.535 seconds), 40 mg/kg BW (102.40 ± 9.607 seconds) and 60 mg/kg BW (90.40 ± 3.845 seconds). From these results, it can be concluded that the extract of broccoli at a dose of 60 mg/kg BW gives the best results as hemostatic, while the effect is almost similar to the positive control group

    The Efficacy of Monopterus Albus Extract on the Healing of Burn Wound in the Male Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    The aim of this investigation was a clinical evaluation of the accelerating effect of Monopterus albus extract on the burn wound healing in male Sprague-Dawley rats weighted 200-300. The sample then extracted using wet rendering method using aqua-dest as extractor. This was experimental research with posttest only control group design. The subjects were ten male Sprague-Dawley rats devided into two group (control group 1 and experimental group 2). Every group consist of five rats. Heated metal plat (2cm x 2cm) used to get full thickness burn wound on dorsal rat part. Then, Monopterus albus extract was given to group 2 for 20 days. The results showed that Monopterus albus extract have significant effect (p < 0,05) to wound healing of rat models

    Effect of gambir extract Uncaria gambierRoxb. on fetal of pregnant mice induced by alcohol

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    Anomaly  in  the  fetus  of  mice  may  induced  by  the  present  of  oxidative stress on the dam during gestation. Alcohol is a potential substance that able to generate the oxidative stress. Antioxidant theoretically should reduce the above process.  Gambir  extract  is  a  notorious  non  toxic  herbal  which  rich  of antioxidants.  This  study  aims  to  see  whether  the  oxidative  stress  in pregnant mice  induced  by  alcohol  could  be  suppressed  with  gambir  extracts.  The results showed that administration of gambir extract to thepregnant dam of mice after been induced by alcohol during gestation, reduced the presence of a thrombus on the pup.Key words: Gambir extract, ethanol, teratogen, mic

    Efek Teratogenik Ikan Tuna Yang Mengandung Formalin Pada Fetus Mencit

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    Penelitian efek teratogenik ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin pada fetus mencit putih telah dilakukan.  Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 ekor mencit betina hamil yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok pertama adalah  kelompok kontrol yang hanya diberi air, kelompok kedua adalah mencit hamil yang hanya diberi formalin 1,82 mg/kg BB, kelompok ketiga diberi ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin 1,82 mg/kg BB, kelompok keempat diperlakukan dengan ikan tuna yang mengandung formalin 3,64 mg / kg BW, dan kelompok kelima adalah ikan tuna mengandung formalin yang dibeli dari pasar tradisional. Perlakuan diberikan pada hari ke-6 sampai hari ke-15 kehamilan. Pada hari ke-18 kehamilan laparotomi telah dilakukan. Dua pertiga dari janin direndam dalam larutan Bouin dan sisanya lebih direndam dalam larutan merah alizarin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mencit yang diperlakukan dengan formalin dosis 1,82 mg/kgBB dan ikan tuna mengandung formalin 3,64 mg/kg BB menyebabkan tapak resorpsi pada janin. Sementara, ikan tuna mengandung formalin pada dosis 1,82 mg/kg BB menyebabkan penjarakan tulang costae pada fetus. Ikan tuna mengandung formalin yang dibeli dari pasar tradisional menyebabkan tapak resorpsi dan penjarakan costae pada fetus.The teratogenic effect of tuna fish containing formalin on white mice fetus has been observed. Twenty pregnant mice were divided into 5 groups. First group is control group, second group was treated with only formaldehyde solution at dose of 1.82 mg/kg BW, third group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde 1.82 mg/kg BW, fourth group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde 3.64 mg/kg BW, and the fifth group was treated with tuna fish containing formaldehyde which were bought from traditional market. Treatment was given on day 6 to day 15 of pregnancy. On the 18th day of pregnancy laparotomy was performed. Two-thirds of the fetus immersed in Bouin solution and the rest is soaked in a solution of alizarin red. The results showed that mice treated with 1.82 mg/kg formaldehyde and tuna fish containing formaldehyde of 3.64 mg/kg caused fetal resorption. Meanwhile, tuna fish contain formaldehyde at a dose of 1.82 mg/kg caused the distance between costae on fetus. Tuna fish containing formaldehyde purchased from traditional markets caused resorption site and the distance between costae on fetus

    Kajian Ketepatan Indikasi Penggunaan Alprazolam Pada Pasien Stroke Di Bangsal Rawat Inap Neurologi Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi

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    Penyakit serebrovaskuler atau stroke masih merupakan salah satu penyakit yang banyak menimbulkan kecacatan dan kematian di dunia. Mendapat kualitas dan kuantitas tidur yang baik merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam proses penyembuhan (recovery) pascastroke. Gangguan tidur juga meningkatkan resiko pasien pascastroke untuk menderita stroke berulang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ketepatan indikasi penggunaan alprazolam pada pasien stroke di bangsal rawat inap neurologi Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi dari bulan November 2011 hingga Februari 2012 dengan metode prospektif melalui penelusuran terhadap kondisi pasien, catatan rekam medik, Kartu Instruksi Obat (KIO) dan catatan asuhan keperawatan pasien stroke yang menggunakan alprazolam di bangsal rawat inap neurologi Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan literatur yang berkaitan dengan ketepatan indikasi dengan kategori pemberian alprazolam tanpa indikasi medis dan indikasi yang tidak diterapi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dari 35 orang pasien yang menggunakan alprazolam didapatka

    The Correlation Between Social Environment Factor and Nurses’ Standard Vigilance Implementation in the Inpatient Room at Siti Rahmah Islamicic Hospital Padang in 2015

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    Standard vigilance is an infection control universally either for the patient or the medical staffs. The number of occurance for needle punctured wound in inpatient room at Islamic Hospital Siti Rahmah in the amount of 2 until 3 times in a year, the usage of self protection equipment that is still less optimal, and the implementation of hand washed that is still not effective yet. The factor of social environment covering; organization, leadership, norms and group climate, communication, and operational procedures. The purpose of this research is to identify the correlation between social environment and the implementation of standard vigilance of the nurses in Inpatient Room at Islamic Hospital Siti Rahmah Padang. The research designed used was analytical cross-sectional on 46 nurses in inpatient room at Islamic Hospital Siti Rahmah Padang. The research results show that there is meaningful correlation between leadership and the implementation of standard vigilance (p = 0,007), while organization, norms and group climate, communication, operational procedure/SPO do not show meaningful correlation with the implementation of nurses’ standard vigilance. The results of thisresearch can become information for the nurses that they need to add their knowledge through training related to the standard vigilance of nurses, especially in the case of hand washing, the usage of self-protection equipment, and managing the usage of needle and sharp objects. Keywords: social environment factor, nurse characteristic, the implementation of nurses’ standard vigilanc

    Lot Sizing Material Requirement Planning Pada Produk Tipe Wall Mounting Di Industri Box Panel

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    Objek studi adalah pabrik di industri panel listrik. Permasalahaan yang sering terjadi dalam pelaksanaan proses produksi adalah persediaan bahan baku. Terjadi keterlambatan bahan baku dan komponen standar yang seharusnya sudah ada dalam ± 5 hari kerja menjadi 20 hari kerja atau lebih. Keterlambatan ini dapat memberikan dampak dalam pengiriman produk kepada konsumen. Material requiretment planing yang digunakan sebagai metode untuk menentukan apa, kapan dan berapa jumlah komponen dan material yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dari suatu perencanaan produksi. Studi diawali dengan perhitungan jumlah kebutuhan dan barang yang dibutuhkan menggunakan peramalan didukung sofware WINQSB. Selanjutnya dihitung total biaya persediaan bahan baku dengan menggunakan teknik Lotsizing Lot For Lot (LFL), Fix Ordet Quantity (FOQ), Economy Order Quantity (EOQ), dan Period Order Quantity (POQ). Berdasarkan hasil dan analisa, teknik lot sizing menunjukkan total biaya persediaan terendah sebesar Rp 562.787.335, tetapi pada penerapan sering terjadi lead time yang berlebih karna lamanya pengiriman. Dengan kondisi tersebut dipilih metode Fix Order Quantity yang memiliki biaya terendah kedua setelah Lot For Lot yaitu sebesar Rp 577.194.547, dan stock pengaman yang tidak terlalu besar
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