515 research outputs found

    Trunk Sway Measures of Postural Stability During Clinical Balance Tests: Effects of Age

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    Background. The major disadvantage of current clinical tests that screen for balance disorders is a reliance on an examiner's subjective assessment of equilibrium control. To overcome this disadvantage we investigated, using quantified measures of trunk sway, age-related differences of normal subjects for commonly used clinical balance tests. Methods. Three age groups were tested: young (15-25 years; n = 48), middle-aged (45-55 years; n = 50) and elderly (65-75 years; n = 49). Each subject performed a series of fourteen tasks similar to those included in the Tinetti and Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction in Balance protocols. The test battery comprised stance and gait tasks performed under normal, altered visual (eyes closed), and altered proprioceptive (foam support surface) conditions. Quantification of trunk sway was performed using a system that measured trunk angular velocity and position in the roll (lateral) and pitch (fore-aft) planes at the level of the lower back. Ranges of sway amplitude and velocity were examined for age-differences with ANOVA techniques. Results. A comparison between age groups showed several differences. Elderly subjects were distinguished from both middle-aged and young subjects by the range of trunk angular sway and angular velocity because both were greater in roll and pitch planes for stance and stance-related tasks (tandem walking). The most significant age group differences (F = 30, p < .0001) were found for standing on one leg on a normal floor or on a foam support surface with eyes open. Next in significance was walking eight tandem steps on a normal floor (F = 13, p < .0001). For gait tasks, such as walking five steps while rotating or pitching the head or with eyes closed, pitch and roll velocity ranges were influenced by age with middle-aged subjects showing the smallest ranges followed by elderly subjects and then young subjects (F = 12, p < .0001). Walking over a set of low barriers also yielded significant differences between age groups for duration and angular sway. In contrast, task duration was the only variable significantly influenced when walking up and down a set of stairs. An interesting finding for all tasks was the different spread of values for each population. Population distributions were skewed for all ages and broadened with age. Conclusions. Accurate measurement of trunk angular sway during stance and gait tasks provides a simple way of reliably measuring changes in balance stability with age and could prove useful when screening for balance disorders of those prone to fal

    Is fall prevention by vitamin D mediated by a change in postural or dynamic balance?

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    Introduction: The objectives were:(1) to validate a quantitative balance assessment method for fall risk prediction; (2) to investigate whether the effect of vitamin D and calcium on the risk of falling is mediated through postural or dynamic balance, as assessed by this method. Materials and methods: A secondary analysis of a double blind randomized controlled trial was employed, which included 64 institutionalized elderly women with complete balance assessment (age range: 65-97; mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels: 16.4ng/ml (SD ±9.9). Participants received 1,200mg calcium plus 800IU cholecalciferol (n=33) or 1,200mg calcium (n=31) per day over a 3-month treatment period. Using an electronic device attached to the lower back of the participant, balance was assessed as the degree of trunk angular displacement and angular velocity during a postural task (standing on two legs, eyes open, for 20 s) and a dynamic task (get up from a standard height chair with arm rests, sit down and then stand up again and remain standing). Results: It was found that both postural and dynamic balance independently and significantly predicted the rate of falling within the 3-month follow-up. Vitamin D plus calcium reduced the rate of falls by 60% [relative risk (RR)=0.40; 95% CI: 0.17, 0.94] if compared with calcium alone. Once postural and dynamic balance were added to the regression analysis, they both attenuated the effect of vitamin D plus calcium on the rate of falls. For postural balance, the RR changed by 22% from 0.40 to 0.62 if angular displacement was added to the model, and by 9% from 0.40 to 0.49 if angular velocity was added. For dynamic balance, it changed by 1% from 0.40 to 0.41 if angular displacement was added, and by 14% from 0.40 to 0.54 if angular velocity was added. Discussion: Thus, balance assessment using trunk angular displacement is a valid method for the prediction of falls in older women. Of the observed 60% reduction in the rate of falls by vitamin D plus calcium supplementation compared with calcium alone, up to 22% of the treatment effect was explained by a change in postural balance and up to 14% by dynamic balanc

    Trunk sway in mildly disabled multiple sclerosis patients with and without balance impairment

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) causes a broad range of neurological symptoms. Most common is poor balance control. However, knowledge of deficient balance control in mildly affected MS patients who are complaining of balance impairment but have normal clinical balance tests (CBT) is limited. This knowledge might provide insights into the normal and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying stance and gait. We analysed differences in trunk sway between mildly disabled MS patients with and without subjective balance impairment (SBI), all with normal CBT. The sway was measured for a battery of stance and gait balance tests (static and dynamic posturography) and compared to that of age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. Eight of 21 patients (38%) with an Expanded Disability Status Scale of 1.0-3.0 complained of SBI during daily activities. For standing on both legs with eyes closed on a normal and on a foam surface, patients in the no SBI group showed significant differences in the range of trunk roll (lateral) sway angle and velocity, compared to normal persons. Patients in the SBI group had significantly greater lateral sway than the no SBI group, and sway was also greater than normal in the pitch (anterior-posterior) direction. Sway for one-legged stance on foam was also greater in the SBI group compared to the no SBI and normal groups. We found a specific laterally directed impairment of balance in all patients, consistent with a deficit in proprioceptive processing, which was greater in the SBI group than in the no SBI group. This finding most likely explains the subjective symptoms of imbalance in patients with MS with normal CBT

    Multi-modales Biofeedback System zur Vorbeugung von Stürzen Multi-modal Biofeedback System for the Prevention of Falls

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    Das Biofeedback des Körperschwankens stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, Patienten mit statischen und dynamischen Gleichgewichtsproblemen alternative Sinnesreize zur Erlangung eines stabilen Gleichgewichts zur Verfügung zu stellen, was zu einer Verbesserung ihrer Lebensqualität führt. Das Biofeedback-System erzeugt mittels am Kopf befestigter Signalwandler auditive, vibro-taktile und vibro-vestibuläre Sinneseindrücke. Die Ergebnisse sowohl an jungen als auch an älteren Probanden ergaben, dass mit Hilfe des Biofeedbacks eine bemerkenswerte 40-60%ige Reduktion des Körperschwankens erzielt werden konnt

    Pathological prognostic factors in the second British Stomach Cancer Group trial of adjuvant therapy in resectable gastric cancer.

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    The second British Stomach Cancer Group trial was a prospective randomised controlled trial of adjuvant radiotherapy or cytotoxic chemotherapy after gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma. It recruited between 1981 and 1986. No survival advantage has been demonstrated for the patients receiving either type of adjuvant therapy compared with those undergoing surgery alone. We report on 436 patients randomised into the trial together with 203 patients, who did not fulfil the trial criteria, referred to the trial. A univariate (log-rank) analysis of pathological factors obtained from the local referring centres showed that tumour size, macroscopic type, number os sites involved, depth of invasion, involvement of resection lines and lymph nodes and histological grade were significant determinants of survival. Histological review by two experienced histopathologists found that the Lauren classification and histological grade, but not the Ming classification, were significant prognostic factors. The degree of lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltration and presence of dysplasia assessed by one of the pathologists showed a significant correlation with survival. However, inter-observer correlation for these histological parameters and grade was poor. Multivariate analysis identified only depth of invasion, resection line and nodal involvement as significant independent pathological variables influencing survival. This study confirms the need for expert preparation of the resected specimen to obtain the important information on depth of invasion and nodal status and also reveals some variation in histological assessment, particularly grading, in gastric carcinoma

    Balance Changes in Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study Comparing the Dynamics of the Relapse and Remitting Phases

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    Aims: To compare balance changes over time during the relapse phase of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) with balance control during the remitting phase.Methods: Balance control during stance and gait tasks of 24 remitting-phase patients (mean age 43.7 ± 10.5, 15 women, mean EDSS at baseline 2.45 ± 1.01) was examined every 3 months over 9 months and compared to that of nine relapsing patients (age 42.0 ± 12.7, all women, mean EDSS at relapse onset 3.11 ± 0.96) examined at relapse onset and 3 months later. Balance was also compared to that of 40 healthy controls (HCs) (age 39.7 ± 12.6, 25 women). Balance control was measured as lower-trunk sway angles with body-worn gyroscopes. Expanded Disability Status Scale scores (EDSS) were used to monitor, clinically, disease progression.Results: Remitting-phase patients showed more unstable stance balance control than HCs (p &lt; 0.04) with no worsening over the observation period of 9 months. Gait balance control was normal (p &gt; 0.06). Relapsing patients had stance balance control significantly worse at onset compared to remitting-phase patients and HCs (p &lt; 0.04). Gait tasks showed a significant decrease of gait speed and trunk sway in relapsing patients (p = 0.018) compatible with having increased gait instability at normal speeds. Improvement to levels of remitting patients generally took longer than 3 months. Balance and EDSS scores were correlated for remitting but not for relapse patients.Conclusions: Balance in remitting RRMS patients does not change significantly over 9 months and correlated well with EDSS scores. Our results indicate that balance control is a useful measure to assess recovery after a relapse, particularly in patients with unchanged EDSS scores. Based on our results, balance could be considered as additional measurement to assess recovery after a relapse, particularly in patients with unchanged EDSS

    Functional Testing of Vestibulo-Spinal Contributions to Balance Control: Insights From Tracking Improvement Following Acute Bilateral Peripheral Vestibular Loss

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    Background: A battery of stance and gait tasks can be used to quantify functional deficits and track improvement in balance control following peripheral vestibular loss. An improvement could be due to at least 3 processes: partial peripheral recovery of sensory responses eliciting canal or otolith driven vestibular reflexes; central compensation of vestibular reflex gains, including substitution of intact otolith responses for pathological canal responses; or sensory substitution of visual and proprioceptive inputs for vestibular contributions to balance control.Results: We describe the presumed action of all 3 processes observed for a case of sudden incapacitating acute bilateral peripheral loss probably due to vestibular neuritis. Otolith responses were largely unaffected. However, pathological decreases in all canal-driven vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) gains were observed. After 3 months of vestibular rehabilitation, balance control was normal but VOR gains remained low.Conclusions: This case illustrates the difficulty in predicting balance control improvements from tests of the 10 vestibular end organs and emphasizes the need to test balance control function directly in order to determine if balance control has improved and is normal again despite remaining vestibular sensory deficits. This case also illustrates that the presence of residual otolithic function may be crucial for balance control improvement in cases of bilateral vestibular hypofunction