582 research outputs found

    International Income Inequality: Measuring PPP Bias by Estimating Engel Curves for Food

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    Purchasing power adjusted incomes applied in cross-country comparisons are measured with bias. In this paper, we estimate the purchasing power parity (PPP) bias in Penn World Table incomes and provide corrected incomes. The bias is substantial and systematic: the poorer a country, the more its income tends to be overestimated. Consequently, international income inequality is substantially underestimated. Our methodological contribution is to exploit the analogies between PPP bias and the bias in consumer price index (CPI) numbers. The PPP bias and subsequent corrected incomes are measured by estimating Engel curves for food, which is an established method of measuring CPI bias.

    Older or Wealthier? The Impact of Age Adjustment on Cross-Sectional Inequality Measures.

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    Differences in individual wealth holdings are widely viewed as a driving force of economic inequality. However, as this finding relies on cross-section data, a concern is that one confuses older with wealthier. We propose a new method to adjust for age effects in cross-sections, which eliminates wealth inequality due to age, yet preserves inequality arising from other factors. Using a new cross-country comparable database, we examine the impact of age adjustments on wealth inequality across countries and over time. We find that the most widely used method yield a substantially different picture of age adjusted wealth inequality than our method.Wealth inequality; Life cycle; Age adjustments; Gini coefficient.

    Older or wealthier? The impact of age adjustments on the wealth inequality ranking of countries

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    Differences in individual wealth holdings are widely viewed as a driving force of economic inequality. However, as this finding relies on cross-section data, we may confuse older with wealthier. We propose a new method to adjust for age effects in cross-sections, which eliminates transitory wealth inequality due to age, yet preserves inequality arising from other factors. This new method is superior to existing methods, like the much used Paglin-Gini, which is shown to have several problems. A new cross-country comparable database reveals that the choice of method is empirically important: Existing methods yield erroneous wealth inequality rankings of countries.Wealth inequality, Life cycle, Age adjustments, Gini coeffcient.

    International income inequality : measuring PPP bias by estimating Engel curves for food

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    Price-adjusted data on national incomes applied in cross-country compar- isons are measured with bias. By studying micro data, this paper ¯nds that the bias is systematic: the poorer a country is, the more its income tends to be overestimated. Consequently, international income inequalities are under- estimated. The bias in the macro price variables (PPPs), is caused by factors ana- logues to those creating bias in consumer price index numbers (CPIs). Ex- ploiting this fact, the PPP bias is measured by estimating Engel curves for food, a method already established to measure CPI bias

    On the Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma

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    Aims: The overall aim of this thesis was to increase our knowledge about the epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment of upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC). For paper 1, the aim was to obtain contemporary knowledge about UTUC incidence, UTUC tumour and patient characteristics, and possible changes over time using national, population based data. For paper 2 and 3, the aim was to evaluate current standard diagnostics before radical nephroureterectomy (RNU), and see if our findings could be used for selecting patients for intensified treatment. Further, we aimed to evaluate a previously published diagnostic model through an external validation. For paper 4, we aimed to evaluate the outcomes of endoscopic treatment for UTUC given at our hospital with particular emphasis on tumour grade. Materials and methods: For paper 1, the study population included all patients registered with an International Classification of Diseases tenth version (ICD-10) diagnosis code C65 (cancer of the renal pelvis) and C66 (cancer of the ureter) at the Norwegian Cancer Registry (NCR) during 1999-2018. After an inclusion/exclusion process, 3096 cases of verified UTUC in 2818 patients were included in the study. For purpose of comparisons with other urothelial cancers and renal cell carcinoma (RCC), 24467 cases of bladder cancer (BC), 287 cases of urethral cancer, and 13619 cases of RCC were drawn from the same main database during the same time period. Statistical analyses were performed to calculate UTUC age standardized rates (ASR), UTUC incidence rates compared to other urothelial cancers and RCC, and to look for possible changes over time regarding incidence rates, epidemiological variables and survival. For paper 2 and 3, all patients treated with a RNU for UTUC at Haukeland University Hospital and Vestfold Hospital Trust during 2005-2017 were evaluated. After an inclusion/exclusion process, 179 patients were included in the study. For paper 2, all available preoperative features regarding the patients, the CT scan and the ureteroscopy (URS) were analysed regarding their abilities to predict tumour stage and survival. Further analyses were performed to evaluate if our findings could be used to select patients for intensified treatment. For paper 3, 162 of the 179 patients had complete dataset needed for external validation of the published Margulis nomogram and were included in the study. An external validation assessing both model calibration and discrimination was performed. For paper 4, 43 patients treated endoscopically with curative intent at Haukeland University Hospital 2001-2012 were included. Statistical analyses were performed regarding survival, kidney protections rates and recurrence both for the whole cohort and stratified by indication for treatment and tumour grade. Results: Paper 1. The ASR according to the European standard population was 3.88 for the whole period, increasing significantly from 3.21 to 4.70 from the first to last five-year period, corresponding to an estimated annual increase of 2.5%. The proportion of UTUC compared to all urothelial cancers and RCC significantly increased. UTUC constituted 12.6% of all urothelial cancers in Norway during 2014-2018. Mean age at diagnosis increased from 71.8 to 73.9 years during the study period. The 5-year overall survival (OS) increased moderately over time from 44.3% to 51.7% comparing last decade with the first. In paper 2, we found that local invasion and the presence of pathological lymph nodes at CT predicted both tumour stage at final pathology and survival in uni-and multivariate regression analyses. These variables can be used when selecting patients for intensified treatment. Diagnostic URS has a limited role in preoperative tumour staging. In paper 3, we found an overall high concordance between predicted risk of non-organ confined disease using the Margulis nomogram, and the observed risk in our cohort. The accuracies of both the predicted and observed risks were 0.83 to indicate adequate model discrimination. The calibration was assessed in a scatter plot where the overall concordance was high, quantified with a Cronbach Alpha of 0.96. There seems to be a mis-calibration at the low-risk levels. In paper 4 we found that the five –year disease specific survival (DSS) of patients treated endoscopically with an elective indication or for a low grade tumour (according to the World Health organization (WHO) classification from 2004) was high (DSS 94% and 96% respectively). The survival of patients treated with an imperative indication or for a high-grade tumour were significantly lower (DSS 41% and 39% respectively). 25 of 43 patients were assessed as tumour free at one point during follow-up, and the five-year recurrence free survival among these patients were 76%. The five-year kidney protection rate (KPR) for patients with low-grade tumours was 60%. The KPR for patients tumour free at first follow-up (14 of 43), was 90%. Conclusions: The incidence of UTUC in Norway was higher than expected, and increasing. Patient age at diagnosis is increasing. Local invasion and pathological lymph nodes at CT can predict tumour stage and survival after RNU, and can be used when selecting patients for intensified treatment. The Margulis nomogram is considered validated for clinical use. Tumour grade according to the WHO classification from 2004 is a strong predictor of outcomes after endoscopic treatment for UTUC, and should be considered when selecting patients for this treatment modality.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Baby Booming Inequality? Demographic Change and Earnings Inequality in Norway, 1967-2000

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    In this paper, we demonstrate how age-adjusted inequality measures can be used to evaluate whether changes in inequality over time are due to changes in the age structure. To this end, we use administrative data on earnings for every male Norwegian during 1967-2000. We find that the substantial rise in earnings inequality over the 1980s and into the early 1990s, is to some extent driven by the fact that the large baby boom cohorts are approaching the peak of the age-earnings profile. We further demonstrate that the impact of age adjustments on the trend in inequality during the period from 1993-2000 is highly sensitive to the method used: while the most widely used age-adjusted inequality measure indicates little change in inequality over this period, a new and improved age-adjusted measure suggests a decline in inequality.inequality trend, age structure, age-earnings profile, Gini coefficient

    Ultrasonic atomisers for reducing pollution from petrol engines

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    This thesis opens with a review of present knowledge about pollution from internal combustion engine exhaust, covering the formation of pollutants in the engine, some of the effects of emission on man, and the influence of various engine parameters on exhaust emission. The thesis describes the development and application of ultrasonic atomisers operating at approximately 100 kHz, the investigation of the formation of droplets in a liquid layer on a vibrating surface and the measurement of droplet size using liquid wax and microphotography. Chapter 4.3 presents the results of calculations of eigenvalues and vibration amplitudes in an ultrasonic atomiser, using a three dimensional finite element programme. Chapter 6.2 and 6.3 describes experiments on a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine which demonstrate the improvement in engine emissions which can be achieved using ultrasonic atomisers, particularly at low load. Experiments were carried out with ultrasonic atomisers mounted in a novel carburettor unit, and the result were compared with the engine performance using a normal carburettor. A special manifold intended to achieve the best possible utilisation of the atomiser was designed and tested

    Interprofessional education : an analysis of the introduction of a common core in curricula for selected health professions

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    The aim of the study: - to to identify cultural differences between various professions and educational institutions - to to explore how the implementation of the common core in curricula influenced students’ professional habitus (identities) - when taught separately - when taught interprofessionally with longer or shorter duration - to to identify whether, and if so how, differences in the dimensions of interprofessional education affect students’ perception of their own and of another health care profession’s cultural capital (competence) Context: The Norwegian government introduced a common core into the curricula (modified curricula) for all health and social educational programmes in the conviction that this would result in more collaboratively and thereby more effective and efficient health care. It called upon profession-oriented studies to introduce interprofessional education across the health and social disciplines with opportunities for interaction in the expectation that this would reinforce students’ perceptions of their interprofessionalism and their habitus as health workers. Theoretical framework: Bourdieu’s theory of the educational system was chosen to shed light on the implementation process of the common core and to interpret interprofessional education in health care. Methodological approach: A comparative, explorative design was chosen to study health care students’ perceptions of interprofessionalism and of their own and of other professions’ cultural capital. Different health care students at Oslo University College and Ålesund University College participated in ‘StudData’, a national database for studies of recruitment and qualifications in professions. The students were asked to respond to statements in a questionnaire about interprofessionalism. Students at Bergen University College and the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, with different duration and modes of interprofessional education were also selected in order to get an insight into the students’ socialisation process concerning interprofessional cultural capital. All data were analysed using SPSS; comprising cross-tables, one-way analysis of variance, while STATlab was applied to carry out correspondence analysis and analysis of hierarchical classification. Results: Part I Students’ perceptions of interprofessionalism Students from five professions valued interprofessionalism differently. The occupational therapy (OT) and nursing students were more positive towards interprofessional education and collaborative practice than were the radiography and medical laboratory science students. Nursing students from four educational institutions understood interprofessionalism differently, those at Bjerregaardsgt. and Ullevål being more positive than those at Aker and Ålesund. Students with a modified curriculum appreciated interprofessionalism more highly than did those with an unmodified curriculum (before the revising of the curricula). The results showed that students having the common core implemented as interprofessional education valued interprofessional studies and work more highly than those with the common core implemented as uniprofessional education. Students with longer interprofessional education appreciated interprofessional practice more highly than those with shorter interprofessional education. Part II Students’ perceptions of own and the other profession’s capability The mature OT and physiotherapy (PT) students at the Karolinska Institutet, with longer experience in health care before starting the study than corresponding students at Bergen University College had a broader view of their own and of other professions’ cultural capital. The younger OT and PT students at Bergen University College, with less experience in health care, expressed a narrower perception of an OT’s and a PT’s cultural capital. Discussion: The implementation process of the common core in the curricula and the results from empirical data of the student groups’ perceptions are discussed in relation to theory, biosocial variables (as part of students’ habitus), and result of previous research in the field. Finally, findings are seen in relation to how to improve students’ habitus as health workers and their interprofessional cultural capital

    Sexology as a challenge to the health care system: the Norwegian version

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    Medical doctors and psychologist represent the largest groups of professionals working with sexological problems in Norway, with one third each. The last third consists of different health and educational professionals. Forty-three percent reported that they have undergone some training programs in sexology. This is the lowest educational level in all the countries surveyed in the context of the "Euro-Sexo" study. Seventy-one percent declared that they have had individual supervision and 49% had group supervision in sexology. 93.2% are in clinical practice, but for most of them, this is a minor part of their professional activity. Seventy-one percent reported that sexological activity represents less than 25% of their professional time. Gender differences are minor. Three percent work with sexology full time, all of these are women, and none are medical doctors. Not surprisingly, problems with orgasm (42.95) and sexual desire (60.7%) are among the most frequent problems presented among female clients, while erectile dysfunction (47.3%) is the most frequent problem among male clients. Emotional problems in the couple relationship is among the most frequent problem reported, 35% among male and 63% among female clients. The respondents also reported problems related to sexual violence or abuse, 18.1% among male and 42.9% among female clients. Thirty percent reported genital pain among their female clients. Sexological problems represent a substantial area of the clinical work for many therapists. Medical doctors represent an important part of the therapeutic field, while sexology is a less than a minor part of medical education, both pre and post graduate. Psychotherapy was reported as the most frequent treatment used by sexologists

    Core competences : a mixed methods study of biomedical laboratory scientists in Norway

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    Background: This study describes how a sample of Norwegian biomedical laboratory scientists perceive their profession's core competences. Method: An explorative sequential mixed method was conducted based on two rounds of data collection and includes qualitative and quantitative data. In a pilot study, seven biomedical laboratory scientists, from a middle-sized and a smaller hospital, contributed in a qualitative research interview. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed. In a main study, a questionnaire containing 36 statements was developed to investigate the biomedical laboratory scientists’ perceptions of their core competences. The questionnaire was forwarded to a random selection of 2000 biomedical laboratory scientists. A total of 587 respondents completed the questionnaire, giving a response rate of 29.3 per cent. Results and conclusion: The results of the interviews showed that biomedical laboratory scientists perceived their core competences as basically related to analyses and the quality of biomedical laboratory work. The data analysis of the responses from the survey revealed seven factors describing core competences in biomedical laboratory processes. The factors include pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic competence, in addition to co-mentoring skills and collaborative competence. Keywords: quality, analysis, core competence, biomedical laboratory scientist, collaborative competenceacceptedVersio
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